Chapter 2 - Contracts (Subchapter I to Subchapter XIII)
- Subchapter I - Bonding Requirement (Part A and Part B)
- Subchapter II - Retents (Section 2-203.01)
- Subchapter III - Government Insurance (Section 2-205.01 and Section 2-205.02)
- Subchapter IV - Sewerage Agreements (Section 2-207.01 and Section 2-207.02)
- Subchapter V - Reciprocal Police Mutual Aid Agreements (Section 2-209.01 to Section 2-209.04)
- Subchapter VI - [Reserved] (Section 2-211.01)
- Subchapter VII - Automated Data Processing (Section 2-213.01 to Section 2-213.03)
- Subchapter VII-A - Minority and Women-Owned Business Assessment (Section 2-214.01 and Section 2-214.02)
- Subchapter VIII - Local Business Opportunity. [Repealed] (Section 2-215.01 to Section 2-215.11)
- Subchapter IX - Equal Opportunity for Local, Small, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. [Repealed] (Section 2-217.01 to Section 2-217.07)
- Subchapter IX-A - Small, Local, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Development and Assistance (Part A to Part E)
- Subchapter X - First Source Employment (Part A to Part C)
- Subchapter X-A - Living Wage Requirements (Section 2-220.01 to Section 2-220.11)
- Subchapter XI - Quick Payment Provisions (Section 2-221.01 to Section 2-221.06)
- Subchapter XII - Employees of District Contractors and Instrumentality Whistleblower Protection (Section 2-223.01 to Section 2-223.07)
- Subchapter XIII - Repealed and Expired Provisions (Part A and Part B)