Sec. 52-550. Statute of frauds; written agreement or memorandum.
Sec. 52-550. Statute of frauds; written agreement or memorandum. (a) No
civil action may be maintained in the following cases unless the agreement, or a memorandum of the agreement, is made in writing and signed by the party, or the agent of
the party, to be charged: (1) Upon any agreement to charge any executor or administrator,
upon a special promise to answer damages out of his own property; (2) against any
person upon any special promise to answer for the debt, default or miscarriage of another;
(3) upon any agreement made upon consideration of marriage; (4) upon any agreement
for the sale of real property or any interest in or concerning real property; (5) upon any
agreement that is not to be performed within one year from the making thereof; or (6)
upon any agreement for a loan in an amount which exceeds fifty thousand dollars.
(b) This section shall not apply to parol agreements for hiring or leasing real property, or any interest therein, for one year or less, in pursuance of which the leased premises have been or are actually occupied by the lessee, or any person claiming under him,
during any part of the term.
(1949 Rev., S. 8293; P.A. 82-160, S. 218; P.A. 89-338, S. 3; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 92-11, S. 39, 70.)
History: P.A. 82-160 replaced "estate" with "property", rephrased the section and inserted Subsec. indicators; P.A. 89-338 added Subsec. (a)(6) re an agreement for a loan in an amount which exceeds $50,000; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 92-11 made
a technical change in Subsec. (a).
In general. The contract, if within the statute, is not void, but the remedy only is denied. 23 C. 17; 36 C. 45; 81 C. 438;
110 C. 395. Advantage can be taken of statute under general denial; Practice Book, Sec. 116; 121 C. 403; but not upon
demurrer. 2 R. 146. Demurrer permissible when from pleadings it appears impossible to offer competent evidence of
necessary memorandum. 83 C. 120; 114 C. 542. Fraud will take case out of statute. 2 R. 163; 50 C. 491. A beneficial
statute and not to be narrowed by rigid construction. 15 C. 403. A consideration is necessary whether promise is within
the statute or not. 22 C. 321; 31 C. 102. But consideration need not be expressed in the writing. 6 C. 87; 8 C. 10. A contract
within the statute, while executory, is of no legal effect. 25 C. 191. "Special promise" is actual, not one implied by law. 1
R. 150; 6 C. 85. Oral acceptance of bill of exchange is not a "special promise." 46 C. 91. Parol proof of special contract
of endorser of nonnegotiable note is admissible; but not to prove a mere collateral suretyship. 16 C. 234. If executed on
one side, contract is thereby taken out of statute. 7 C. 226. Buildings, crops and earth itself, sold as separate from land, are
personal property. 19 C. 165; 88 C. 3. Right to erect building upon land is an "interest" therein. 25 C. 240. The contracting
vendor, as well as the vendee, is entitled to specific performance. 58 C. 21. Statute does not extend to trusts arising by
operation of law. 59 C. 196. Plaintiff cannot rectify writing by oral testimony and then enforce the contract as thus rectified;
but the defendant may stand upon the writing simply in defense. 19 C. 73. There can be no recovery at law for the breach
of a contract within the statute. 18 C. 231. In equity plaintiff may prove the oral agreement to show fraud, actual or
constructive. 60 C. 54. Contract in statute cannot be used in defense. 80 C. 267; but see 83 C. 37. It may be used to show
that services performed were not intended to be gratuitous. 83 C. 37; 101 C. 58. Memo may be typewritten and signed
with rubber stamp. 73 C. 346. Letter saying that lease referred to is "all right" sufficient. 75 C. 679. Several writings may
be connected by mutual reference. 76 C. 229. Record of vote of corporation signed by secretary held sufficient. 72 C. 66.
Oral evidence is admissible to explain words or identify papers referred to; memo need not be intended for other party. 83
C. 120; 87 C. 90. If agreement is made with agent, subject to principal's approval, approval must be shown in writing. 83
C. 120. Modifications of contract must be in writing. 82 C. 297. Statute regards promises, not their consideration. 83 C.
688. Letter referring to prior oral agreement and agreement to be construed together. 85 C. 421. Use of contract as evidence,
not as basis of action. 87 C. 80. Printed signature may suffice; its position on the paper does not matter. 91 C. 29. When
demurrer lies to complaint setting out written memo. 83 C. 120. Memo must show all terms of agreement; 81 C. 575; and
be signed by all concerned. 83 C. 120. Action for damages does not lie on contract within statute. 91 C. 29; 92 C. 416.
