Chapter 14 GOVERNOR
- 14.01 Governor; residence; office; authority to protect life, liberty, and property.
- 14.02 Governor may preserve peace and order by military force.
- 14.021 Governor; promulgation and enforcement of emergency rules and regulations.
- 14.022 Governor; emergency powers to quell violence.
- 14.03 Governor’s private secretary.
- 14.055 Succession to office of Governor.
- 14.056 Succession as Acting Governor.
- 14.057 Governor-elect; establishment of operating fund.
- 14.058 Inauguration expense fund.
- 14.06 Governor authorized to employ clerical assistance for departments of state.
- 14.2001 Votes by Governor and Cabinet.
- 14.201 Executive Office of the Governor.
- 14.2015 Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development; creation; powers and duties.
- 14.2019 Statewide Office for Suicide Prevention.
- 14.20195 Suicide Prevention Coordinating Council; creation; membership; duties.
- 14.202 Administration Commission.
- 14.204 Agency for Enterprise Information Technology.
- 14.23 State-Federal relations.
- 14.24 Florida Commission on the Status of Women.
- 14.26 Citizen’s Assistance Office.
- 14.28 Executive clemency.
- 14.29 Florida Commission on Community Service.
- 14.295 Florida Volunteer and Community Service Act of 2001.
- 14.31 Florida Faith-based and Community-based Advisory Council.
- 14.32 Office of Chief Inspector General.
- 14.33 Medal of Heroism.
- 14.34 Governor’s Medal of Merit.