Sec. 54-85d. Employer not to discharge employee who attends court as family member of or person designated by homicide victim.

      Sec. 54-85d. Employer not to discharge employee who attends court as family member of or person designated by homicide victim. An employer shall not deprive an employee of employment, or threaten or otherwise coerce such employee with respect thereto, because the employee, as a parent, spouse, child or sibling of a victim of homicide, or as a person designated by the victim in accordance with section 1-56r, attends court proceedings with respect to the criminal case of the person or persons charged with committing the crime that resulted in the death of the victim.

      (P.A. 99-247, S. 2; P.A. 02-105, S. 12.)

      History: P.A. 02-105 added a person designated by a victim pursuant to Sec. 1-56r to employees protected in attending court proceedings.