Sec. 7-389. Financing of change in fiscal year.

      Sec. 7-389. Financing of change in fiscal year. (a) Any municipality proposing a change in its fiscal year to comply with the provisions of this chapter may create a surplus in its general fund for the specific purpose of financing such a change and said municipality may, over a period of years, accumulate the funds necessary to make said change. An amount may be included in its budget for this purpose, subject to the same approval required for any other budget item, and for that purpose it may lay a tax not exceeding five mills per year, provided any municipality which has not begun compliance with the uniform fiscal year on or prior to July 1, 1983, for the purpose of financing such change, may, with respect to each fiscal year commencing subsequent to July 1, 1988, until such municipality has begun such compliance, lay a tax sufficient to create a surplus in the general fund for the purpose of financing such change in whole or in part.

      (b) Any municipality proposing a change in its fiscal year to comply with the provisions of this chapter which has not begun compliance on or before July 1, 1987, may enact an ordinance authorizing the issuance of its bonds or notes and may issue its bonds or notes in such amounts as may be necessary to finance, in whole or in part, the period set forth in subdivisions (1) and (2) of section 7-382 in addition to or without a surplus in its general fund as provided in subsection (a) of this section.

      (1949 Rev., S. 819; P.A. 73-588; P.A. 78-286, S. 2, 3; P.A. 83-551, S. 2, 4; P.A. 88-181, S. 1, 2.)

      History: P.A. 73-588 allowed accumulation of funds necessary to change fiscal year "over a period of years"; P.A. 78-286 required accumulation of funds to finance change in fiscal year if not in compliance on July 1, 1980, and specified how funds to be accumulated; P.A. 83-551 required any municipality to levy the special tax to finance change to uniform fiscal year, for fiscal years commencing after July 1, 1983, if not in compliance on or prior to July 1, 1983, in lieu of July 1, 1980, as previously required; P.A. 88-181 made the special tax to finance change to uniform fiscal year discretionary for fiscal years commencing after July 1, 1988, eliminated the requirement for a tax of two mills and added Subsec. (b) re issuance of bonds or rates to finance change to uniform fiscal year.

      Cited. 178 C. 81.