Subchapter I-B - Financial Accountability and Management (Section 47-318 to Section 47-318.06)
- Section 47-318 - Definitions
- Section 47-318.01 - Mayoral budget submissions required; accounting of expenditures
- Section 47-318.01a - Mayoral budget submission required; consistency of budget submission with previous fiscal year spending
- Section 47-318.01b - Legislative branch budget submission
- Section 47-318.02 - Mayoral budget submissions required; accounting of expenditures-Budget request and multiyear plan
- Section 47-318.03 - Mayoral budget submissions required; accounting of expenditures-Gap-closing actions
- Section 47-318.04 - Mayoral budget submissions required; accounting of expenditures-Deadline for gap-closing submission
- Section 47-318.05 - Mayoral budget submissions required; accounting of expenditures-Cash flow statements
- Section 47-318.05a - Budget submissions required; agency enhancement requests
- Section 47-318.06 - Monitoring indications of economic growth