Subchapter I - General (Section 50-301 to Section 50-324)
- Section 50-301 - Findings
- Section 50-302 - Purposes
- Section 50-303 - Definitions
- Section 50-304 - District of Columbia Taxicab Commission-Established
- Section 50-305 - District of Columbia Taxicab Commission-Membership; appointment; terms; chairperson
- Section 50-306 - District of Columbia Taxicab Commission-Organization
- Section 50-307 - Duties of Commission; jurisdiction, powers, and duties of Commission panels
- Section 50-308 - Panel on Rates and Rules; quorum; rule and ratemaking requirements
- Section 50-309 - Panel on Consumer and Industry Concerns; quorum; adjudication and rulemaking requirements
- Section 50-309.01 - Hearing examiner; appointment, powers and duties; appeals. [Repealed]
- Section 50-309.02 - Hearing examiner-appointment, powers, and duties; appeals
- Section 50-310 - Internal and procedural rules
- Section 50-311 - Full Commission meetings; annual report
- Section 50-312 - Office of Taxicabs established
- Section 50-313 - Regulation of passenger vehicles for hire
- Section 50-314 - Insurance
- Section 50-315 - Sinking funds; blanket policies
- Section 50-316 - Reporting by Commissioner
- Section 50-317 - Rate proceeding; standard for rate structure
- Section 50-318 - Existing taxi regulations
- Section 50-319 - License requirement
- Section 50-320 - District of Columbia Taxicab Commission Fund; established
- Section 50-321 - Establishment of the Taxicab Driver Security Revolving Fund. [Repealed]
- Section 50-322 - Taxicab Driver Security Revolving Fund: loan application and eligibility criteria; vendor payments. [Repealed]
- Section 50-323 - Taxicab Commission Fingerprinting Fund
- Section 50-324 - Wheelchair-Accessible Taxicab Promotion Fund