Section 8-1443 - Costs recoverable by the District of Columbia

Costs recoverable by the District of Columbia

Costs recoverable by the District of Columbia under § 8-1442 shall include all costs related to:

(1) Containment of the gasses, explosives, and materials identified in § 8-1442;

(2) Necessary cleanup and restoration of the site and the surrounding environment;

(3) Removal of the gasses, explosives, and materials identified in § 8-1442;

(4) Such actions as may be necessary to monitor, assess, and evaluate the release or threat of release of any of the gasses, explosives, and materials identified in § 8-1442, or to mitigate damage to the public health or welfare that may otherwise result from a release or threat of a release;

(5) Natural resource damages;

(6) Attorney's fees and costs;

(7) Reimbursement for private collection firm's services, when used; and

(8) Applicable interest on all costs and expenses incurred.


(Mar. 14, 2007, D.C. Law 16-262, § 303, 54 DCR 794.)


Legislative History of Laws
For Law 16-262, see notes following § 8-1441.

Current through September 13, 2012