Sec. 8-154a. Contracts for state financial assistance; eligibility. Net cost of project. Disposition of land by municipalities.
Sec. 8-154a. Contracts for state financial assistance; eligibility. Net cost of
project. Disposition of land by municipalities. (1) The state, acting by the Commissioner of Economic and Community Development, may enter into a contract with a
municipality, acting by its redevelopment agency, for state financial assistance for a
redevelopment or urban renewal project under this chapter, in any redevelopment area
or urban renewal area in such municipality, as defined in this chapter; provided such
project shall have been approved by the United States Department of Housing and Urban
Development for an advance for surveys and plans, a loan or grant contract or a neighborhood development program under Title I of the federal Housing Act of 1949, as amended,
and provided a contract between the municipality and the federal government for a
federal capital grant-in-aid shall not have been entered into prior to May 9, 1958. Such
contract may provide for financial assistance by the state in the form of a grant equal
to one-half of the excess of the net cost of the project as determined by the commissioner
over the federal grant-in-aid thereof; provided, in determining such net cost for purposes
of providing state financial assistance from any funds becoming available after July 1,
1963, by legislative enactment, the commissioner shall neither recognize nor credit as
municipal noncash contributions any expenditures by the state of Connecticut, other
than state grants for urban renewal or redevelopment or schools, which relate in any
way to any urban renewal or redevelopment project, and provided, with respect to state
financial assistance from any funds becoming available after July 1, 1963, by legislative
enactment, in any instances in which noncash contributions provided by any private,
nongovernmental source exceed one-half of such excess of the net cost of the project
as determined by the commissioner, the state grant or advance-in-aid for urban renewal
or redevelopment shall be reduced by an equal amount. In determining the net cost of
a project, nothing shall prevent the commissioner from including costs in excess of the
original projected costs of such project, provided such excess cost has been approved
by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. Contracts for
state financial assistance for urban renewal or redevelopment projects executed under
the provisions of this chapter prior to July 1, 1967, or contracts executed subsequent
thereto for which reservations of state funds were approved by the Connecticut Development Commission prior to July 1, 1967, may be amended or executed under the provisions of this chapter and administrative procedures established hereunder, provided, if
such amendment is for the purpose of providing additional state financial assistance due
to an increase in the net cost of the project, as determined by the commissioner, such
additional state financial assistance shall be made available from funds previously authorized for redevelopment or urban renewal programs or authorized for the purposes
of this chapter and chapter 133.
(2) Any municipality which acquires or retains title to all or part of the land contained in any urban renewal or redevelopment area as defined in section 8-125 or 8-141, for not less than the use value of such property in accordance with section 8-137,
may sell, lease, dedicate, donate or otherwise dispose of such land for less than said use
value, provided there is constructed thereon housing solely for persons or families of
low or moderate income, as defined in section 8-202; provided nothing herein shall be
construed to limit the power of any municipality to retain any redevelopment project
land for any use for which such municipality is authorized for other purposes.
(1961, P.A. 594, S. 1; 1963, P.A. 646, S. 1; February, 1965, P.A. 541, S. 1; 1967, P.A. 522, S. 8, 35; June, 1971, P.A.
4, S. 2; P.A. 73-286, S. 2, 5; P.A. 74-105, S. 2, 4; P.A. 76-289, S. 1, 3; 76-435, S. 31, 82; P.A. 77-313, S. 2; 77-614, S.
284, 610; P.A. 78-303, S. 81, 136; P.A. 79-598, S. 3, 4, 10; P.A. 95-250, S. 1; P.A. 96-211, S. 1, 5, 6.)
History: 1963 act amended Subsec. (1) by adding the proviso concerning private and municipal noncash contributions
and by increasing the bond issue from $25,000,000 to $37,500,000 and amended Subsec. (5) by adding consideration of
moneys received in lieu of real estate taxes; 1965 act added Subsecs. (2) and (3), added provisions concerning sale of land
at less than use value for low and moderate income housing in Subsec. (4), included in said subsection provisions for
grants-in-aid and increased aggregate amount from $37,500,000 to $54,000,000, made former Subsec. (2), Subsec. (5)
and provided that payments be made to treasurer in Subsec. (5); 1967 act repealed Subsec. (5) and called for substitution
of commissioner of community affairs for Connecticut development commission but for some reason not enacted; 1971
act amended Subsec. (4), substituting commissioner of community affairs for Connecticut development commission,
deleting requirement that public works commissioner justify rents to Connecticut development commission but requiring
reimbursements if rents exceed financial capabilities of persons living in housing and increasing aggregate amounts of
state advances to $59,000,000; P.A. 73-286 increased amount of advances in Subsec. (4) to $62,000,000; P.A. 74-105
increased amount of advances in Subsec. (4) to $67,500,000; P.A. 76-289 included urban renewal projects approved by
federal Department of Housing and Urban Development which exceed projected cost but the excess cost of which is also
approved by HUD in limit on amount of advances and increased limit to $87,900,000; P.A. 76-435 substituted commissioner
of community affairs for Connecticut development commission in Subsecs. (1) to (3); P.A. 77-313 amended Subsec. (1)
to require approval of advances by Department of Housing and Urban Development rather than Federal Housing and
Home Finance Agency, to include loans, grant contracts and neighborhood development programs and to add provisions
concerning calculating excess costs in net cost and concerning amendments to and executions of contracts originally
executed or approved by commission before July 1, 1967, deleted former Subsecs. (2) and (3) and amended former Subsec.
(4), now Subsec. (2), to delete provisions for reimbursement of municipalities for difference between use value of land
and its sale price; P.A. 77-614 substituted department of economic development for commissioner of community affairs,
effective January 1, 1979; P.A. 78-303 substituted commissioner for department; P.A. 79-598 substituted commissioner
of housing for commissioner of economic development; P.A. 95-250 and P.A. 96-211 replaced Commissioner and Department of Housing with Commissioner and Department of Economic and Community Development.