Estoppel to set up statute. Id.; 124 C. 512. Equity cannot reform contract and then enforce it. 95 C. 211; 103 C. 297. But
where defendant induces plaintiff to spend money in reliance on former's promise of parol lease, plaintiff may recover for
amount so spent even though lease was within statute. 97 C. 533. Whether agreement restricting use of land creates an
interest in land. 106 C. 246. One who has rendered services under an unenforceable agreement to receive compensation
by devise of land may sue for the services rendered. 116 C. 111. Statute does not prevent proof of oral agreement modifying
written contract when fully performed. 121 C. 186. Later oral contract, modifying instrument within statute, is not enforceable unless a complete contract and not within statute. 129 C. 682. Parol evidence admissible to prove inducement to enter
into contract by misrepresentation of material facts. 145 C. 694. Defense of statute of frauds may be raised by demurrer.
148 C. 153. Need not be specially pleaded. 150 C. 8. Cited. 150 C. 481. Even if enforcement is precluded by statute,
recovery can be had under quasi-contract. Id., 680. Unless there existed written memorandum satisfying requirements of
statute of frauds, evidence indicating agreement is not legally sufficient to support court's conclusion that such agreement
did exist. 159 C. 453. Oral agreements concerning interest in land are unenforceable. 164 C. 56. Conveyance of property
held to be full performance by one party to contract so as to take that contract out of state of frauds regarding individual
liability of party conveying property. 169 C. 389. Cited. 172 C. 210. Cited. 174 C. 535. Cited. 176 C. 442. Cited. 177 C.
22. A description of property in a listing agreement need not be as definite as in a contract for sale of land since contract
employing a broker to sell land is not within statute of frauds. Id., 515. Cited. Id., 569. Cited. 178 C. 1; Id., 215. Cited. 179
C. 704. Lower court in error in allowing possible impact of unessential terms to invalidate a written memorandum that
states essential terms with reasonable certainty. 181 C. 434. Cited. 182 C. 193; Id., 448. Cited. 184 C. 228. Cited. 185 C.
47; Id., 328; Id., 463. Cited. 186 C. 86. Cited. 188 C. 1. Cited. 190 C. 481. Cited. 197 C. 101. Cited. 200 C. 713. Cited.
201 C. 570. Statute of frauds cited. 202 C. 190. Cited. Id., 566. Cited. 204 C. 303. Cited. 207 C. 555. Cited. 208 C. 352.
Statute of frauds cited. 214 C. 641; 215 C. 316. Cited. 216 C. 509. Cited. 218 C. 512. Cited. 232 C. 294. Cited. 237 C. 123.
Trial court improperly instructed jury on statute of frauds when it instructed jury that it could find that an exception to
statute of frauds applied if it found that plaintiffs had proved either part performance of contract or detrimental reliance
induced by defendant; although this court has occasionally used the terms interchangeably, it never intended that doctrines
of equitable estoppel and of part performance operate as independent exceptions to statute of frauds; part performance is
an essential element of the estoppel exception to statute of frauds. 274 C. 33. Statute of frauds, which governs disputes
between parties to a contract, not applicable to case involving oral lease agreement because it did not involve a "contractual
dispute". 278 C. 660.
Cited. 1 CA 566; Id., 634. Cited. 3 CA 34. Cited. 4 CA 46. Cited. 5 CA 358; Id., 394. Cited. 6 CA 595. Cited. 11 CA
375. Statute of frauds cited. Id. Cited. Id., 439. Statute of frauds cited. Id. Cited. 13 CA 677. Cited. 16 CA 240. Cited. 18
CA 581. Cited. 20 CA 58. Cited. 23 CA 522. Statute of frauds cited. Id. Cited. 26 CA 305. Statute of frauds cited. Id. Cited.
28 CA 739. Statute of frauds cited. Id. Cited. 33 CA 662. Cited. 35 CA 31. Cited. 38 CA 420. "Statute of frauds" cited.
Id., 420. Cited. Id., 772. Cited. 40 CA 261. Cited. 42 CA 413; Id., 712. Statute of frauds cited. Id. Cited. 44 CA 402. Statute
of frauds cited. Id. Court rejected argument that partial payment of contract price is an act of part performance making
contract enforceable regardless of statute of frauds. 49 CA 751. Trial court's finding that contract satisfied statute of frauds
was not clearly erroneous where trial court found that description of the land had been made sufficiently definite through
reference to two contracts, a map attached to the contract, other maps and descriptions, plus testimony placed in evidence
at trial. Id. Statute of frauds requires that any modification to the note and mortgage be in writing. 62 CA 138.
