Sec. 9-712. Excess expenditures: Reporting.
Sec. 9-712. Excess expenditures: Reporting. (a)(1) If a candidate committee in
a primary campaign or a general election campaign in which there is at least one participating candidate initially receives contributions, loans or other funds or makes or incurs
an obligation to make, an expenditure that, in the aggregate, exceeds ninety per cent of
the applicable expenditure limit for the applicable primary or general election period,
the campaign treasurer of the candidate committee receiving such contributions, loans
or other funds or making or incurring the obligation to make the excess expenditure shall
file a supplemental campaign finance statement with the State Elections Enforcement
Commission in accordance with the provisions of subdivision (2) of this subsection.
(2) If a candidate committee receives contributions, loans or other funds, or makes
or incurs an obligation to make an expenditure that, in the aggregate, exceeds ninety
per cent of the applicable expenditure limit for the applicable primary or general election
campaign period more than twenty days before the day of such primary or election, the
campaign treasurer of said candidate shall file an initial supplemental campaign finance
disclosure statement with the commission not later than forty-eight hours after receiving
such contributions, loans or other funds, or making or incurring such expenditure. If
said candidate committee receives contributions, loans or other funds, or makes or incurs
an obligation to make expenditures, that, in the aggregate, exceed ninety per cent of the
applicable expenditure limit for the applicable primary or general election campaign
period twenty days or less before the day of such primary or election, the campaign
treasurer of such candidate shall file such statement with the commission not later than
twenty-four hours after receiving such contributions, loans or funds, or making or incurring such expenditure.
(3) After the initial filing of a statement under subdivisions (1) and (2) of this subsection, the campaign treasurer of the candidate filing the statement and the campaign
treasurer of all of the opposing candidates shall file periodic supplemental campaign
finance statements with the commission on the following schedule: (A) If the date of
the applicable primary or general election is more than five weeks after the date the initial
supplemental campaign finance disclosure statement is due to be filed in accordance with
subdivisions (1) and (2) of this subsection, periodic supplemental campaign finance
statements shall be filed bi-weekly on every other Thursday, beginning the second
Thursday after the initial statement is filed; and (B) if the date of the applicable primary
election or general election is five weeks or less away, periodic supplemental campaign
finance statements shall be filed: (i) In the case of a primary campaign, on the first
Thursday following the date in July on which candidates are required to file campaign
finance statements pursuant to subsection (a) of section 9-608, or the first Thursday
following the supplemental campaign finance statement filed under subdivisions (1)
and (2) of this subsection, whichever is later, and each Thursday thereafter until the
Thursday before the day of the primary, inclusive, and (ii) in the case of a general election
campaign, on the first Thursday following the date in October on which candidates are
required to file campaign finance statements pursuant to subsection (a) of section 9-608, or the first Thursday following the supplemental campaign finance statement filed
under subdivision (1) of this subsection, whichever is later, and each Thursday thereafter
until the Thursday after the day of the election, inclusive.
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivisions (1), (2) and (3) of this subsection, if a candidate committee in a primary campaign or a general election campaign in
which there is at least one participating candidate receives contributions, loans or other
funds, or makes or incurs an obligation to make expenditures that, in the aggregate,
exceed one hundred per cent, one hundred twenty-five per cent, one hundred fifty per
cent, or one hundred seventy-five per cent of the applicable expenditure limit for the
applicable primary or general election campaign period, the campaign treasurer of the
candidate committee receiving the contributions, incurring the loans or raising the funds,
or making or incurring the obligation to make the excess expenditure or expenditures
shall file a declaration of excess receipts or expenditures statement with the commission,
within the deadlines set forth in subdivision (2) of this subsection.
(5) Each supplemental statement required under subdivision (1), (2), (3) or (4) of
this subsection for a candidate shall disclose the name of the candidate, the name of the
candidate's campaign committee and the total amount of campaign contributions, loans
or other funds received, or expenditures made or obligated to be made by such candidate
committee during the primary campaign or the general election campaign, whichever
is applicable, as of the day before the date on which such statement is required to be
filed. The commission shall adopt regulations, in accordance with the provisions of
chapter 54, specifying permissible media for the transmission of such statements to the
commission, which shall include electronic mail.
(b) (1) As used in this section and section 9-713, "excess expenditure" means an
expenditure made, or obligated to be made, by a nonparticipating or a participating
candidate who is opposed by one or more other participating candidates in a primary
campaign or a general election campaign, which is in excess of the amount of the applicable limit on expenditures for said participating candidates for said campaign and which
is the sum of (A) the applicable qualifying contributions that the participating candidate
is required to receive under section 9-704 to be eligible for grants from the Citizens'
Election Fund, and (B) one hundred per cent of the applicable full grant amount for
a major party candidate authorized under section 9-705 for the applicable campaign
(2) The commission shall confirm whether an expenditure described in a declaration
filed under this subsection is an excess expenditure.
(c) If a campaign treasurer fails to file any statement or declaration required by this
section within the time required, said campaign treasurer shall be subject to a civil
penalty, imposed by the commission, of not more than one thousand dollars for the first
failure to file the statement within the time required and not more than five thousand
dollars for any subsequent such failure.
(Oct. 25 Sp. Sess. P.A. 05-5, S. 13; P.A. 06-137, S. 23; P.A. 08-2, S. 18.)
History: Oct. 25 Sp. Sess. P.A. 05-5 effective December 31, 2006, and applicable to elections held on or after that date;
P.A. 06-137 added references to "candidate committee" and "campaign treasurer" and made technical changes in Subsecs.
(a) and (b) and redefined "excess expenditure" in Subsec. (b)(1), effective December 31, 2006, and applicable to elections
held on or after that date; P.A. 08-2 amended Subsec. (a) to rewrite provisions of Subdiv. (1) and include therein receipt
of contributions, loans or other funds, add new Subdiv. (2) re obligation to make expenditure that, in the aggregate, exceeds
90% of applicable expenditure limit more than 20 days before day of primary or election, redesignate existing Subdiv. (2)
as new Subdiv. (3) and amend same to include provision re applicable primary or election more than 5 weeks after date
that initial supplemental campaign finance disclosure statement is due and to make conforming changes, add Subdiv. (4)
re expenditures that exceed 100%, 125%, 150% or 175% of applicable expenditure limit, redesignate existing Subdiv. (3)
as Subdiv. (5) and make conforming changes therein, and amended Subsec. (b) to redefine "excess expenditure" for
purposes of section and Sec. 9-713 in Subdiv. (1), delete former Subdiv. (2) re declaration of excess expenditures and
redesignate existing Subdiv. (3) as new Subdiv. (2), effective April 7, 2008.
See Sec. 9-717 re effect of court of competent jurisdiction's prohibiting or limiting the expenditure of funds from the
Citizens' Election Fund established in Sec. 9-701.