Sec. 54-103b. Services for probation referrals. Duties of Court Support Services Division. Contractual services and alternative incarceration program.

      Sec. 54-103b. Services for probation referrals. Duties of Court Support Services Division. Contractual services and alternative incarceration program. The Court Support Services Division shall implement liaison with local community service providers throughout the state for the purpose of improving services delivery for probation referrals. Contractual services purchased shall be predominantly for the purpose of, but not limited to, employment, psychiatric and psychological evaluation and counseling, drug and alcohol dependency treatment, and other services towards more effective control and rehabilitation of probation referrals. The Chief Court Administrator, as part of a publicly bid contract for an alternative incarceration program, may include a requirement that the contractor provide such space as is necessary for staff of the Court Support Services Division to meet with probationers and to conduct any business that may be necessary to oversee and monitor such program. Other outside professional service fees consonant with the primary purpose of improved direct services shall be within the scope of the authority granted by this section.

      (P.A. 79-585, S. 14, 15; P.A. 02-132, S. 42; P.A. 06-152, S. 6.)

      History: P.A. 02-132 replaced "Office of Adult Probation" with "Court Support Services Division"; P.A. 06-152 authorized Chief Court Administrator to include space requirement in publicly bid contract for alternative incarceration program, effective June 6, 2006.

      Cited. 41 CS 229.