Contract for sale of land not specific as to subsequent lien, void. 30 CS 30. Cited. 34 CS 107; Id., 620. Cited. 35 CS
24. Cited. 37 CS 27; Id., 579; Id., 698. Cited. 39 CS 95. Compliance with statute of frauds discussed. 41 CS 545.
In oral contract for sale of two building lots, plaintiff buyer could recover money held in escrow by attorney upon basis
it would be unjust enrichment if defendant could retain it when conditions of escrow were not met. 5 Conn. Cir. Ct. 687.
Statute of frauds is not good defense if promise was an original undertaking. 6 Conn. Cir. Ct. 112, 117. Oral contract for
one thousand dollars to induce third person to sell land is not within statute of frauds, since subject matter of contract is
not land or any interest therein. Id., 488.
Nature and requisites of memorandum. Advertisement of terms of sale, etc., held sufficient as against vendor. K. 15.
Letter explaining purpose of deed, held sufficient memo of contract. 1 R. 171. The consideration need not be expressed
in writing. 6 C. 87; 8 C. 10. Must contain subject matter, terms and names of parties. 10 C. 198; 108 C. 687. Must disclose
name of vendor. 10 C. 199; 56 C. 105. What description of subject matter is sufficient. 10 C. 199. Written vote of corporation,
held a sufficient memorandum. 26 C. 109; 72 C. 66. Assumption of firm debts by succeeding corporation, held valid. 26
C. 109. Whether the acceptance of a deed poll may not be a sufficient compliance with the statute, quaere. 36 C. 55; 42
C. 254. Oral negotiation followed by written offer and answer "to proceed," sufficient. 40 C. 522. Memorandum signed
and dated back by repudiated agent, insufficient. Id., 455. Signature of auctioneer is a sufficient signing. 56 C. 105. Plaintiff
may enforce contract against signers though he himself failed to sign. 58 C. 18; 102 C. 479. Description of real estate held
sufficiently definite. 58 C. 19. Special case; facts held not to show a sufficient signature by defendant. 63 C. 118, 119.
General description of the land held too indefinite to comply with statute. Id., 118; 105 C. 413. Whether such description
could be applied to the land intended, by extrinsic evidence, quaere. 63 C. 118. All terms of contract must be stated; 90
C. 193; time of delivery, see 81 C. 575. Two papers may be read together. 75 C. 679; 101 C. 329. What constitutes signature.
91 C. 29. Making certain its terms by parol evidence. 92 C. 636. Memo of sale of goods which names parties, subject
matter, price and place of delivery is sufficient. 93 C. 211. Requisites of memo for sale of real estate; sufficient to describe
city property by street and number alone; parol proof may explain but not supplement its terms. 96 C. 541; 105 C. 413.
Part of memorandum may be below signature. 101 C. 330. Defendant's signature under word "accepted" on nonnegotiable
bill of exchange sufficient. 102 C. 558. "All my property, one house and two lots 100 x 100," held insufficient. 105 C.
413. Memorandum not naming nor describing purchaser insufficient. 99 C. 542. Memorandum held insufficient for failure
to give details of mortgage. Id. So where duration of purchase money mortgage is not disclosed. 101 C. 166; 105 C. 636.
Map incorporated by reference in mutual deeds held a sufficient memorandum. 108 C. 540. Requisites of memorandum
for sale of real estate. Id., 688. Memorandum held insufficient in stating time of completion and payment. Id. Power of
attorney to A to convey land is not sufficient memorandum of agreement that A was to be owner. 114 C. 539. Memorandum
not specifying how balance of purchase price of land was to be paid is not sufficient. 115 C. 721. "$8500 net" is sufficiently
definite statement of price of real estate. 131 C. 290, 291. Exclusive agency contract by defendant with brokers is not
memorandum for sale to plaintiff. 133 C. 573. Total purchase price and amount of purchase money mortgage indefinite;
agreement held not sufficient. Requisites of memorandum. 145 C. 669.
