Subchapter I - General Provisions (Section 50-2601 to Section 50-2610)
- Section 50-2601 - Findings and declaration of necessity
- Section 50-2602 - Definitions
- Section 50-2603 - Power of Mayor to acquire property; construct and maintain parking facilities; dispose of property; establish rates; install parking meters; make street improvements
- Section 50-2604 - Motor Vehicle Parking Agency; creation and composition; term; powers. [Repealed]
- Section 50-2605 - Establishment of parking facilities
- Section 50-2606 - Records and data available; additional surveys
- Section 50-2607 - Deposit of fees and moneys into General Fund
- Section 50-2608 - Appropriations; employment of director; salaries of members of agency
- Section 50-2609 - Acquisition of new parking facilities prohibited; operation and expansion of existing facilities; exempt facilities. [Repealed]
- Section 50-2610 - Rulemaking; Council review for 18 DCMR § 2407