Subchapter I - General (Section 35-201 to Section 35-216)
- Section 35-201 - Competitive lines on fixed routes and schedules; certificate of convenience and necessity required
- Section 35-202 - Furnishing sufficient cars, power, equipment, appliances and service required; rules and regulations; penalties for violation
- Section 35-203 - Prosecutions to be on information
- Section 35-204 - Fenders required on street cars
- Section 35-205 - Glass vestibules required for street car motormen; penalties; exception. [Repealed]
- Section 35-206 - Construction of duct lines authorized
- Section 35-207 - Unlawful disposition, acceptance and use of transfers
- Section 35-208 - Reciprocal transfer and trackage agreements
- Section 35-209 - Type of rails required
- Section 35-210 - Use of another's underground line prohibited
- Section 35-211 - Removal of disused tracks; penalty for noncompliance
- Section 35-212 - Free transfer under reciprocal trackage agreement
- Section 35-213 - Free transportation of uniformed policemen and firemen. [Repealed]
- Section 35-214 - Reduced fares for school children
- Section 35-215 - Annual reports to Congress
- Section 35-216 - Failure to pay established fare or to present valid transfer; entry by rear exit door prohibited