Section 42-3226 - Lease held by an infant or person with a mental disability-Costs of renewal chargeable to estate of infant or person with a disability or deemed charge upon leasehold

Lease held by an infant or person with a mental disability-Costs of renewal chargeable to estate of infant or person with a disability or deemed charge upon leasehold

All and every sum and sums of money and other consideration, paid or advanced by any such guardian, trustee, committee or other person, for or on account of the renewal of any such lease or leases, and all reasonable charges incident thereto, shall be paid out of the estate or effects of the infant or lunatic for whose benefit the said lease or leases shall be renewed, or shall be a charge and incumbrance upon the leasehold premises, together with interest for the same, as the said court shall direct and determine.


(29 Geo. 2, ch. 31, § 2, 1756; Kilty's Rep. 253; Alex. Br. Stat. 789; Comp. Stat. D.C., 335, § 71; Apr. 24, 2007, D.C. Law 16-305, § 64(e), 53 DCR 6198.)


Prior Codifications
1981 Ed., § 45-1426.
1973 Ed., § 45-928.
Effect of Amendments
D.C. Law 16-305 rewrote the section heading, which formerly read: “Lease held by infant or mentally handicapped--Costs of renewal chargeable to estate of infant or handicapped or deemed charge upon leasehold.”
Legislative History of Laws
For Law 16-305, see notes following § 42-820.

Current through September 13, 2012