Part B - Miscellaneous (Section 50-2201.21 to Section 50-2201.30)
- Section 50-2201.21 - Rules for towing and impoundment of vehicles, and vehicle conveyance fees
- Section 50-2201.22 - Appeal from assessment of excise tax for title certificates; election of remedies
- Section 50-2201.23 - Mayor may enter into interstate agreement concerning enforcement of traffic laws
- Section 50-2201.24 - Office of Registrar of Titles and Tags
- Section 50-2201.25 - Issuance of congressional tags
- Section 50-2201.26 - Issuance of duplicate congressional tags
- Section 50-2201.27 - Convictions to be reported
- Section 50-2201.28 - Right-of-way at crosswalks
- Section 50-2201.29 - Bus right-of-way at intersections
- Section 50-2201.30 - Special signs for failure to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks