Subchapter II. Powers and Duties



Free Public Schools


Subchapter II. Powers and Duties

§ 121. General powers of the Department of Education.

(a) The Department shall exercise general control and supervision over the public schools of the State, including:

(1) Developing and executing the educational policies and laws of the State and promoting public sentiment in support of public education;

(2) Consulting, advising and cooperating with the boards of education and superintendents of reorganized school districts, and other officers, principals, teachers and interested citizens in matters relating to education and to the conduct of schools;

(3) Appointing, through the Secretary, by execution of a written contract for a term of not less than 1 year nor more than 5 years, of additional officers necessary for administering and developing the policies, rules and regulations of the Department. As used in this section, the term "additional officers" shall be defined as the team leaders and directors authorized by § 1321(a) of this title and any certificated professional employees assigned to the office of the Secretary whose positions are not covered in § 103(a)(2) of this title. The Secretary may elect not to renew the contract of any additional officer upon its expiration. However, in such a case the Secretary shall notify the officer in writing by certified mail, return receipt requested, at least 4 months prior to the expiration date of the existing contract that the Secretary does not intend to renew the contract, thereby providing official notice that the services of the officer are to be terminated; provided, however, that any person so notified will automatically be entitled to a 2-month extension of that person's existing contract in order that the person may be afforded a total of 6 months' notice. Failure to notify an additional officer covered by this subsection in writing by the required date shall result in an automatic extension of the existing contract for a period of 1 year from its expiration date;

(4) Hiring, through the Secretary, by execution of a written contract for a term of not less than 1 year and not more than 5 years, of certificated professional employees, other than those persons described in paragraph (a)(3) of this section and § 103(a)(2) of this title, necessary for carrying out the policies, rules and regulations of the Department. For the purposes of this subsection, the term "certificated professional employees" includes education associates, education specialists, field agents, technicians and other employees holding positions of similar rank. The Secretary may elect not to renew the contract of a certificated professional employee upon its expiration. However, in such a case, the Secretary shall notify the employee in writing by certified mail, return receipt requested, at least 4 months prior to the expiration date of the existing contract that the Secretary does not intend to renew the contract, thereby providing official notice that the services of the employee are to be terminated; provided, however, that any person so notified will automatically be entitled to a 2-month extension of that person's existing contract in order that the person may be afforded a total of 6 months' notice. Failure to notify a person covered under this subsection in writing by the required date shall result in an automatic extension of the existing contract for a period of 1 year from its expiration date. The written notification shall indicate that just cause exists for the Secretary's proposed action. For the purposes of this subsection, "just cause" shall be defined as including, but not limited to, reduction in force, inefficiency, or unsatisfactory performance of duties. Any employee notified of the Secretary's intention not to renew for reasons other than a reduction in force may request a formal hearing before a hearing officer appointed by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to present information in the employee's own defense and may have legal counsel at the hearing. Such hearing shall be held not earlier than 10 days nor more than 90 days after the issuance of the written notification of the Secretary's intent not to renew the contract, unless both parties mutually agree to a different schedule;

(5) Dismissing or disciplining, through the Secretary, during the contract period, for misconduct in office, incompetency, or wilful neglect of duty, any officer or certificated professional employee appointed under this title or under any special school law, except an employee whose position is covered in § 103(a)(2) of this title, giving the employee a copy of the charges against the employee. In making a determination to dismiss or to impose a lesser disciplinary action, the Secretary shall assess and take into account any mitigating or extenuating circumstances as well as the employee's work history. Any employee dismissed pursuant to this subsection may request a formal hearing before a hearing officer appointed by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to present information in the employee's own defense and may have legal counsel at the hearing. Such hearing shall be held not earlier than 10 days nor more than 90 days after the issuance of written notification of dismissal from the Secretary;

(6) Hiring, through the Secretary, any clerical assistants and other noncertificated employees necessary to provide support in carrying out the policies, rules and regulations of the Department or the State Board, or both. An employee hired pursuant to this subsection shall not enter into a written contract with the Department. Such employee shall be subject to dismissal or other disciplinary action imposed by the Secretary only for just cause. For the purposes of this subsection, "just cause" includes, but is not limited to, reduction in force, inefficiency, unsatisfactory performance of duties, misconduct, immorality, incompetency, and wilful neglect of duty;

In making a determination to dismiss or to impose a lesser disciplinary action pursuant to this subsection, the Secretary shall assess and take into account any mitigating or extenuating circumstances as well as the employee's work history. An employee dismissed pursuant to this subsection may request a formal hearing before a hearing officer appointed by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to present information in that employee's own defense and may have legal counsel at the hearing. Such hearing shall be held not earlier than 10 days nor more than 90 days after the issuance of written notification of dismissal from the Secretary;

(7) Granting to any person employed by the Department pursuant to this section who is called to the service or voluntarily enters the Armed Forces of the United States or the National Guard of the State, when in continuous active service, a leave of absence which shall cover the period of voluntary service, not to exceed 3 years, or the term of service to which the person has been called until that term of service is terminated; and upon the completion of the leave of absence, reinstating such person in the position which the person held at the time that the leave of absence was granted, if such person has received a certificate of satisfactory completion of service;

(8) Appointing persons to replace employees on leaves of absence for active military service, as described in paragraph (a)(7) of this section, but such appointments shall be only for the period covered by said leaves of absence;

(9) Requiring boards of education of reorganized school districts to submit reports covering student achievement, discipline, expenditures, business methods, accounts, registration, attendance, and any other matter it finds necessary and advisable consistent with the State's policy, as reflected in §§ 122(d), (e) and 124A(f) of this title, to avoid duplicative or unnecessarily burdensome reporting obligations; and receiving and examining such reports and, through its staff, examining and giving advice on expenditures, business methods, and accounts of boards of education of reorganized school districts;

