Chapter 782 HOMICIDE
- 782.02 Justifiable use of deadly force.
- 782.03 Excusable homicide.
- 782.035 Abrogation of common-law rule of evidence known as “year-and-a-day rule”.
- 782.04 Murder.
- 782.051 Attempted felony murder.
- 782.065 Murder; law enforcement officer.
- 782.07 Manslaughter; aggravated manslaughter of an elderly person or disabled adult; aggravated manslaughter of a child; aggravated manslaughter of an officer, a firefighter, an emergency medical tech
- 782.071 Vehicular homicide.
- 782.072 Vessel homicide.
- 782.08 Assisting self-murder.
- 782.081 Commercial exploitation of self-murder.
- 782.09 Killing of unborn quick child by injury to mother.
- 782.11 Unnecessary killing to prevent unlawful act.
- 782.30 Short title.
- 782.32 Definitions.
- 782.34 Partial-birth abortion.
- 782.36 Exceptions.