Sec. 9-6a. Conference for voting machine examiners.
Sec. 9-6a. Conference for voting machine examiners. The Secretary of the State
shall hold a conference prior to each regular election for state officers for the purpose
of training and approving persons examining voting machines under section 9-240a.
The registrars of voters may designate a suitable person or persons to attend such conference, and each such person shall be compensated by his municipality at the rate of
thirty-five dollars per day, plus mileage to and from such conference at a rate per mile
determined by the municipality, but not less than twenty cents per mile, computed from
the home of such person to the place where such conference is being held.
(1969, P.A. 31; P.A. 83-475, S. 4, 43.)
History: P.A. 83-475 increased compensation from $25 to $35 per day and established a minimum mileage rate of
$0.20 per mile.