(10) Conducting investigations relating to the educational needs of the State and the means of improving the educational conditions; and, for such investigations, employing additional expert assistants and appointing special agents when deemed advisable;

(11) Causing the provisions of this title to be carried into effect, so as to provide a general and efficient system of public schools throughout the State;

(12) Deciding, without expense to the parties concerned, certain types of controversies and disputes involving the administration of the public school system. The specific types of such controversies and disputes appropriate for Department resolution and the procedures for the resolution of such controversies and disputes shall be established by rules and regulation proposed by the Secretary subject to approval by the State Board. Hearing examiners or panels, including panels of the State Board of Education, may be appointed to hear such controversies and disputes;

(13) Obtaining witnesses and documents through subpoena, administering oaths, examining under oath, and causing such examinations to be reduced to writing, when necessary to enforce any provision of this title. The Secretary and the State Board of Education, and any hearing examiner or panel duly appointed by either, may exercise the provisions of this subsection;

(14) Entering into contracts with states bordering on the State, or with agencies, political subdivisions or school districts of such states, for the establishment and operation of joint educational facilities wherever it is found by the Department that such joint facilities would be of greater educational value to the citizens of the State than separate facilities. Tuition payments required by such contracts shall be paid from funds specifically appropriated in the annual budget for this purpose, from educational contingency funds, or from both. Tuition payments received under such contracts shall be deposited in the General Fund of the State, notwithstanding any other provisions of this title;

(15) Supervising generally the design of educational facilities by:

a. Establishing and applying evaluative criteria to all stages in the design of proposed educational facilities;

b. Analyzing and researching design factors as they relate to educational effectiveness;

c. Recommending to local school districts matters dealing with educational design; and

(16) Determining criteria to be met and procedures to be followed by institutions of postsecondary education that offer courses, programs of courses, or degrees within the State but that are not institutions either incorporated in Delaware or located in Delaware except for the purpose of offering the particular courses, programs of courses, or degrees referred to above. The administration of the authority herein granted shall be carried out according to rules and regulations of the Department as authorized in § 122 of this title.

(b) The Department shall establish a voluntary licensure and certification system for nonpublic school teachers, specialists and administrators employed in this State, and is empowered to make rules and regulations to implement the same.

(1) Said system shall consist of a 3-tiered licensure system consisting of an initial license, continuing license and an advanced license. The prerequisites required for issuance of an initial, continuing or advanced license to a nonpublic school teacher, specialist or administrator shall be consistent, to the extent possible, with those required for the issuance of an initial, continuing or advanced license to a public school educator as set forth in subchapter II of Chapter 12 of this title. The qualifications for a standard certificate and an emergency certificate shall be consistent, to the extent possible, with those required for the issuance of same to a public school educator, as set forth in subchapter III of Chapter 12 of this title.

(2) If a nonpublic school licensee intends to apply for a continuing license, the licensee shall, prior to the expiration of the licensee's initial license, complete such professional development and mentoring activities as may be required by the Department.

(3) A licensed and certified non-public school teacher, specialist or administrator must receive at least 1 performance appraisal evaluation annually. The evaluation must be in a form approved by the Department and consistent with the Delaware Professional Teaching Standards and the Delaware Administrator Standards. The performance appraisal evaluation must include an overall rating and a student improvement component rating, and must identify what constitutes satisfactory and unsatisfactory performance on the overall evaluation and each component of the evaluation. The performance appraisal evaluation must have no more than 5 components and must have a strong focus on student improvement, with 1 component dedicated exclusively to student improvement and weighted at least as high as any other component. The measure of student improvement must be approved by the Department.

(4) The Department, through the Associate Secretary, Administration and Innovation, may deny an applicant's application for a license for failure to meet the qualifications for a license. The Department may further deny a license to an applicant who otherwise meets the requirements of this subsection for any of the causes enumerated in § 1218(a) or (b) of this title. The Department shall not take action to deny a license under this subsection without providing the applicant with written notice of the reasons for denial and with an opportunity for a full and fair hearing before the Secretary of Education or the Secretary's designee. The burden of proof in a license denial action is on the applicant to show by a preponderance of the evidence that the applicant should not be denied a license because that applicant meets the qualifications for licensure pursuant to the applicable laws and regulations.

(5)a. Except as otherwise provided in paragraphs (b)(5)b. and c. of this section, the Department, through the Associate Secretary, Administration and Innovation, may suspend, revoke or limit a license issued under the provisions of this subsection for any of the causes set forth in § 1218(a) of this title.

b. The Department, through the Associate Secretary, Administration and Innovation, shall revoke a license issued under the provisions of this subsection for any of the causes set forth in § 1218(b) of this title.

c. The Department, through the Associate Secretary, Administration and Innovation, may automatically suspend any license without a prior hearing if the license holder is arrested or indicted by a grand jury for a violent felony as defined in § 4201(c) of Title 11. A suspension under this paragraph is effective on the date of the arrest or grand jury indictment. The provisions of § 1218(c) of this title shall apply to any automatic suspension under this subsection with the exception that the license holder may request an expedited hearing before the Secretary of Education within 20 calendar days from the date the notice of the Department's decision to temporarily suspend the license holder's license was mailed. In the event that the license holder requests an expedited hearing in a timely manner, the Secretary of Education or the Secretary's designee shall convene a hearing within 90 days of the receipt of such a request. An order of suspension under this subsection shall remain in effect until the final order of the Associate Secretary, Administration and Innovation or the Secretary of Education becomes effective.

d. The Department, through the Associate Secretary, Administration and Innovation, may take an action under paragraph (b)(5)a., b., or c. of this section on the basis of substantially comparable conduct occurring in a jurisdiction outside this State or occurring before a person applies for or receives any license.

