Sec. 7-277a. Police assistance agreements.
Sec. 7-277a. Police assistance agreements. (a) The chief executive officer of any
town, city or borough or his designee may, whenever he determines it to be necessary
in order to protect the safety or well-being of his municipality, request the chief executive
officer of any other town, city or borough to furnish such police assistance as is necessary
to meet such situation and the chief executive officer, or chief of police or board of
police commissioners or other duly constituted authority with the approval of the chief
executive officer of the municipality receiving such request may, notwithstanding any
other provision or requirement of state or local law, assign and make available for duty
in such other municipality, under the direction and command of an officer designated
for the purpose, such part of the police forces under his control as he deems consistent
with the safety and well-being of his municipality. Any policeman so provided, while
acting in response to such request, shall have the same powers, duties, privileges and
immunities as are conferred on the policemen of the municipality requesting assistance.
Unless waived in writing by the chief executive officer of the municipality supplying
assistance pursuant to a request under this section, such municipality shall be reimbursed
for all expenditures incurred in providing such assistance by the municipality making
such request, including payments for death, disability or injury of employees and losses
or damages to supplies or equipment incurred in providing such assistance. Any municipality, upon the approval of the chief executive officer and, where required by charter
or ordinance, the governing body of such municipality, may enter into an agreement
with any other municipality or municipalities, with respect to requesting and supplying
such assistance and reimbursing or receiving reimbursement for the same.
(b) The chief executive officer of any institution which maintains a special police
force, established under the provisions of section 10a-142, and the chief of police of the
Office of State Capitol Police, established under the provisions of section 2-1f, may
enter into an agreement with one or more municipalities to furnish or receive police
assistance under the same conditions and terms specified in subsection (a) of this section
for agreements between municipalities.
(c) The chief executive officer of any town, city or borough which provides police
protection solely by a constabulary force may enter into an agreement with one or more
municipalities to furnish or receive police assistance under the conditions and terms
specified in subsection (a) of this section.
(1967, P.A. 198; 1969, P.A. 78; P.A. 83-466, S. 1; P.A. 84-302, S. 1; P.A. 96-219, S. 2; P.A. 07-217, S. 21.)
History: 1969 act allowed request for assistance to be made when chief executive officer determines it to be necessary
rather than "in any emergency" as previously, permitted police chief, police commissioners etc. power to fill request as
well as chief executive authority, permitted waiver of reimbursement and provided for agreements between municipalities
regarding assistance and reimbursement; P.A. 83-466 added Subsec. (b), which permitted state university special police
forces to enter into mutual aid agreements with municipalities and amended Subsec. (a) to permit a municipality's chief
executive officer's designee to request police assistance of the chief executive officer of another municipality; P.A. 84-302 added Subsec. (c), permitting the chief executive officer of any town protected solely by a constabulary force to enter
into mutual aid agreements with other municipalities; P.A. 96-219 amended Subsec. (b) by adding reference to the chief
of police of the Office of State Capitol Police, established under Sec. 2-1f; P.A. 07-217 made technical changes in Subsecs.
(b) and (c), effective July 12, 2007.
Cited. 227 C. 363.
Cited. 29 CA 207.