Sec. 54-91b. (Formerly Sec. 54-109a). Defendant may request copy of prior record and presentence investigation report.

      Sec. 54-91b. (Formerly Sec. 54-109a). Defendant may request copy of prior record and presentence investigation report. In any case, without a showing of good cause, upon the request of the defendant or his attorney, prior to sentencing, the court shall provide the defendant or his attorney with a copy of his record of prior convictions and in any case wherein a presentence investigation is ordered, without a showing of good cause, the court shall provide the defendant or his attorney with a copy of the presentence investigation report at least twenty-four hours prior to the date set for sentencing and in both such cases shall hear motions addressed to the accuracy of any part of such record or report.

      (1969, P.A. 129.)

      History: Sec. 54-109a transferred to Sec. 54-91b in 1981.

      Cited. 186 C. 153 (Diss. Op.).