e. Any license holder who has pled guilty or nolo contendere to, or has been convicted of, a crime in a court of law which would constitute grounds for revocation, suspension or limitation of license under § 1218(a) or (b) of this title or has been arrested or indicted by a grand jury for a violent felony as defined in § 4201(c) of Title 11, shall notify the Department of such action in writing within 20 days of such conviction, arrest or indictment, whether or not a sentence has been imposed. Failure to do so shall be grounds on which the Department may limit, suspend, or revoke the holder's license.

f. Any license holder who has surrendered an educator license or any professional license or certificate or who has had such a license or certificate revoked, suspended, or limited in any jurisdiction or by any agency shall notify the Department of such action in writing within 30 days of such action. Failure to do so shall be grounds on which the Department may limit, suspend or revoke the holder's license.

g. The Department may investigate any information received about a person that reasonably appears to be the basis for action under paragraphs (b)(5)a. through c. of this section. The Department shall not investigate anonymous complaints. The Department shall give written notice within a reasonable period of time to a license holder of any investigation initiated hereunder to the license holder's last known address. All information obtained during an investigation is confidential and shall not be considered public records under Delaware's Freedom of Information Act (Chapter 100 of Title 29). The Associate Secretary, Administration and Innovation, shall review the results of each investigation and shall determine whether the results warrant initiating action under paragraph (b)(5)a., b. or c. of this section.

h. Whenever the basis of for action under paragraph (b)(5)a. or b. of this section is a guilty plea, nolo contendere with respect to, or a conviction of a crime, a copy of the record of the plea, nolo contendere or conviction certified by the clerk of the court entering the plea, nolo contendere or conviction shall be conclusive evidence thereof.

i. The Department, through the Associate Secretary, Administration and Innovation, may enter a consent agreement with a person against whom action is being taken under paragraph (b)(5)a., b. or c. of this section.

j. The Associate Secretary, Administration and Innovation, shall not take action against a person under paragraph (b)(5)a. or b. of this section without providing the person with written notice of the charges and with an opportunity for a full and fair hearing before the Secretary of Education. Notice shall be sent to the person's last known address. The license holder shall have 30 calendar days from the date the notice of the charges was mailed to make a written request for a hearing. Unless otherwise provided for in this subsection, the burden of proof in a license disciplinary action shall be on the agency taking official action to establish by preponderance of the evidence that the license holder has engaged in misconduct as defined by paragraphs (b)(5)a. and b. of this section or otherwise has failed to comply with the applicable laws and regulations relating to the retention of the license. If no written request for a hearing is received by the Secretary of Education, the license holder's license shall be deemed to be revoked, suspended, or limited and the holder shall be so notified.

k. A license may be suspended for a period of time not to exceed 5 years. The license may be reinstated by the Department, upon written request, with verification that all requirements for license renewal have been satisfied. If the license expired during the period of suspension, the holder of the former license may reapply for the same tier license that was suspended but shall meet the license requirements that are in effect at the time of the application for the license.

l. If any of the causes listed in § 1218(a) or (b) of this title are determined, the Associate Secretary, Administration and Innovation or the Secretary of Education after a hearing, may put limitations on a license that may include but are not limited to:

1. Restrictions on the ages of students with whom the license holder may work;

2. Additional supervision requirements; or

3. Education, counseling, or psychiatric examination requirements.

m. If a decision of license limitation, suspension or revocation is based on § 1218(a)(4), (a)(5), or (b)(1) of this title, and if the plea or conviction is overturned and there is no subsequent proceeding leading to a plea or conviction, the individual whose license is limited, suspended or revoked may file a written request for reinstatement, including documentation of the final status of the judicial proceeding, and the license shall be reinstated.

n. An individual whose license has been revoked under paragraph (b)(5)a. of this section may petition the Department for reinstatement of the license not sooner than 5 years from the date of revocation. The individual shall submit to the Department a written petition showing credible evidence, by affidavit or otherwise, of the factors set forth in paragraph (b)(5)n.1. of this section.

1. The Department shall consider all of the following criteria in evaluating a petition for reinstatement and shall only grant such a petition if it is in the best interest of the public schools of the State:

A. The nature and circumstances of the individual's original misconduct;

B. The individual's subsequent conduct and rehabilitation;

C. The individual's present character; and

D. The individual's present qualifications and competence to engage in the practice of instruction, administration or other related professional support services.

2. A former license holder is entitled to a full and fair hearing before the Secretary of Education or designee to challenge a denial of reinstatement pursuant to this subsection.

3. A license revoked under paragraph (b)(5)b. of this section or suspended under paragraph (b)(5)c. of this section may not be reinstated under this section. A license revoked under § 1218(b)(1) of this title may only be reinstated pursuant to this paragraph (b)(5)n. and a license suspended under paragraph (b)(5)c. of this section may only be reinstated pursuant to of § 1218(c)(5) of this title or after a hearing before the Secretary of Education or the Secretary's designee.

o. All communications between a license holder and the Department provided for in this subsection shall be by certified mail, return receipt requested.

(6) The Department shall issue a continuing license to a nonpublic school teacher, specialist or administrator holding a Delaware certificate issued by an education certifying board prior to July 13, 1971, or upon the expiration of a professional status certificate or standard certificate issued by the Department.

(7) Licenses and certificates issued to nonpublic school teachers, specialists and administrators shall have the same force and effect as licenses and certificates issued pursuant to subchapters II and III of Chapter 12 of this title.

(c) The Department shall establish a licensure and certification system for public education employees in this State that applies to Department of Education employees, adult education employees, and prison education employees whose work responsibilities are directly related to curriculum and instruction, but does not apply to public school educators who shall be licensed and certified in accordance with subchapters II and III of Chapter 12 of this title. The Department shall be empowered to promulgate rules and regulations to implement such system.

(1) For purposes of this section only, "public education employee" means a public education employee whose work responsibilities are directly related to curriculum and instruction, and includes Department employees, adult education employees, and prison education employees, but does not include public school educators who shall be licensed and certified in accordance with subchapters II and III of Chapter 12 of this title.

(2) Said system shall consist of 3-tiered licensure system consisting of an initial license, continuing license and an advanced license. The prerequisites required for issuance of an initial, continuing or advanced license to a public education employee shall be consistent, to the extent possible, with those required for the issuance of an initial, continuing or advanced license to a public school educator as set forth in subchapter II of Chapter 12 of this title. The qualifications for a standard certificate and an emergency certificate shall be consistent, to the extent possible, with those required for the issuance of same to a public school educator, as set forth in subchapter III of Chapter 12 of this title.

(3) If a licensee under this section intends to apply for a continuing license, the licensee shall, prior to the expiration of the licensee's initial license, complete such professional development as may be required by the Department.

(4) A licensed and certified public education employee shall be evaluated pursuant to a performance appraisal evaluation developed by the Department.

(5) The Department, through the Associate Secretary, Administration and Innovation, may deny an applicant's application for a license for failure to meet the qualifications for a license. The Department may further deny a license to an applicant who otherwise meets the requirements of this subsection for any of the causes enumerated in § 1218(a) or (b) of this title. The Department shall not take action to deny a license under this subsection without providing the applicant with written notice of the reasons for denial and with an opportunity for a full and fair hearing before the Secretary of Education or the Secretary's designee. The burden of proof in a license denial action is on the applicant to show by a preponderance of the evidence that the applicant should not be denied a license because that applicant meets the qualifications for licensure pursuant to the applicable laws and regulations.

(6)a. Except as otherwise provided in paragraphs (c)(6)b. and c., of this section the Department, through the Associate Secretary, Administration and Innovation, may suspend, revoke or limit a license issued under the provisions of this subsection for any of the causes set forth in § 1218(a) of this title.

b. The Department, through the Associate Secretary, Administration and Innovation, shall revoke a license issued under the provisions of this subsection for any of the causes set forth in § 1218(b) of this title.

c. The Department, through the Associate Secretary, Administration and Innovation, may automatically suspend any license without a prior hearing if the license holder is arrested or indicted by a grand jury for a violent felony as defined in § 4201(c) of Title 11. A suspension under this paragraph is effective on the date of the arrest or grand jury indictment. The provisions of § 1218(c) of this title shall apply to any automatic suspension under this subsection with the exception that the license holder may request an expedited hearing before the Secretary of Education within 20 calendar days from the date the notice of the Department's decision to temporarily suspend the license holder's license was mailed. In the event that the license holder requests an expedited hearing in a timely manner, the Secretary of Education or the Secretary's designee shall convene a hearing within 90 days of the receipt of such a request. An order of suspension under this subsection shall remain in effect until the final order of the Associate Secretary, Administration and Innovation or the Secretary of Education becomes effective.

d. The Department, through the Associate Secretary, Administration and Innovation, may take an action under paragraph (c)(6)a., b., or c. of this section on the basis of substantially comparable conduct occurring in a jurisdiction outside this State or occurring before a person applies for or receives any license.

e. Any license holder who has pled guilty or nolo contendere to, or has been convicted of, a crime in a court of law which would constitute grounds for revocation, suspension or limitation of license under § 1218(a) or (b) of this title or has been arrested or indicted by a grand jury for a violent felony as defined in § 4201(c) of Title 11, shall notify the Department of such action in writing within 20 days of such conviction, arrest or indictment, whether or not a sentence has been imposed. Failure to do so shall be grounds on which the Department may limit, suspend, or revoke the holder's license.

f. Any license holder who has surrendered an educator license or any professional license or certificate or who has had such a license or certificate revoked, suspended, or limited in any jurisdiction or by any agency shall notify the Department of such action in writing within 30 days of such action. Failure to do so shall be grounds on which the Department may limit, suspend or revoke the holder's license.

g. The Department may investigate any information received about a person that reasonably appears to be the basis for action under paragraphs (c)(6)a. through c. of this section. The Department shall not investigate anonymous complaints. The Department shall give written notice within a reasonable period of time to a license holder of any investigation initiated hereunder to the license holder's last known address. All information obtained during an investigation is confidential and shall not be considered public records under Delaware's Freedom of Information Act (Chapter 100 of Title 29). The Associate Secretary, Administration and Innovation, shall review the results of each investigation and shall determine whether the results warrant initiating action under paragraph (c)(6)a., b. or c. of this section.

h. Whenever the basis of for action under paragraph (c)(6)a. or b. of this section is a guilty plea, nolo contendere with respect to, or a conviction of a crime, a copy of the record of the plea, nolo contendere or conviction certified by the clerk of the court entering the plea, nolo contendere or conviction shall be conclusive evidence thereof.

i. The Department, through the Associate Secretary, Administration and Innovation, may enter a consent agreement with a person against whom action is being taken under paragraph (c)(6)a., b. or c. of this section.

j. The Associate Secretary, Administration and Innovation, shall not take action against a person under paragraph (c)(6)a. or b. of this section without providing the person with written notice of the charges and with an opportunity for a full and fair hearing before the Secretary of Education. Notice shall be sent to the person's last known address. The license holder shall have 30 calendar days from the date the notice of the charges was mailed to make a written request for a hearing. Unless otherwise provided for in this subsection, the burden of proof in a license disciplinary action shall be on the agency taking official action to establish by preponderance of the evidence that the license holder has engaged in misconduct as defined by paragraphs (c)(6)a. and b. of this section or otherwise has failed to comply with the applicable laws and regulations relating to the retention of the license. If no written request for a hearing is received by the Secretary of Education, the license holder's license shall be deemed to be revoked, suspended, or limited and the holder shall be so notified.

