Sec. 8-386. Regional fair housing compact pilot program. Report.
Sec. 8-386. Regional fair housing compact pilot program. Report. (a) Upon
submission of the initial report of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Housing pursuant
to subsection (a) of section 4 of public act 87-550*, the Secretary of the Office of Policy
and Management, in consultation with the Commissioner of Economic and Community
Development, shall establish a pilot program in two planning regions of the state, as
designated under the provisions of section 16a-4a, for the development, through the
process of a negotiated investment strategy, of a regional fair housing compact to provide
increased housing for low and moderate income families within the regions. The choice
of the regions for such pilot program shall be based on the findings contained in the
initial report of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Housing. The pilot program shall
provide for a series of negotiations to be conducted by a mediator with the Secretary of
the Office of Policy and Management, or his designee, the Commissioner of Economic
and Community Development, or his designee, and the officers of the regional planning
agency or agencies within the chosen regions, or their designees and a representative
of each municipality within such planning regions, appointed by the chief executive
officer of such municipality. Such negotiations shall be conducted for the purpose of
formulating and reaching consensus on a fair housing compact containing regional goals
for the development of adequate, affordable housing based on the need for such housing
in the regions as balanced against environmental, economic, transportation and infrastructure concerns, and the time frames for achieving such goals. The secretary shall
contract with an independent consultant to serve as mediator in such negotiations. Upon
the successful negotiation of such regional fair housing compact, the terms of the compact shall be submitted to the regional planning agency or agencies for incorporation
into the regional plan or plans of development, as provided under section 8-35a, and
shall be transmitted to the chief executive officers of the municipalities located within
the planning regions for approval by the municipalities. Such compact shall not be
included in the regional plan or plans of development until sixty-five per cent of the
legislative bodies located within the planning regions have given such approval.
(b) Not later than September 1, 1988, the Secretary of the Office of Policy and
Management shall submit a report to the select committee on housing containing an
evaluation of the operation and effectiveness of the pilot program authorized under this
(P.A. 87-550, S. 5, 10; 87-589, S. 78, 87; P.A. 88-334, S. 2, 7; P.A. 90-205, S. 1; P.A. 95-250, S. 1; P.A. 96-211, S. 1,
5, 6.)
*Note: Section 4 of public act 87-550 is special in nature and therefore has not been codified but remains in full force
and effect according to its terms.
History: P.A. 87-589 changed report deadline in Subsec. (b) from February 3, 1988, to September 1, 1988; P.A. 88-334 amended Subsec. (a) to provide for the establishment of a pilot program in two planning regions of the state; P.A. 90-205 amended Subsec. (a) by requiring approval of 65% of towns in a compact rather than all the towns before the compact
can be included in a regional plan; P.A. 95-250 and P.A. 96-211 replaced Commissioner and Department of Housing with
Commissioner and Department of Economic and Community Development.