Sec. 54-82u. Witness protection agreement.

      Sec. 54-82u. Witness protection agreement. (a) In order to receive protective services under section 54-82t, the witness shall enter into a written agreement with the Chief State's Attorney. The witness protection agreement shall be in writing and shall specify the responsibilities of the witness that establish the conditions for the Chief State's Attorney to provide protective services. The witness shall agree to all of the following:

      (1) To testify in and provide information to all appropriate law enforcement officials concerning all appropriate proceedings;

      (2) To refrain from committing any crime;

      (3) To take all necessary steps to avoid detection by other persons of the facts concerning the protective services provided to the witness under section 54-82t;

      (4) To comply with legal obligations and civil judgments against the witness;

      (5) To cooperate with all reasonable requests of officers and employees of the state or any municipality who are providing protective services under section 54-82t;

      (6) To designate another person to act as agent for service of process;

      (7) To make a sworn statement of all outstanding legal obligations, including obligations concerning child custody and visitation;

      (8) To disclose if the witness is on probation or parole and, if so, any conditions of probation or parole;

      (9) To inform regularly the appropriate official of the witness's activities and current address; and

      (10) To comply with any other lawful and appropriate conditions as determined by the Office of the Chief State's Attorney.

      (b) The Chief State's Attorney shall not be liable for any condition in the witness protection agreement that cannot reasonably be met due to a witness committing a crime during participation in the program.

      (P.A. 99-240, S. 7.)