k. A license may be suspended for a period of time not to exceed 5 years. The license may be reinstated by the Department, upon written request, with verification that all requirements for license renewal have been satisfied. If the license expired during the period of suspension, the holder of the former license may reapply for the same tier license that was suspended but shall meet the license requirements that are in effect at the time of the application for the license.

l. If any of the causes listed in § 1218(a) or (b) of this title are determined, the Associate Secretary, Administration and Innovation or the Secretary of Education after a hearing, may put limitations on a license that may include but are not limited to:

1. Restrictions on the ages of students with whom the license holder may work;

2. Additional supervision requirements; or

3. Education, counseling, or psychiatric examination requirements.

m. If a decision of license limitation, suspension or revocation is based on § 1218(a)(4), (a)(5), or (b)(1) of this title, and if the plea or conviction is overturned and there is no subsequent proceeding leading to a plea or conviction, the individual whose license is limited, suspended or revoked may file a written request for reinstatement, including documentation of the final status of the judicial proceeding, and the license shall be reinstated.

n. An individual whose license has been revoked under paragraph (c)(6)a. of this section may petition the Department for reinstatement of the license not sooner than 5 years from the date of revocation. The individual shall submit to the Department a written petition showing credible evidence, by affidavit or otherwise, of the factors set forth in paragraph (c)(6)n.1. of this section.

1. The Department shall consider all of the following criteria in evaluating a petition for reinstatement and shall only grant such a petition if it is in the best interest of the public schools of the State:

A. The nature and circumstances of the individual's original misconduct;

B. The individual's subsequent conduct and rehabilitation;

C. The individual's present character; and

D. The individual's present qualifications and competence to engage in the practice of instruction, administration or other related professional support services.

2. A former license holder is entitled to a full and fair hearing before the Secretary of Education or designee to challenge a denial of reinstatement pursuant to this subsection.

3. A license revoked under paragraph (c)(6)b. of this subsection or suspended under paragraph (c)(6)c. of this section may not be reinstated under this section. A license revoked under of § 1218(b)(1) of this title may only be reinstated pursuant to paragraph (c)(6)n. of this section and a license suspended under paragraph (c)(6)c. of this section may only be reinstated pursuant to § 1218(c)(5) of this title or after a hearing before the Secretary of Education or the Secretary's designee.

o. All communications between a license holder and the Department provided for in this subsection shall be by certified mail, return receipt requested.

21 Del. Laws, c. 67, § 2; 26 Del. Laws, c. 94, § 2; 27 Del. Laws, c. 106; Code 1915, § 2275; 32 Del. Laws, c. 160, § 7; Code 1935, § 2629; Code 1935, c. 71, § 146; 42 Del. Laws, c. 122, § 1; 43 Del. Laws, c. 190, § 3; 14 Del. C. 1953, § 121; 49 Del. Laws, c. 163; 57 Del. Laws, c. 113; 58 Del. Laws, c. 231; 59 Del. Laws, c. 87, § 1; 59 Del. Laws, c. 205, § 1; 62 Del. Laws, c. 118, § 1; 67 Del. Laws, c. 281, § 204; 67 Del. Laws, c. 431, § 2; 68 Del. Laws, c. 290, § 225; 69 Del. Laws, c. 64, § 275; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1; 70 Del. Laws, c. 425, §§ 343, 344; 71 Del. Laws, c. 180, § 5; 74 Del. Laws, c. 169, §§ 1, 2; 75 Del. Laws, c. 76, § 1; 75 Del. Laws, c. 77, §§ 39, 40, 45; 75 Del. Laws, c. 88, § 20(2); 77 Del. Laws, c. 114, §§ 1-4.;

§ 122. Rules and regulations.

(a) The Department shall adopt rules and regulations, consistent with the laws of this State, for the maintenance, administration and supervision throughout the State of a general and efficient system of free public schools in accordance with this title, including the rules and regulations specified in subsection (b) of this section. Such rules and regulations, when prescribed and published, shall not extend, modify or conflict with any law of this State or the reasonable implications thereof, and shall be binding throughout the State.

(b) The Department shall prescribe rules and regulations:

(1) Governing the hygienic, sanitary and protective construction of school buildings; the selection, arrangement and maintenance of school sites and grounds; and the condemnation, for school purposes, of public school buildings that do not conform to such rules and regulations;

(2) Governing the physical inspection of and the protection of the health and physical welfare of public school students in the State;

(3) Governing the issuance of certificates and diplomas for the public schools of the State. Rules and regulations on this subject shall be proposed by the Secretary subject to approval by the State Board of Education;

(4) Notwithstanding any other provision, rule, regulation or law to the contrary, determining the minimum number of core classes a student must take and pass each year in order to advance to a higher level; provided however, that the regulation shall, at a minimum, require students in first through eighth grades to pass at least 50% of all classes taken for credit, excluding physical education, and further provided that no student shall be passed to a higher grade level, without passing English/language arts or its equivalent each school year. These requirements shall be in addition to any limitations on grade level promotion or any other requirements imposed upon students pursuant to subchapter III of Chapter 1 of this title. Rules and regulations on this subject shall be proposed by the Secretary subject to approval by the State Board of Education.

