Sec. 54-142n. Further provisions for disclosure of nonconviction information.

      Sec. 54-142n. Further provisions for disclosure of nonconviction information. Nonconviction information other than erased information may be disclosed only to: (1) Criminal justice agencies in this and other states and the federal government; (2) agencies and persons which require such information to implement a statute or executive order that expressly refers to criminal conduct; (3) agencies or persons authorized by a court order, statute or decisional law to receive criminal history record information. Whenever a person or agency receiving a request for nonconviction information is in doubt about the authority of the requesting agency to receive such information, the request shall be referred to the State Police Bureau of Investigation.

      (P.A. 78-200, S. 13.)

      History: (Revisor's note: In 1995 the indicators (a), (b) and (c) were changed editorially by the Revisors to (1), (2) and (3) respectively for consistency with statutory usage).