Sec. 7-340. Towns may establish.
Sec. 7-340. Towns may establish. Any town may, at any annual or special meeting, warned and held for that purpose, vote to establish a board of finance. If such vote
is in the affirmative, a certificate of such approval shall be recorded in the office of the
clerk of such town and a certified copy thereof shall be filed by such clerk in the office
of the Secretary of the State, who shall record the same. Within ten days after such
affirmative vote has been passed by any town, its selectmen shall appoint six electors
and taxpayers of such town as members of such board, each of whom shall serve from
the date of his appointment to the date of the election and qualification of his successor
in accordance with the provisions of section 9-202. All rights and powers conferred and
duties and obligations imposed by the general statutes upon boards of finance shall be
held to be conferred or imposed upon each board of finance as soon as it is established
under the provisions of this chapter. No town shall vote to abolish a board of finance
until after the expiration of two years from the date of its establishment.
(1949 Rev., S. 772.)
Cited. 137 C. 337. Cited. 241 C. 310.
Cited. 10 CS 252.