(5) Determining the minimum courses of study for all public elementary schools and all public high schools of the State, including ensuring that all elementary school students have an opportunity to attend a school where all elementary school subjects, with the exception of foreign languages, are taught in the English language and requiring that all pupils of all public elementary schools and all public high schools of the State be instructed in physiology and hygiene, with special reference to the effects of alcoholic drinks, stimulants and narcotics upon the human system. Rules and regulations on this subject shall be proposed by the Secretary subject to approval by the State Board of Education;

(6) Establishing recommended statewide uniform curricula for all public schools of the State. Teachers shall have a role in the curriculum alignment process. Districts shall provide evidence to the Department of Education of curriculum alignment within 12 months of the completion of the recommended curricula in each content area.

(7) Governing the attendance of teachers now employed and prospective teachers at the summer schools at the University of Delaware and Delaware State University, and, in cooperation with the Presidents of those institutions, determining the conditions by which such teachers and prospective teachers may receive from the State all or a part of the expenses incurred by such summer school attendance;

(8) Providing for the licensing of any institution of higher education, public or private, which is not incorporated in the State or which is not established according to Delaware law, whether the main office of that institution is located within the State or in any state of the United States or in any nation of the world, if that institution offers any course, program of courses, or degree at a location within the State or by correspondence to residents of the State. Regulations on this subject shall include provisions for the identification and licensing of any agent of such an institution who contacts persons within the State, in person or by correspondence, for the purpose of soliciting enrollment by a permanent or temporary resident of the State in any such course, program of courses, or degree. The Department shall also determine the minimum requirements for the presentation of any course or program of courses and for the issuing of academic, normal school, collegiate, professional or university degrees of any level by such institutions as are not otherwise authorized by Delaware law to determine such requirements. Rules and regulations pursuant to this paragraph shall be proposed by the Secretary subject to approval by the State Board of Education;

(9) Determining the days on which the schools are closed by the authority of the local board for such reasons as storms, necessary repairs, quarantine, destruction of school property by fire, or other causes. Under the above conditions, a school employee shall suffer no loss of pay, and the total number of hours required by § 1049(1) of this title may be adjusted accordingly. Any excusal of educational hour requirements set forth in § 1049(1) shall be approved by the Secretary and the State Board of Education;

(10) Providing for the enforcement of school attendance laws of this State, controlling the necessary absence of pupils enrolled in the public schools, and determining the circumstances under which such absence shall be considered necessary. Rules and regulations on this subject shall be proposed by the Secretary subject to approval by the State Board of Education;

(11) Requiring a uniform series of forms and blanks for the keeping and reporting of all financial accounts, the annual school budget and all educational records and providing a series of forms and blanks for the same; and determining a standardized format for district and charter school financial reports, which shall include, but not be limited to, the current budget with expenditures, encumbrances and remaining balances by budget component. District and charter school financial reports shall be posted monthly on the district or charter school website and shall be provided in writing upon request. Any reporting or posting shall be consistent with state law.

(12) Providing for the physical examination of students and for the mental examination of such students who have made no advancement in their studies for 3 successive years of regular attendance and ensuring the implementation of § 3122 of this title;

(13) Assuring the permanent maintenance for a period of not less than the number of years required by the Delaware Public Archives of the personnel records of all employees of all the school districts of the State, including those employees who terminate employment in the district. These records shall include, but not be limited to, all annual salaries and sick leave and vacation information;

(14) Providing for instruction in driver education during the summer months beyond the period usually designated as the school term. Rules and regulations on this subject shall be proposed by the Secretary subject to approval by the State Board of Education. Such rules and regulations shall provide for a comprehensive, quality program including at minimum that:

a. The program presented shall use dual-controlled vehicles and follow procedures provided in § 2710(c) of Title 21;

b. The program shall be available to any pupil who is a resident of the reorganized school district in which the program is offered or in which the program is offered in cooperation with other reorganized school districts, who has been enrolled in or is eligible for enrollment in the tenth grade or who is enrolled in grades 11 or 12, or who has reached that pupil's own fifteenth birthday on or before July 15;

c. Teachers shall be assigned on a ratio of 1 teacher for each 125 qualified pupils, or one-fifth of a teacher may be assigned for each 25 qualified pupils, unless these ratios are modified by other sections of this title enacted after July 1, 1967;

d. Instruction shall be available to qualified pupils without charge to said pupils;

e. Driver education teachers shall be regularly certified to teach driver education;

f. Salaries paid to teachers assigned to the program shall be paid in accordance with Chapter 13 of this title;

(15) Governing the conduct of interscholastic athletics between all public schools and such nonpublic schools as shall become member schools in the Delaware Interscholastic Association. Rules and regulations on this subject shall be proposed by the Secretary subject to approval by the State Board of Education. The Secretary, with the approval of the State Board, shall delegate to the Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association the authority, with Department oversight and subject to State Board review of disputes involving such rules and regulations, to implement the Department's rules and regulations on this subject. The Department shall not approve any rule or regulation that denies a student the right to simultaneously try out for, practice with or participate in games on a team similar to the school team on which that student is a member, except that the authority for such dual membership and participation on a similar team shall be authorized only upon written consent by the parent, custodian or guardian of the student. Such written consent shall clearly state the authority to participate on a particularly specified team of a designated organization or institution;

(16) Requiring health and wellness educational programs for grades K through 12, emphasizing the health enhancement benefits of seat belt usage, exercise, proper nutrition, and the avoidance of unhealthy behaviors such as smoking and drug abuse. Rules and regulations on this subject shall be proposed by the Secretary subject to approval by the State Board of Education. An advisory and resource committee comprised of the Secretary of Public Safety, the Secretary of Health and Social Services, and the Secretary of Education is hereby established to assist in the development of the program;

(17) Establishing mandatory drug and alcohol educational programs in each grade, kindergarten through grade 12, in each public school in this State. Rules and regulations on this subject shall be proposed by the Secretary subject to approval by the State Board of Education;

