Sec. 8-137. Transfer, sale or lease of real property in a redevelopment area.
Sec. 8-137. Transfer, sale or lease of real property in a redevelopment area.
The redevelopment agency, for the purpose of this chapter, may sell, lease or otherwise
transfer for such sums as are agreed upon the whole or any part of the real property
within a redevelopment area to the redeveloper or, if the real property is to be used for
public purposes, to an appropriate public agency. Such sale, lease or transfer may include
easements or other interests in, above or below any street, highway or other public right-of-way, existing or proposed, to the centerline thereof, other than the right-of-way of a
state highway as defined in section 13a-1; provided adequate provision is made for the
safe and convenient public use of the street, highway or other public right-of-way and
for the protection of adjacent land users; and provided further, such sale, lease or transfer
is made to or with the consent of the owner of the real property abutting that portion of
the street, highway or other public right-of-way in, above or below which such easements
or other interests are sold, leased or transferred unless the right or interest of the owner
of such abutting real property in or to the easements or other interests in, above or below
such street or other public right-of-way has been acquired by the municipality, or unless
the owner of such abutting real property has no real property interest in or to such street,
highway or other public right-of-way. The sale, lease or transfer of easements or other
interests in, above or below the portion of a street, highway or other public right-of-way lying to one side of the centerline thereof, shall not prevent the sale, lease or transfer
of easements or other interests in, above or below the portion lying on the other side of
such centerline, unless the terms of the initial sale, lease or transfer so provide. The
consideration paid for the sale, lease or other transfer of the real property shall be determined by the redevelopment agency, provided, if the cost or carrying charges of such
real property to the redevelopment agency are greater than such consideration, the redevelopment agency shall first have specific authorization from the legislative body of
the municipality for the sale, lease or other transfer at any lesser consideration, and the
municipality may appropriate and authorize the expenditure of money to compensate
for any portion of the difference between the acquisition cost of such real property and
such sale, lease or other transfer price of such real property at a lesser consideration to
a redeveloper, but in no case shall such sale, lease or other transfer price be lower than
the use value of such real property. Each contract for sale, lease or other transfer to a
redeveloper shall provide, among other things, (a) that the real property transferred
shall be developed and used in accordance with the redevelopment plan or such plan as
modified with the approval of the redevelopment agency; (b) that the building of the
improvements shall begin within a period of time which the redevelopment agency fixes
as reasonable; and (c) that all transfers of real property by the redeveloper shall, until
the original construction thereon is completed and approved by the redevelopment
agency, be subject to the consent of the redevelopment agency; except that the requirements of subdivisions (b) and (c) above may be waived by the redevelopment agency
with respect to any bona fide mortgage placed upon the real property by the redeveloper
in order to obtain financing for the project. Any such mortgage, with the approval of
the agency, shall be free of the requirements of said subdivisions (b) and (c). Any contract
for sale, lease or other transfer shall be approved by the legislative body before its final
approval by the redevelopment agency. Any contract for sale, lease or other transfer to
a redeveloper may provide, among other things, (a) that the real property in the redevelopment area shall be maintained in accordance with the redevelopment plan; (b) that
the redevelopment agency shall have the right of inspection; (c) that the redeveloper,
as security for its fulfillment of the contract, shall make a cash deposit or give a bond
with such surety as the contract may provide or make such other guarantee as the redevelopment agency deems necessary in the public interest; and that, if the redevelopment
agency finds that the real property in the redevelopment area is not being maintained
in accordance with the contract terms and conditions, it shall notify the redeveloper or
its successor in title in writing of the work which shall be done to meet the standards
of maintenance agreed upon. Unless the redeveloper or its successor in title complies
within ninety days with the requirements of the redevelopment agency as stated in such
notice, the redevelopment agency may cause such work to be done, and the cost of the
work shall be paid by the redevelopment agency out of the deposit herein provided for;
and that, if a redevelopment agency, pursuant to this subsection, causes any work to be
paid for out of such deposit, the redeveloper shall, within thirty days thereafter, pay an
equivalent amount to the redevelopment agency in order to replenish the deposit; and
that, if the redeveloper fails to make such payment within thirty days after being notified
by the redevelopment agency to do so, it shall be liable to such agency in the penal sum
of twice the amount of the cost of the work, which sum may be recovered in a civil action;
(d) that any municipality may contract to retain or accept, close, relocate, construct,
reconstruct and maintain specified streets, playgrounds, parks or other public facilities
within the area of the proposed redevelopment. Upon consummation of the contract for
sale, lease or other transfer of a site to a redeveloper, any municipality may provide for
the extension of such streets, sidewalks and public utilities as are necessary to its use
for residential, commercial or public purposes.
(1949 Rev., S. 984; 1957, P.A. 13, S. 55; 648; 1972, P.A. 99, S. 2.)
History: 1972 act specified sale, lease or other transfer of real property, added provisions concerning sale, lease etc. of
easements, required consent of redevelopment agency for transfers only if original construction not completed and approved
and allowed municipality to extend services necessary for commercial and public purposes as well as for residential
Cited. 141 C. 135. There must be a legally established redevelopment plan before agency enters into contract for sale
under this section. 148 C. 517. Redevelopment is constitutional where taking of plaintiff's property was for public purpose
and not for private interests. 156 C. 521. Cited. 158 C. 381. Subsequent resale of plaintiff's property, condemned for
redevelopment, to church retained in area, was not taking for private use. 159 C. 116. Cited. 201 C. 305.