Sec. 9-619. (Formerly Sec. 9-333u). Contributions made or received by committees established for a single primary or election.
Sec. 9-619. (Formerly Sec. 9-333u). Contributions made or received by committees established for a single primary or election. (a) No political committee established for a single primary or election shall make contributions to a national committee,
or a committee of a candidate for federal or out-of-state office. If such a political committee is established by an organization or a business entity, its contributions shall also
be subject to the limitations imposed by sections 9-613 to 9-615, inclusive. Except as
provided in subdivision (2) of subsection (d) of this section, no political committee
formed for a single election or primary shall, with respect to such election or primary
make a contribution or contributions in excess of two thousand dollars to another political committee, provided no such political committee shall make a contribution in excess
of three hundred seventy-five dollars to an exploratory committee.
(b) No political committee established for a single primary or election, except a
legislative caucus committee or legislative leadership committee, shall make a contribution or contributions to, for the benefit of, or pursuant to the authorization or request
of, a candidate or a committee supporting or opposing any candidate's campaign for
nomination at a primary, or any candidate's campaign for election, to the office of: (1)
Governor, in excess of five thousand dollars; (2) Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of the
State, Treasurer, Comptroller or Attorney General, in excess of three thousand dollars;
(3) chief executive officer of a town, city or borough, in excess of one thousand five
hundred dollars; (4) state senator or probate judge, in excess of one thousand five hundred dollars; (5) state representative, in excess of seven hundred fifty dollars; or (6) any
other office of a municipality not previously included in this subsection, in excess of
three hundred seventy-five dollars. The limits imposed by this subsection shall apply
separately to primaries and elections.
(c) No political committee established for a single primary or election, except a
legislative caucus committee or legislative leadership committee, shall make a contribution or contributions in a calendar year to, or for the benefit of (1) the state central
committee of a political party, in excess of seven thousand five hundred dollars; or (2)
a town committee of a political party, in excess of one thousand five hundred dollars.
(d) (1) No legislative caucus committee or legislative leadership committee shall
make a contribution or contributions to, for the benefit of, or pursuant to the authorization
or request of, a candidate or a committee supporting or opposing any candidate's campaign for nomination at a primary, or any candidate's campaign for election, to the office
of: (A) State senator, in excess of ten thousand dollars; or (B) state representative, in
excess of five thousand dollars. The limits imposed by this subdivision shall apply
separately to primaries and elections. No legislative caucus committee or legislative
leadership committee shall make a contribution or contributions to, for the benefit of,
or pursuant to the authorization or request of, a candidate or a committee supporting or
opposing any candidate's campaign for nomination at a primary, or any candidate's
campaign for election, to any office not included in this subdivision.
(2) No legislative caucus committee or legislative leadership committee shall make
a contribution or contributions in any calendar year to, or for the benefit of, the state
central committee of a political party, in excess of ten thousand dollars.
(3) No legislative caucus committee or legislative leadership committee shall make
a contribution or contributions to, or for the benefit of, any committee except as provided
in this subsection.
(e) A political committee established for a single primary or election shall not receive contributions from a committee of a candidate for federal or out-of-state office
or from a national committee.
(P.A. 86-99, S. 22, 34; Oct. 25 Sp. Sess. P.A. 05-5, S. 38.)
History: Oct. 25 Sp. Sess. P.A. 05-5 amended Subsec. (a) by deleting provisions re authority of political committee
established for a single election or primary to make unlimited contributions to a party or candidate committee, making a
conforming change, adding exception re Subsec. (d)(2) and increasing limit on contributions to exploratory committee
from $250 to $375, redesignated existing Subsec. (b) as Subsec. (e), added new Subsecs. (b) and (c) re limits on contributions
to candidates and party committees by political committee established for a single election or primary, except for legislative
caucus or leadership committee, and added new Subsec. (d) re limits on contributions by legislative caucus or leadership
committee to legislative candidates and party committees and prohibition on contributions to other candidates and committees, effective December 31, 2006, and applicable to elections held on or after that date; Sec. 9-333u transferred to Sec.
9-619 in 2007.
See Sec. 9-717 re effect of court of competent jurisdiction's prohibiting or limiting the expenditure of funds from the
Citizens' Election Fund established in Sec. 9-701.