(18) Providing for the operation of adult education and family literacy programs including, but not limited to, adult basic education, literacy education, adult high school, prison education, apprenticeship programs and family literacy. Rules and regulations on this subject shall be proposed by the Secretary subject to approval by the State Board of Education;

(19) Providing, in cooperation with the Family Services Cabinet Council, for the operation of state-supported early education preschool intervention and birth mandate programs that are authorized by this title and designed to enhance individual student readiness for public school, unless specific authority is vested elsewhere by this Code;

(20) Establishing and monitoring the enforcement, in cooperation with the Department of Health and Social Services and the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families, of standards for state-operated residential programs associated with state-operated educational programs that are authorized by this title; and

(21) Establishing mandatory research-based fire safety education in grades kindergarten through grade 6 in each public school in this State as part of the appropriate subject area curriculum. Fire safety education may be taught by professional or volunteer firefighters. The education program shall be agreed upon jointly by the Secretary of Education and the Director of the State Fire School.

(22) Relating to public school teacher preparation, recruitment and retention. Regulations promulgated pursuant to this section shall provide that no individual, public or private educational association, corporation or institution, including any institution of post-secondary education, shall offer a course, or courses, for the training of school teachers to be licensed in this State without first having procured the assent of the Department for the offering of such courses.

(23) Requiring each reorganized school district and charter school to assess the physical fitness of each student at least once at the appropriate elementary school level (kindergarten through grade 5), the middle level (grade 6 through grade 8), and the high school level (grade 9 through grade 12), with the results to be provided to the parent, guardian or relative caregiver. Provided further, the fitness assessment shall be administered at common grade levels statewide.

(c) The Department shall implement rules and regulations promulgated and adopted by the Professional Standards Board and State Board of Education pursuant to § 1203 of this title governing qualifications, licensure, and certification of educators in all public schools of this State.

(d) The Department of Education shall perform and issue a written educational impact analysis of any new proposed regulation and of any regulation that is proposed to be continued pursuant to the review required by subsection (e) of this section. Such educational impact analysis shall address the following criteria:

(1) Whether the proposed regulation or the regulation sought to be continued is justified because it will help improve student achievement as measured against state achievement standards;

(2) Whether the proposed regulation or the regulation sought to be continued is justified because it will help ensure that all students receive an equitable education, that their health and safety are adequately protected and that their legal rights are respected;

(3) Whether the proposed regulation or the regulation sought to be continued preserves the necessary authority and flexibility of decisionmakers at the local board and school level and does not place unnecessary reporting or administrative requirements or mandates upon them;

(4) Whether the proposed regulation or the regulation sought to be continued places decisionmaking authority and accountability for addressing the subject to be regulated in the same entity;

(5) Whether the proposed regulation or the regulation sought to be continued is consistent with and not an impediment to the implementation of other state educational policies, in particular to state educational policies addressing achievement in the core academic subjects of mathematics, science, language arts and social studies;

(6) Whether there is a less burdensome method for addressing the purpose of the proposed regulation or the regulation sought to be continued; and

(7) The cost to the state and local school boards of compliance with the proposed regulation or the regulation sought to be continued.

(e) For the purpose of ensuring that all regulations are current, that unnecessary or unduly burdensome regulations are repealed or modified, and that more frequent comment from affected constituencies may be obtained, the Department of Education shall establish a process whereby each of its regulations in existence as of January 1, 1997, shall be subjected to review and readoption within the 4 years succeeding such date. Such review and readoption, or modification or repeal, shall be preceded by publication pursuant to Chapter 101 of Title 29. Any such regulation that the Department of Education readopts or readopts in modified form shall be accompanied by an educational impact analysis as required by subsection (d) of this section. Any regulation adopted by the Department of Education subsequent to January 1, 1997, shall be made effective for no more than 5 years and shall be subject to the review and readoption process set forth in this subsection.

(f) For the purpose of ensuring that state regulations do not impede innovation or the improvement of student achievement, the Department of Education in conformity with subsection (g) of this section may, upon application by a local board of education established pursuant to a provision of this title, waive any rule or regulation where:

(1) Such a waiver would further the accomplishment of state educational policies, particularly those state educational policies addressing student achievement in the core academic subjects of mathematics, science, language arts and social studies;

(2) Such a waiver would not impose undue administrative burdens upon the State or harm the State's ability to ensure that public funds are properly expended and that applicable state and federal laws are followed; and

(3) The purpose of the regulation or rule to be waived can be satisfied in a less burdensome or different manner than through compliance with the rule or regulation.

The school board of the district making such waiver request shall give notice of the consideration by notices posted in at least 10 public places in the district and on the door of every school in the district at least 20 days prior to the public meeting of the board of education at which the waiver request will be presented and discussed. The public shall be provided an opportunity to present comments concerning the waiver to be requested at a meeting of the local board following posting and preceding its formal adoption.

