Chapter 8A - Merchant Banks (Subchapter I to Subchapter VI)
- Subchapter I - General Provisions (Section 26-831.01 and Section 26-831.02)
- Subchapter II - Application and Certification as a Merchant Bank (Section 26-831.03 to Section 26-831.06)
- Subchapter III - Powers and Authority of a Merchant Bank (Section 26-831.07)
- Subchapter IV - Structure and Organization of a Merchant Bank; Capital Requirements (Section 26-831.08 to Section 26-831.10)
- Subchapter V - Commissioner Possession, Receivership, Conservatorship, and Liquidation of Merchant Banks (Section 26-831.11 to Section 26-831.21)
- Subchapter VI - Miscellaneous Provisions (Section 26-831.22)