Section 42-3502.03b - Rent Administrator-Qualifications and compensation

Rent Administrator-Qualifications and compensation

The Rent Administrator shall:

(1) Be admitted to practice before the District of Columbia Court of Appeals by the time the Rent Administrator's term of office commences;

(2) Be a resident of the District within 6 months of the commencement of the Rent Administrator's term of office;

(3) Possess skills and expertise relevant to rental housing, preferably in the area of rent control or rent stabilization; and

(4) Receive annual compensation equivalent to that received by a District employee compensated at the grade of 15 of the District schedule established under subchapter XI of Chapter 6 of Title 1.


(July 17, 1985, D.C. Law 6-10, § 203b, as added Mar. 25, 2009, D.C. Law 17-366, § 2(e), 56 DCR 1332.)


Legislative History of Laws
For Law 17-366, see notes following § 42-3401.03.

Current through September 13, 2012