Subchapter I - General (Section 5-401 to Section 5-419)
- Section 5-401 - Area of service; division of District into fire companies; pre-hospital care and services; approval required for major changes in manner of fire protection
- Section 5-402 - Appointments and promotions covered by civil service; selection of Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chiefs; original appointment and transfer of privates; vacancies
- Section 5-403 - Age limits in original appointments
- Section 5-404 - Composition; 2-platoon system; services of veterinary surgeon; attendance by police surgeon
- Section 5-404.01 - Medical Director
- Section 5-405 - Workweek established; hours of duty; days off duty; holidays
- Section 5-406 - Appropriations for uniforms and other equipment
- Section 5-407 - Resignation without notice; engaging in strike; conspiracy to obstruct operations of Department
- Section 5-408 - Firefighting Division-Recording annual and sick leave
- Section 5-409 - Firefighting Division-Accruement of annual leave; adjustment of accumulated leave; transfers; maximum accumulations
- Section 5-409.01 - Paramedic and Emergency Medical Technician Lateral Transfer to Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department
- Section 5-410 - Restrictions on leaving District; or being absent from duty
- Section 5-411 - Extra equipment authorized for volunteer fire organization
- Section 5-412 - Use of certain buildings granted
- Section 5-413 - Construction of apparatus
- Section 5-414 - Reciprocal agreements for mutual aid; availability of personnel and equipment to federal government; service performed in line of duty
- Section 5-415 - Services to District institutions located outside the District
- Section 5-416 - Emergency ambulance service fees
- Section 5-417 - Arson reporting
- Section 5-417.01 - Fire and arson investigation-Authority generally; authority to enter and examine; arrest and warrant powers
- Section 5-418 - Cadet program - Authorized; purpose; preference for appointment; appropriations
- Section 5-419 - Cadet program-Rules