(g) For the purposes of ensuring that state regulations do not impede innovation or the improvement of student achievement, the local board may propose, upon application of a duly established school-based committee pursuant to a provision of this title or a school principal of a school without such a committee who demonstrates significant faculty support for the waiver application, that any state rule or regulation, subject to exemption in § 505 of this title be waived where it makes written findings that: (i) such a waiver would further the accomplishment of state and local educational policies, particularly those policies addressing student achievement in the core academic subjects of mathematics, science, language arts and social studies; (ii) such a waiver would not impose undue administrative burden upon the State or harm the State's ability to ensure that public funds are properly expended and that applicable state and federal laws are followed; and (iii) the purpose of the regulation or rule to be waived can be satisfied in a less burdensome or different manner than through compliance with the rule or regulation. The board of education of the district in which the waiver is requested shall give notice of the receipt of such waiver request as follows:

(1) By notices posted in at least 10 public places in the district and on the door of every school in the district at least 20 days prior to the public meeting of the board at which the proposed waiver request will be presented and discussed. The public shall be provided an opportunity to present comments concerning the requested waiver at a meeting of the local board following posting and prior to its formal proposal; and

(2) The board of education shall transmit its written findings pursuant to subsection (g) of this section supporting the proposed waiver to the Department of Education within 5 days thereafter. Within 20 days thereof, the Department of Education may schedule, upon 20 days public notice, a hearing to consider whether to approve the proposed waiver. Absent the scheduling of such a hearing within such time period, the proposed waiver shall be considered approved by the Department of Education and shall then become effective, subject to State Board denial pursuant to this subsection. If the Department of Education schedules a hearing to consider a proposed waiver, it shall issue its decision within 30 days of the hearing. The State Board shall be advised of any waiver of a regulation it must promulgate or approve, and may deny such waiver by action taken within 30 days or by the next regularly scheduled meeting, whichever is earlier, of the waiver's approval by the Department.

21 Del. Laws, c. 67, § 2; 26 Del. Laws, c. 94, § 2; 27 Del. Laws, c. 106; Code 1915, § 2275; 32 Del. Laws, c. 160, § 8; 35 Del. Laws, c. 156, § 1; 36 Del. Laws, c. 217, § 1; Code 1935, § 2630; 46 Del. Laws, c. 202, § 1; 14 Del. C. 1953, § 122; 49 Del. Laws, c. 106; 50 Del. Laws, c. 436, § 1; 56 Del. Laws, c. 192; 56 Del. Laws, c. 281; 56 Del. Laws, c. 292, § 1; 57 Del. Laws, c. 113; 57 Del. Laws, c. 752; 59 Del. Laws, c. 85, §§ 2-4; 59 Del. Laws, c. 420, § 1; 61 Del. Laws, c. 304, § 1; 62 Del. Laws, c. 118, §§ 2, 3; 62 Del. Laws, c. 323, § 1; 63 Del. Laws, c. 16; 63 Del. Laws, c. 290, § 1; 65 Del. Laws, c. 456, § 1; 66 Del. Laws, c. 303, § 286(a); 67 Del. Laws, c. 205, § 1; 67 Del. Laws, c. 344, § 5; 67 Del. Laws, c. 395, § 1; 68 Del. Laws, c. 328, § 1; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1; 70 Del. Laws, c. 365, § 1; 70 Del. Laws, c. 456, § 1; 71 Del. Laws, c. 180, §§ 5, 6; 71 Del. Laws, c. 181, § 1; 71 Del. Laws, c. 416, § 1; 72 Del. Laws, c. 294, § 23; 73 Del. Laws, c. 110, § 1; 73 Del. Laws, c. 137, § 1; 73 Del. Laws, c. 167, § 1; 73 Del. Laws, c. 374, §§ 1, 2; 74 Del. Laws, c. 13, § 17; 75 Del. Laws, c. 42, § 1; 75 Del. Laws, c. 409, § 1; 76 Del. Laws, c. 6, § 1.;

§ 123. Funds from insurance; retention and use.

Any funds received by the Department from any insurance company by reason of the loss of school property insured in such company shall be paid to the Treasurer of the Department and by the Treasurer kept in a special fund. The special fund shall be used by the Department of Education to pay as far as possible or necessary for the repair or rebuilding of any building in connection with the loss sustained. Any moneys remaining in the special fund after carrying out this section shall be deposited in the General Fund of the State.

Code 1915, c. 71; 32 Del. Laws, c. 160, § 51; 34 Del. Laws, c. 172, § 1; Code 1935, § 2640; 14 Del. C. 1953, § 126; 49 Del. Laws, c. 408; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1; 71 Del. Laws, c. 180, § 7.;

§ 124. Annual report.

The Department shall submit to the Governor, each year on or before January 1, an annual report covering the needs of the public education system as identified in the School Profiles published pursuant to § 124A of this title and other studies of the public school system conducted by the Department. The annual report shall include recommendations for additional legislation and for changes in existing legislation. The recommendations shall be accompanied by prepared bills to be laid before the Governor and the General Assembly.

The annual report shall include an assessment of the performance of Delaware's public school system using the information contained in the school profiles published pursuant to § 124A of this title and such other relevant information as is available. Such assessment shall address Delaware's progress in promoting high student achievement for all students, the success of state and local educational initiatives, and the performance of the Department of Education.

21 Del. Laws, c. 67, § 2; 26 Del. Laws, c. 94, § 2; 27 Del. Laws, c. 106; Code 1915, § 2275; 32 Del. Laws, c. 160, § 10; Code 1935, § 2642; 14 Del. C. 1953, § 127; 70 Del. Laws, c. 458, § 2; 71 Del. Laws, c. 180, § 8.;

§ 124A. Education Profile reports.

(a) On or before August 15, 2003, and on or before August 1 of each subsequent year, the Department of Education shall issue Delaware Public Education Profiles on all Delaware public schools, including charter schools, reorganized and vocational - technical school districts, and the State (hereinafter in this section referred to as "Education Profiles"). Such Education Profiles shall report on the state of Delaware's public education system and the progress toward achieving the educational goals established by the General Assembly, State, and the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), 20 U.S.C. § 6301 et seq.

(b) The purpose of the Education Profiles shall be to monitor progress and trends toward the achievement of the State's educational goals, to provide parents and citizens with information they can use to make good choices for their children and to hold the public educational system accountable for its performance and cost-effective use of public funds. The Education Profiles shall be in a user-friendly form that permits educationally meaningful comparisons among schools and school districts, based on accurate, r