Section 31-2502.41 - License fees

License fees

(a) Annual fees to be paid through the Commissioner to the District of Columbia for licenses issued under this chapter shall include a $250 annual renewal fee for registration and certification for Risk Retention and Purchasing Groups and any other fee established pursuant to subsection (e) of this section.

(b) Repealed.

(c) Repealed.

(d) Repealed.

(e) The Commissioner may promulgate rules to establish and amend all producer and license fees.


(Oct. 9, 1940, 54 Stat. 1081, ch. 792, ch. II, § 41; Feb. 23, 1980, D.C. Law 3-52, § 6, 27 DCR 26; June 14, 1994, D.C. Law 10-128, § 403(a), 41 DCR 2096; Apr. 18, 1996, D.C. Law 11-110, § 61(a), 43 DCR 530; May 21, 1997, D.C. Law 11-268, § 10(r)(2), 44 DCR 1730; Mar. 24, 1998, D.C. Law 12-81, § 29(c), 45 DCR 745; Mar. 8, 2007, D.C. Law 16-232, § 202(c), 54 DCR 368.)


Prior Codifications
1981 Ed., § 35-1545.
1973 Ed., § 35-1345.
Effect of Amendments
D.C. Law 16-232 rewrote subsecs. (a) and (e), and repealed subsec. (b) to (d). Prior to amendment, this section read as follows:
“(a) Annual fees to be paid through the Commissioner to the District of Columbia for licenses issued under this chapter shall be as follows:
“(1) For policy-writing agent or for firms, partnerships, or corporations licensed as such, $100, renewal fee, $100, without regard to the number of companies represented; provided, that, in the case of firms, partnerships, and corporations, an additional fee of $10 shall be charged for each person in excess of 2 who is named in such license as required under 31-2502.32;
“(2) For soliciting agent, $50 for each company, renewal fee, $50 represented by such soliciting agent, or for each company represented by any policy-writing agent through which such soliciting agent solicits; provided, that no soliciting agent shall be required to pay for soliciting agents' licenses a sum in excess of $100 for any 1 licensing year;
“(3) For salaried company employee authorized to sign policies and to solicit insurance, $75, without regard to the number of companies represented by such salaried company employee;
“(4) For salaried company employee authorized to solicit but not authorized to sign policies, $50 for each company represented by said employee; provided, that the aggregation of such fees shall not exceed $100 for any 1 license year;
“(5) For nonresident or resident brokers, $100, with an annual fee of $100, except that the fee shall be $10 in case the applicant for a resident broker's license is subject also to the fee prescribed under paragraph (1) or (3) of this subsection;
“(6) For license to procure lines in unauthorized companies, $100, with an annual renewal fee of $100;
“(7) For new appointment fees, salaried company employees without broker privileges, a fee of $75; salaried company employees with broker privileges, a fee of $85, annual renewal fee of $85;
“(8) For rule filings or change, $25 fee; and
‘'(9) For registration and certification for Risk Retention and Purchasing Groups, $250 annual renewal fee.
“(b) Under the license issued to any policy-writing agent or salaried company employee, or in the name of any firm, partnership, or corporation as provided under 31-2502.32, and for which license a fee has been paid in accordance with paragraph (1) or (3) of subsection (a), there may be added names of persons who are employed in or who actively function through the District office of the policy-writing agent, salaried company employee, or firm, partnership, or corporation, and who have company authority to sign but not to solicit policies. For such persons there shall be charged a fee of $2 per year for each company whose policies such person is authorized to sign.
“(c) Broker's licenses may be issued in the names of individuals, firms, partnerships, or corporations. In the case of firms, partnerships, or corporations, the authority to solicit shall extend only to the individuals who are designated in the license and in the application therefor as having authority to solicit, and there shall be charged for each such individual in excess of 2 an additional fee of $10.
“(d) Licenses to procure lines in unauthorized companies shall be issued in the names of individuals only.
“(e) The Mayor has the authority to amend all fees referred to in this chapter by way of rulemaking. The proposed rules shall be submitted to the Council for a 45-day period of review, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays, and days of Council recess. If the Council does not approve or disapprove the proposed rules, in whole or in part, by resolution within the 45-day review period, the proposed rules shall be deemed approved. Nothing in this section shall affect any requirements imposed upon the Mayor by subchapter I of Chapter 5 of Title 2.”
Legislative History of Laws
For legislative history of D.C. Law 3-52, see Historical and Statutory Notes following § 31-2502.14.
Law 10-128, the “Omnibus Budget Support Act of 1994,” was introduced in Council and assigned Bill No. 10-575, which was referred to the Committee of the Whole. The Bill was adopted on first and second readings on March 22, 1994, and April 12, 1994, respectively. Signed by the Mayor on April 14, 1994, it was assigned Act No. 10-225 and transmitted to both Houses of Congress for its review. D.C. Law 10-128 became effective on June 14, 1994.
Law 11-110, the “Technical Amendments Act of 1996,” was introduced in Council and assigned Bill No. 11-485, which was referred to the Committee of the Whole. The Bill was adopted on first and second readings on December 5, 1995, and January 4, 1996, respectively. Signed by the Mayor on January 26, 1996, it was assigned Act No. 11-199 and transmitted to both Houses of Congress for its review. D.C. Law 11-110 became effective on April 18, 1996.
For legislative history of D.C. Law 11-268, see Historical and Statutory Notes following § 31-2501.03.
For legislative history of D.C. Law 12-81, see Historical and Statutory Notes following § 31-2502.11.
For Law 16-232, see notes following § 31-231.
Miscellaneous Notes
Department of Insurance abolished: See Historical and Statutory Notes following § 31-2501.03.

Current through September 13, 2012