Subchapter X - Prohibited Acts; Penalties; Injunctions (Section 3-1210.01 to Section 3-1210.11)
- Section 3-1210.01 - Practicing without license, registration, or certification
- Section 3-1210.02 - Misrepresentation
- Section 3-1210.03 - Certain representations prohibited
- Section 3-1210.04 - Filing false document or evidence; false statements
- Section 3-1210.05 - Fraudulent sale, obtaining, or furnishing of documents
- Section 3-1210.06 - Restrictions relating to pharmacies
- Section 3-1210.06a - Pharmacist consultation with medical assistance recipient or caregivers; records
- Section 3-1210.07 - Criminal penalties
- Section 3-1210.08 - Prosecutions
- Section 3-1210.09 - Alternative sanctions
- Section 3-1210.10 - Injunctions
- Section 3-1210.11 - Patient or client records