C. Universities: Preparation,Adoption, and Implementation of Budgets
- 1011.40 Budgets for universities.
- 1011.41 University appropriations.
- 1011.4106 Trust fund dissolution and local account appropriations.
- 1011.411 Budgets for sponsored research at universities.
- 1011.42 University depositories; deposits into and withdrawals from depositories.
- 1011.43 Investment of university agency and activity funds; earnings used for scholarships.
- 1011.45 End of year balance of funds.
- 1011.47 Auxiliary enterprises; contracts, grants, and donations.
- 1011.48 Establishment of educational research centers for child development.
- 1011.49 Assent to Smith-Lever Act; university board of trustees authorized to receive grants.
- 1011.50 Agricultural experiment stations; assent to Act of Congress; federal appropriation.
- 1011.501 Assent to ss. 1444 and 1445 of the Food and Agriculture Act of 1977; board of trustees authorized to receive grants, etc.
- 1011.51 Independent postsecondary endowment grants.
- 1011.52 Appropriation to first accredited medical school.
- 1011.521 Appropriation to private colleges and universities.