Sec. 8-218. State financial assistance to community housing development corporations and eligible developers. Funds for rehabilitation and acquisition. Grants-in-aid to community housing development c
Sec. 8-218. State financial assistance to community housing development corporations and eligible developers. Funds for rehabilitation and acquisition. Grants-in-aid to community housing development corporations for accessible housing.
Grants for conversion of adaptable living units into units accessible to persons with
disabilities. Grants-in-aid to community housing development corporations for
capacity building. Regulations. (a) The state, acting by and in the discretion of the
Commissioner of Economic and Community Development, may enter into a contract
with a community housing development corporation or an eligible developer, as defined
in section 8-39, for state financial assistance in the form of (1) a state grant-in-aid, loan,
deferred loan, advance or any combination thereof equal to the cost to the community
housing development corporation or eligible developer, as approved by the commissioner, of developing or rehabilitating low and moderate income housing under section
8-217, but limited to the following expenses: Appraisals, title searches, legal fees, option
agreements, architectural, engineering and consultants' fees, financing fees, closing
costs and such other expenses as may be financed by a mortgage loan under any federal
or state housing statute and incurred by a community housing development corporation
or eligible developer prior to the disbursement of mortgage loan funds on account of
such property; provided, to the extent such expenses are recovered by the community
housing development corporation or the eligible developer from the mortgage loan or
from the proceeds of a sale of such property, such expenses shall be repaid to the state
or to a fund established pursuant to subsection (b) of this section; and (2) an additional
grant-in-aid, loan, deferred loan or advance to such corporation or such developer for
the development of housing which in the determination of the commissioner contains
a substantial number of dwelling units of three or more bedrooms provided (A) that the
mortgage loan for such housing shall be eligible for insurance by the United States
Department of Housing and Urban Development or for financing by the Connecticut
Housing Finance Authority or the Farmers' Home Administration, and (B) that the
commissioner, after consultation with the United States Department of Housing and
Urban Development, the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority or the Farmers' Home
Administration, as the case may be, shall have determined that the mortgage loan on
such housing would not be insurable in the absence of such additional financial assistance; such grant-in-aid, loan, deferred loan or advance shall be in lieu of any assistance to
said housing under section 8-216 and shall be equal to the additional cost of construction
caused by the inclusion of such dwelling units of three or more bedrooms in such housing,
but in no event shall such grant-in-aid, loan, deferred loan or advance be greater than
ten per cent of the cost of construction of such housing, as determined by the United
States Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority or the Farmers' Home Administration. The commissioner may require
that any assistance in the form of a loan or deferred loan be secured by a mortgage on
such housing. In the case of a deferred loan, the contract shall require that payments on
all or a portion of the interest are due currently but that payments on principal may be
made at a later time.
(b) The state, acting by and in the discretion of the commissioner, may enter into
a contract with a community housing development corporation or an eligible developer
for state financial assistance in the form of a loan or deferred loan, which loan or deferred
loan shall be used to establish and administer a revolving loan fund for the construction,
rehabilitation and renovation of existing or planned low and moderate income housing,
as approved by the commissioner. Such fund may also consist of any state financial
assistance received from a contract between said commissioner and such community
housing development corporation or eligible developer entered into pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, any proceeds recovered by such corporation or developer from
any mortgage loan or from any loan or on account of such project or from the sale of such
project and funds from any other source. Such fund shall be used by such corporation or
developer, as approved by the commissioner, for the expenses of acquisition, development, project selection, construction, rehabilitation, renovation and oversight of existing
or planned low and moderate income housing or to make loans for construction, rehabilitation and renovation of such housing on such terms and conditions as the commissioner
may determine. Recipients of loans under this subsection for housing located in a distressed municipality, as defined in section 32-9p, may assign or prepay such loans with
the approval of the community housing development corporation. In the case of housing
developed or rehabilitated by a community housing development corporation in distressed municipalities as defined in section 32-9p, the policies of the Department of
Economic and Community Development adopted under section 8-37dd, and the regulations of the department adopted under this section shall apply only to that portion of
the assisted property which corresponds to the proportion of the state assistance to the
property's value. The number of income-limited housing units shall be determined by
multiplying the amount of the housing assistance by the total number of housing units
in the assisted housing and dividing the product by the fair market value of the property.
