Sec. 53a-182. Disorderly conduct: Class C misdemeanor.

      Sec. 53a-182. Disorderly conduct: Class C misdemeanor. (a) A person is guilty of disorderly conduct when, with intent to cause inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or recklessly creating a risk thereof, such person: (1) Engages in fighting or in violent, tumultuous or threatening behavior; or (2) by offensive or disorderly conduct, annoys or interferes with another person; or (3) makes unreasonable noise; or (4) without lawful authority, disturbs any lawful assembly or meeting of persons; or (5) obstructs vehicular or pedestrian traffic; or (6) congregates with other persons in a public place and refuses to comply with a reasonable official request or order to disperse; or (7) commits simple trespass, as provided in section 53a-110a, and observes, in other than a casual or cursory manner, another person (A) without the knowledge or consent of such other person, (B) while such other person is inside a dwelling, as defined in section 53a-100, and not in plain view, and (C) under circumstances where such other person has a reasonable expectation of privacy.

      (b) Disorderly conduct is a class C misdemeanor.

      (1969, P.A. 828, S. 184; P.A. 01-83, S. 1.)

      History: P.A. 01-83 amended Subsec. (a) to make a technical change for purposes of gender neutrality and add Subdiv. (7) re a person who commits simple trespass and observes another person inside a dwelling under certain circumstances.

      Annotation to former section 53-175:

      However forceful and persuasive arguments may be compelling determination that Connecticut disorderly conduct statute, Sec. 53-175 is unconstitutional as containing no ascertainable standard of quiet, circuit court should leave such decision to higher courts. 6 Conn. Cir. Ct. 73, 77.

      Annotations to present section:

      Cited. 188 C. 557. Cited. 194 C. 347. Cited. 224 C. 914. Cited. 228 C. 795. Cited. 234 C. 78. Cited. 237 C. 613; Id., 633.

      Cited. 5 CA 616. Cited. 9 CA 15; Id., 255. Cited. 11 CA 24. Cited. 12 CA 258; Id., 306; Id., 364; Id., 481. Cited. 17 CA 156; Id., 234; Id., 339. Cited. 22 CA 303. Cited. 26 CA 157. Cited. 28 CA 344. Cited. 29 CA 283; judgment reversed, see 228 C. 795. Cited. 36 CA 106; judgment reversed, see 234 C. 78. Evidence sufficient to support conviction for disorderly conduct. 96 CA 341.

      Cited. 34 CS 612. Cited. 36 CS 129. Cited. 37 CS 767. Cited. 38 CS 472; Id., 665.

      Subsec. (a):

      Subdiv. (2) cited. 179 C. 328. Subdiv. (3): Under statute disorderly conduct may occur in a place that is not public. 194 C. 347. Subdiv. (2) cited. 221 C. 788. Subdiv. (3) cited. Id. Subdiv. (2): Plain language of section unconstitutionally vague, court construed it to provide it with constitutional content for the future. Judgment of appellate court in State v. Indrisano, 29 CA 283, 287, reversed. 228 C. 795. Cited. 230 C. 183. Subdiv. (1) cited. 237 C. 619.

      Subdiv. (1) cited. 8 CA 153; Id., 517; 36 CA 625; judgment reversed, see 237 C. 613. Subdiv. (2) cited. 40 CA 643. Cited. 46 CA 661. Subdiv. (1) cited. Id. Subdiv. (2): Held unconstitutional on its face where conduct occurred prior to judicial gloss placed on statute. Id. Subdiv. (2) should be read and applied as follows: A person is guilty of disorderly conduct when, with the predominant intent previously defined or with reckless disregard for the risks of his or her conduct, the person, by conduct that is grossly offensive under contemporary community standards to a person who actually overhears it or sees it, disturbs or impedes the lawful activity of another person. 83 CA 724. There was sufficient evidence presented by the state and the court reasonably could have inferred on the basis of the size of defendants' belongings and their position on the sidewalk that defendants intended to cause inconvenience, annoyance and alarm and did obstruct sidewalk. 108 CA 146.

      Expression of political views found not to constitute disorderly conduct. 33 CS 93. Subdiv. (2): Failure of charge to limit application of section to "fighting words" deprived defendant of freedom of speech constitutional guarantee. 34 CS 689.