Sec. 7-4. Record of warning.
Sec. 7-4. Record of warning. The person who posts, causes to be published or in
any other manner gives notice of the warning for any meeting of a town, city, borough,
school district or other public community or of an ecclesiastical society shall make
return, in writing, to the person whose duty it is to keep a record of such meeting, showing
the notice given of such warning, and such return shall be kept on file and recorded at
length with the warning or doings of such meeting.
(1949 Rev., S. 494; 1953, S. 212d.)
As to necessity of recording warning, see 121 U. S. 121.
Recorded return of notice of warning best evidence of contents of warning. 97 C. 633.
Town not charged with the neglect of its officers to file sufficient notice of town meeting. 29 CS 59.