Sec. 54-108c. Availability of information on outstanding arrest warrants for probation violations.

      Sec. 54-108c. Availability of information on outstanding arrest warrants for probation violations. The Court Support Services Division of the Judicial Branch shall make available on the Internet (1) information concerning all outstanding arrest warrants for violation of probation including the name, address and photographic image of the probationer named in such warrant, and (2) a quarterly report listing by court of issuance all outstanding arrest warrants for violation of probation including the name and address of the probationer named in each such warrant and the date of issuance of such warrant.

      (Jan. Sp. Sess. P.A. 08-1, S. 21.)

      History: Jan. Sp. Sess. P.A. 08-1 effective January 25, 2008.