Subchapter V. Investment by Court of Chancery of Fund of Minors
Decedents' Estates and Fiduciary Relations
Fiduciary Relations
Subchapter V. Investment by Court of Chancery of Fund of Minors
§ 3971. Investment power of Court of Chancery; general requirements.
(a) The Court of Chancery shall have control of money paid into the Court to the credit of any minor who cannot be located, and may invest such money in bank deposits as the Court shall approve, and may change, renew, extend, call in or collect any such investment.
(b) The investment shall be in the name of the minor or minors entitled to the money, either personally or by designation as children, legatees, heirs or representatives of another and the Court may, at any time, apportion and divide the same among them.
(c) At such time as the minor for whom money is held or invested under this subchapter is located, the Court may direct the evidence of such investments to be delivered to the former minor, the guardian of the property of the minor, or in case of death of the minor, to the minor's executors or administrators and may by order direct the bank to pay to the person entitled or to the person's agent or representative the evidences of ownership of the money. Such order shall vest in such person full power over such investment or all unpaid interest which may have accrued thereon.
Code 1852, §§ 1980-1984; 16 Del. Laws, c. 136, § 1; Code 1915, § 3928; Code 1935, § 4435; 12 Del. C. 1953, § 3971; 57 Del. Laws, c. 402, §§ 3, 5; 69 Del. Laws, c. 109, § 2; 70 Del Laws, c. 186, § 1.;
§§ 3972-3975.