The antecedents, character, and condition of life of each child received by the Board shall be investigated as fully as possible, and the facts learned entered in permanent records, in which shall also be noted the subsequent history of each child, so far as it can be ascertained. Such records shall be confidential but may be made available in the discretion of the Board. Provision shall be made for study of the physical and mental conditions of children received for care in order that care for each child may be planned to meet his particular physical and mental needs.
(July 26, 1892, 27 Stat. 269, ch. 250, § 6; Mar. 16, 1926, 44 Stat. 210, ch. 58, § 11; Jan. 12, 1942, 55 Stat. 883, ch. 649, § 4.)
Prior Codifications
1981 Ed., § 3-118.
1973 Ed., § 3-118.
References in Text
Board of Public Welfare abolished: See note to § 4-102.