The result shall be rounded to the lower whole number. Notwithstanding the provisions
of any statute to the contrary or any regulation adopted under this section or section 8-37dd, or any other statute or regulation, limiting the income of occupants of housing
assisted under this section and not located in a distressed municipality, the income of
occupants of units assisted under this section and located in distressed municipalities
may be two hundred fifty per cent or less of the area median income, adjusted for family
size, as determined from time to time by the United States Department of Housing and
Urban Development.
(c) The state, acting by and in the discretion of the commissioner, may enter into a
contract with a community housing development corporation for state financial assistance within available appropriations in the form of a grant-in-aid which shall be used
by such community housing development corporation to provide grants, or to establish
a revolving loan fund to provide loans or deferred loans for the purpose of making
structural or interior or exterior modifications to any dwelling which may be necessary
to make such dwelling accessible to and usable by persons having physical or mental
disabilities. Such corporation may provide such grants, loans or deferred loans to (1)
any owner of a single-family or multifamily dwelling, or (2) any tenant who furnishes
satisfactory evidence that the owner of the dwelling in which the tenant resides has
approved the intended structural or interior or exterior modifications. Any such loan or
deferred loan may be prepaid at any time, without penalty, and the commissioner shall
release the lien on the property. In the case of housing developed or rehabilitated by a
community housing development corporation in distressed municipalities as defined in
section 32-9p, the policies of the Department of Economic and Community Development adopted under section 8-37dd, and any regulation of the department adopted under
this section, shall apply only to that portion of the assisted property which corresponds
to the proportion of the state assistance to the property's value. The number of income-limited housing units shall be determined by multiplying the amount of the housing
assistance by the total number of housing units in the assisted housing and dividing the
product by the fair market value of the property. The result shall be rounded to the lower
whole number. Notwithstanding the provisions of any statute to the contrary or any
regulation adopted under this section limiting the income of occupants of housing assisted under this section and not located in a distressed municipality, the income of
occupants of units assisted under this section and located in distressed municipalities
may be two hundred fifty per cent or less of the area median income, adjusted for family
size, as determined from time to time by the United States Department of Housing and
Urban Development.
(d) The Commissioner of Economic and Community Development shall enter into
a contract with a community housing development corporation for state financial assistance in the form of a grant-in-aid which shall be used by such community housing
development corporation to provide grants for the purpose of conversion of adaptable
living units into units accessible to persons with disabilities and for reconversion of
such units to adaptable living units. Eligible applicants shall include any tenant or owner
of a unit in a complex or building subject to the provisions of section 29-273.
(e) The Commissioner of Economic and Community Development shall enter into
a contract with a community housing development corporation for state financial assistance in the form of a grant-in-aid which shall be used by such community housing
development corporation to provide grants, loans, deferred loans, loan guarantees, lines
of credit, or any combination thereof, to eligible developers for activities that build,
expand and enhance capacity, including, but not limited to, development of marketing
or neighborhood strategic plans, professional staff training, technical assistance, predevelopment expenses as provided in subsection (a) of this section and other activities
pursuant to section 8-217.
(f) The Commissioner of Economic and Community Development shall adopt regulations, in accordance with chapter 54, to administer the programs established under
subsections (c) and (d) of this section. Such regulations shall establish maximum income
levels for tenants and homeowners and provide for adjustment of income for family
size and medical expenses and may set maximum loan amounts for loans made under
subsection (c) of this section that are not secured and for grants made under subsection
(d) of this section.
(1967, P.A. 522, S. 21; 1969, P.A. 683, S. 2; P.A. 77-483, S. 2; 77-614, S. 297, 610; P.A. 78-149, S. 1-3; P.A. 79-598,
S. 18; P.A. 81-126, S. 2; P.A. 83-258, S. 1, 2; P.A. 85-412; 85-461, S. 1, 4; P.A. 87-376, S. 1, 5; P.A. 88-268, S. 4, 6; P.A.
91-149, S. 1, 3; 91-338, S. 1, 3; P.A. 92-63; 92-166, S. 13, 31; P.A. 93-165, S. 5, 7; 93-241, S. 2, 3; 93-309, S. 25, 29; 93-435, S. 78, 95; P.A. 94-82, S. 1, 5; P.A. 95-250, S. 1; 95-296, S. 1, 5; P.A. 96-211, S. 1, 5, 6; P.A. 97-156, S. 1, 3; P.A.
04-237, S. 7; P.A. 05-288, S. 44; P.A. 06-93, S. 17.)
