Sec. 8-301. Declaration of policy.
Sec. 8-301. Declaration of policy. (a) It is hereby found that as a result of the
continuing increases in construction and rehabilitation costs, municipal taxes, heating
and electricity expenses, maintenance and repair expenses and the cost of land, low and
moderate income families and persons in many municipalities within the state, including
municipalities which contained formerly stable neighborhoods, are unable to purchase,
rehabilitate and maintain decent, safe and sanitary housing which provides an opportunity for home ownership either directly or through a condominium or cooperative form
of ownership. The inability of such families and persons to purchase and hold housing
in such municipalities results in the decline of new housing and in the decay of the
existing housing stock and of existing neighborhoods with attendant increases in municipal costs for welfare, police and fire protection. The decline in new housing, together
with the decay of existing housing stock, has produced a critical shortage of adequate
housing in these municipalities adversely affecting the economy of the state and its
municipalities and the well-being of their residents. Private enterprise, without the assistance contemplated by this chapter, cannot achieve the construction or rehabilitation of
sufficient housing for low and moderate income families and persons and the alternative
of forcing such families and persons to live in substandard housing is undesirable since
it tends to decrease the interest of such families and persons in their communities, the
maintenance of their property and the preservation of their neighborhoods.
(b) It is further found and declared that unless the supply of housing and the ability of
low and moderate income families and persons to obtain mortgage financing is increased
significantly and expeditiously, a large number of residents of many of the state's municipalities will be compelled to live in unsanitary, overcrowded and unsafe conditions to
the detriment of the health, welfare and well-being of these persons and of the whole
community of which they are a part. By increasing the housing supply of the state
and the ability of low and moderate income families and persons to obtain mortgage
financing, the clearance, replanning, development and redevelopment of blighted areas
will be aided, and the critical shortage of adequate housing will be ameliorated.
(c) It is further found and declared that the cost of mortgage financing is a major
factor materially affecting the supply and cost of housing and that, notwithstanding the
past and present efforts of government agencies and instrumentalities both state and
federal, there continues to exist a serious shortage of low interest mortgage financing
available to low and moderate income families and persons in the state. It is therefore
necessary and appropriate that municipalities take steps on a local level to reduce the
cost of such financing and thereby promote the purchase of decent, safe and sanitary
housing and the rehabilitation of existing substandard housing by low and moderate
income families and persons.
(d) It is further found and declared that the provision by municipalities of financial
assistance for housing for low and moderate income families and persons through the
making and purchase of mortgage loans to such families and persons for the purpose
of purchasing and of rehabilitating housing, are public purposes and purposes for which
public money may be expended by a municipality for the public benefit and good.
(P.A. 79-596, S. 2, 17.)