Subchapter V. Memorial Scholarships



Free Public Schools


Subchapter V. Memorial Scholarships

§ 3440. Purpose.

It is the intent and purpose of the General Assembly through this subchapter to provide scholarships to deserving Delawareans in memory of elected officials and other distinguished citizens who served the State with distinction and for whom recognition through an education endowment is a fitting memorial. To this end, the General Assembly hereby establishes the Memorial Scholarship Fund.

73 Del. Laws, c. 188, § 1.;

§ 3441. Awards.

(a) Scholarships shall be awarded to students who will enroll as first-time, full-time students in the academic year following award of the scholarship.

(b) Scholarships shall be awarded in an amount sufficient to meet the costs of tuition, required fees, room, board and books at the institution specified.

(c) Selection of scholarship recipients shall be based on criteria established by the Office that shall include the qualities of academic achievement, community service, participation in extracurricular activities and promise of academic success in college.

(d) Where several students are judged to be equally qualified for the scholarships, financial need may be considered in making scholarship awards.

(e) Awards shall be renewable within the limits of appropriations for the program, to a maximum of 4 awards, provided the student meets the academic progress standards set by the Office and communicated in writing to the recipient at the time the initial award is granted.

73 Del. Laws, c. 188, § 1; 77 Del. Laws, c. 431, § 12.;

§ 3442. B. Bradford Barnes Memorial Scholarship.


(1) One scholarship shall be awarded each year to a graduating high school senior who will enter the University of Delaware.

(2) The Office shall award scholarships only to students who have accepted an admissions offer from the University of Delaware by a deadline date established by agreement between the University of Delaware and the Office.

66 Del. Laws, c. 280, § 1; 73 Del. Laws, c. 188, § 1; 77 Del. Laws, c. 431, § 12.;

§ 3443. Herman M. Holloway, Sr. Memorial Scholarship.


(1) One scholarship shall be awarded each year to a student who will enter Delaware State University.

(2) The Office shall award scholarships only to students who have accepted an admissions offer from Delaware State University by a deadline date established by agreement between Delaware State University and the Office.

69 Del. Laws, c. 448, § 1; 73 Del. Laws, c. 188, § 1; 77 Del. Laws, c. 431, § 12.;

§ 3444. Charles L. "Chuck" Hebner Memorial Scholarship.


(1) Each year, 1 scholarship shall be awarded to a qualifying student at the University of Delaware, and 1 scholarship shall be awarded to a qualifying student at Delaware State University.

(2) Scholarships will be awarded to students who will major in humanities or social sciences.

(3) Priority will be given to students who will major in political science.

(4) The Office shall award scholarships only to students who have accepted an admissions offer from the University of Delaware or Delaware State University by a deadline date established by agreement between the Office and each University respectively.

72 Del. Laws, c. 347, § 1; 73 Del. Laws, c. 188, § 1; 77 Del. Laws, c. 431, § 12.;

§ 3445. Ivyane D.F. Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund.

(a) Purpose. --

It is the intent and purpose of the General Assembly through this section to provide scholarships in memory of Ivyane D.F. Davis, who died February 7, 1989, to deserving Delaware residents who have been placed under foster care in Delaware, and to this end there hereby is established the Ivyane D.F. Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund.

(b) Administration. --

(1) Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, this scholarship fund shall be administered by the Child Placement Review Board.

(2) The Board shall adopt such rules and regulations as it deems necessary and proper to administer the provisions of this scholarship fund.

(3) The Board shall annually report to the General Assembly of the State the number of recipients of scholarships, the institutions attended by said recipients, the total of expenditures made under this scholarship fund, and such other information as it deems useful for members of the General Assembly.

(c) Eligibility. --

Scholarships awarded under this scholarship fund shall be available to applicants who have been residents of Delaware for at least 1 year immediately preceding the application and who were at any time under foster care in Delaware, and who have been accepted at or who are attending an institution of higher learning or trade school.

(d) Scholarship awards. --

(1) The Board shall award up to 50 Ivyane D.F. Davis Memorial Scholarships annually, subject to General Assembly appropriations and private donations to and interest earned on proceeds of the scholarship fund created herein.

(2) Scholarship awards shall not exceed the amount set by the Board.

(3) Scholarships may be renewed upon application by recipients on an annual basis if the Board is satisfied that the recipient is making satisfactory academic or vocational progress.

(4) Selection of scholarship recipients shall be based on such criteria, established by the Board, as academic achievement, community service, participation in extracurricular activities and promise of success in the institution of higher learning or vocational courses selected by applicants.

(5) In cases where more than 1 applicant are judged to be equally qualified for scholarships, financial need shall be considered in establishing priorities for the award of available scholarships.

Funds disbursed under this scholarship fund shall be disbursed on an annual or semiannual basis and shall be disbursed to the institution or school which a recipient attends, not directly to the student.

(e) Creation of Ivyane D.F. Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund. --

(1) The Ivyane D.F. Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund is hereby created.

(2) The Board is authorized to accept donations from private individuals and organizations for deposit in the Fund.

(3) A portion of the Fund, not to exceed one-half of the Fund's principle and interest, may be used to assist the Division of Family Services in obtaining Chafee Educational and Training Vouchers funding; provided, that the Board is authorized, by regulation, contract, or memorandum of understanding with the Division of Family Services, to administer the funding obtained; and further provided, that the portion of the Fund used to obtain the funding is utilized in accordance with the purpose and intent of this section.

(4) Except as provided in the preceding subsection, all appropriations from the General Assembly to the Fund shall be used solely for the award of scholarships as provided under this section.

67 Del. Laws, c. 12, § 1; 71 Del. Laws, c. 167, § 1; 72 Del. Laws, c. 338, § 5; 73 Del. Laws, c. 188, § 1; 74 Del. Laws, c. 323, §§ 1, 2.;

§ 3446. Michael C. Ferguson Achievement Awards.

Transferred by 77 Del. Laws, c. 431, § 9, eff. July 23, 2010, to § 3460 of this title.

73 Del. Laws, c. 188, § 1.;