History: 1969 act included moderate-income housing under provisions of section, amended Subdiv. (5) to include
acquisition, repair, rehabilitation and construction of housing as well as development and to allow grants-in-aid specifically
"not immediately recoverable ... out of conventional mortgage financing" and added Subdiv. (6) concerning grants for
housing with three or more bedrooms; P.A. 77-483 replaced "Federal Housing Administration" with references to Department of Housing and Urban Development, Connecticut Housing Finance Authority and Farmers Home Administration;
P.A. 77-614 specified commissioner of economic development, previously "commissioner" had referred to commissioner
of community affairs, effective January 1, 1979; P.A. 78-149 included loans and advances and combinations of grants-in-aid, loans and advances as available financial assistance, allowed repayment to state or to specially created fund from
proceeds of sale as well as from mortgage, allowed commissioner to require mortgage as security for loans and added
Subsec. (b) re revolving fund for low and moderate-income housing; P.A. 79-598 substituted commissioner of housing
for commissioner of economic development; P.A. 81-126 clarified the acceptability of outside funds for the revolving loan
fund; P.A. 83-258 made technical changes in Subsec. (b); P.A. 85-412 amended Subsec. (b) to repeal provision requiring
loan fund administered by community housing development corporation to be revolving; P.A. 85-461 deleted former
Subdivs. (2) to (5), inclusive, in Subsec. (a), which had authorized state financial assistance to be used for administrative
and certain program costs, and renumbered the remaining subdivisions; P.A. 87-376 authorized financial assistance to
eligible developers under provisions of this section; P.A. 88-268 added Subsec. (c) re grants-in-aid to community housing
development corporations for making dwellings accessible to disabled persons; P.A. 91-149 amended Subsec. (c) to authorize financial assistance to include loans or deferred loans and made technical changes and added new Subsec. (d) re
regulations establishing maximum income levels; P.A. 91-338 inserted new Subsec. (d) authorizing grants for conversion
of adaptable living units into units accessible to persons with disabilities and for reconversion of such units to adaptable
living units relettering former Subsec. (d), added by P.A. 91-149, as Subsec. (e), and authorizing the commissioner to
adopt regulations for grants under Subsec. (d) and made technical changes; P.A. 92-63 amended Subsec. (c) to add provision
re prepayment; P.A. 92-166 amended Subsec. (a) by making deferred loans a form of financial assistance available under
the section and providing that payments on interest are due immediately but that payments on principal may be made at a
later time and made technical changes to Subsec. (b), consistent with changes in Subsec. (a); P.A. 93-165 amended Subsec.
(a) by making technical change re payment of interest, effective June 23, 1993; P.A. 93-241 inserted new Subsec. (e) re a
grant for capacity building and relettered former Subsec. (e) as Subsec. (f), effective June 23, 1993; P.A. 93-309 added
new Subsec. (g) prohibiting the commissioner of housing, on and after July 1, 1994, or the effective date of regulations
adopted under Sec. 8-437, from accepting applications for housing developments that qualify for financial assistance under
Sec. 8-433, effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 93-435 amended Subsec. (g) by deleting reference to "July 1, 1994," re the deadline
for the receipt by the commissioner of housing of certain applications for state financial assistance and made technical
changes, effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 94-82 amended Subsec. (e) by deleting provision requiring that the grant be made
from existing appropriations, effective May 25, 1994; P.A. 95-250 and P.A. 96-211 replaced Commissioner and Department
of Housing with Commissioner and Department of Economic and Community Development; P.A. 95-296 amended Subsec.
(b) to authorize use of funds for development, project selection and oversight and to provide for assignment or prepayment
for loans made for housing located in a distressed municipality, effective July 6, 1995; P.A. 97-156 amended Subsec. (b)
to require loan fund administered by community housing development corporation to be revolving and to add provisions
re determination of the number of income-limited housing units in distressed municipalities developed or rehabilitated by
community housing development corporations, amended Subsec. (c) to make a technical change, to authorize financial
assistance to be used for revolving loan funds and to add provisions re determination of the number of income-limited
housing units in distressed municipalities developed or rehabilitated by community housing development corporations and
amended Subsecs. (d) and (e) to limit eligibility for financial assistance to community housing development corporations,
effective July 1, 1997; P.A. 04-237 amended Subsec. (d) to eliminate reference to "subsections (c) and (d) of" re Sec. 29-273; P.A. 05-288 made technical changes in Subsecs. (f) and (g), effective July 13, 2005; P.A. 06-93 made a technical
change in Subsec. (c) and deleted former Subsec. (g) re regulations and application to program repealed by the same act.
See Sec. 8-226 re use of prior bond proceeds for purposes of this section.
Cited. 170 C. 556.