Section 8-1774.07 - Electric company

Electric company

(a) Within 90 days of the completion of the record on Formal Case 945, the Commission shall issue an order regarding the demand-side management programs proposed by the electric company.

(b) In considering Formal Case 945, the Commission shall seek to approve those programs that:

(1) Can be implemented most quickly;

(2) Take advantage of the electric company's frequent contact with customers; and

(3) Do not replicate the efforts of sustainable energy programs operated by the DDOE.

(c) The programs that the Commission approves may be funded by the SETF under § 8-1774.10.

(d)(1) Within 30 days after the execution of a contract with the SEU, the electric company shall disclose, or allow access to, the aggregate energy use data for every rate class for electric company customers in the District of Columbia. Customer-specific information, including the customer's name, account number, service address, phone number, and energy use data, shall not be provided without the customer's express written consent.

(2) The electric company shall ensure the privacy of any and all customer information, including the electric company customer's name, account number, service address, billing address, phone number, and energy use data, in making the disclosure. The SEU shall not sell or otherwise disclose any customer or billing information to any third party without express written authorization from the customer.

(3) The electric company shall not be liable for any damages resulting from its provision of customer energy use data to the SEU absent gross negligence. The SEU shall be liable for damages to the customer for any unauthorized use of customer information or data, including the electric company customer's name, account number, service address, billing address, phone number, and energy use data.

(e) Within one year after October 22, 2008, all energy efficiency and renewable energy programs administered by the electric company and funded by the SETF shall be operated in coordination with the brand managed by the DDOE. To effectuate this mandate, the electric company shall:

(1) Prominently display the name and logo of the brand name on all advertisements of the programs;

(2) Include the website and phone number for the DDOE brand on all advertisements of the programs;

(3) Post a link to the brand website on all company webpages related to energy efficiency and renewable energy; and

(4) Provide timely, accurate, and comprehensive information regarding its programs to the DDOE to permit DDOE to include such information in material provided to the public.


(Oct. 22, 2008, D.C. Law 17-250, § 207, 55 DCR 9225.)


Emergency Act Amendments
For temporary (90 day) addition, see § 207 of Clean and Affordable Energy Emergency Act of 2008 (D.C. Act 17-508, September 25, 2008, 55 DCR 10856).
Legislative History of Laws
For Law 17-250, see notes following § 8-1773.01.

Current through September 13, 2012