Agreement to answer for the debt, default or miscarriage of another. Rule stated for determining whether a given promise
is within the statute or not. 60 C. 76; 83 C. 686; 93 C. 265; 99 C. 163; 107 C. 51; 112 C. 389. If promise is merely collateral
to the original debt, it must be in writing, whatever the consideration. 60 C. 81. Statute is just as binding in courts of equity
as in courts of law. Id., 53. A contract void under the statute is void for all purposes. Id., 367. Applies to special promise
made by the executor or administrator to pay, out of his own estate, what he is already liable to pay in his representative
capacity. Id., 75. Agreement in statute will not be implied. 82 C. 178. If there is new benefit to promisor and act is done
on his request and credit, original undertaking ordinarily arises. 112 C. 391. Oral contracts or promises held within the
statute: For appearance of another or payment of debt. 1 R. 57. To pay loss if suit against another failed. 2 D. 457. By
discharged endorser, to pay note if maker was not sued. 4 C. 122, 130. Promise by administrator without assets; 22 C. 323;
aliter, when administrator has assets. 22 C. 323. Promise to A to pay his debts due others, within the statute as to A's
creditors; 31 C. 100; but not as to A. 22 C. 325. Promise made to one to whom another is answerable. Id.; 26 C. 109.
Undertaking by one not before liable to perform same duty for which party for whom undertaking was made continues
liable. 35 C. 350; 41 C. 196; 60 C. 71; 125 C. 500. Contracts of surety and guaranty. 31 C. 101; Id., 362. To answer for
deficiency of tax collector. 41 C. 196. By third person to save endorser harmless. 52 C. 473. By third person to pay tax if
collector would forbear to levy; 60 C. 76; aliter if arrangement releases original debtor. Id., 76, 77. Of owner of building
to pay subcontractor if contractor did not. 60 C. 471. Agreement by officer of corporation personally to pay its debt in
certain contingency; 76 C. 43; by corporation to pay for services rendered to another corporation which former organizes.
82 C. 178. A promise to indemnify the promisee for becoming surety for a third person at the request of promisor is not
within statute. 147 C. 1. Undertaking, by party not before liable, for purpose of securing, or for performance of, a duty for
which party for whom undertaking is made continues liable is within statute as special promise to answer for debt, default
or miscarriage of another. Defense of statute of frauds need not be specially pleaded. Unless X company was relieved of
its obligation to pay plaintiff for work, oral promise by defendant to pay plaintiff for it constituted a collateral, rather than
an original, undertaking and was within statute of frauds. 150 C. 8. Oral contracts or promises held not within the statute:
To pay for boarding son. 1 R. 90. Of principal to indemnify agent acting properly. 1 C. 522. By administrator to submit
claim of estate to arbitration. 2 C. 691. Undertaking of assignee accepting trust. 3 C. 277. Of A to pay B one-half C might
recover of D. 16 C. 553. Of A to pay for such articles as B should furnish C. 17 C. 119, 121. Contract of bailee under
officer's receipt. 20 C. 494. Special agreement of contractor de erection of church. 23 C. 557. Of administrator to pay costs
of suit. 28 C. 550. Accommodation paper. 31 C. 362. Promise which discharges debtor and assumes new obligation. 35
C. 349. By grantee in deed to assume mortgage debt. 42 C. 254. Promise to pay another with funds of promisee. 53 C.
181. Oral agreement to pay funds received of promisee to his creditor. 60 C. 80. By defendant to pay plaintiff his commissions
for securing actors, out of actors' salaries, assented to by them. 62 C. 54-56. By owner, after failure of original contractor,
with subcontractor for completion of work. Id., 86. Promise to indemnify surety. 64 C. 273; 83 C. 686; 122 C. 26. Promise
of president of corporation to pay for supplies to its employees held to be his independent agreement. 92 C. 587. Promise
made to debtor to pay his debts. 93 C. 576. Performing services for contractor of building on owner's promise to pay, if
contractor did not, see 94 C. 502. Promise to pay for doctor's services to child injured by promisor's automobile. 99 C.
163. A father who ratifies his daughter's purchase of a fur coat and orally promises to pay for it; contract is enforceable.
107 C. 51. Oral agreement by seller of stock to repurchase at selling price if buyer became dissatisfied within one year is
not within statute though stock was sold for over one hundred dollars. 109 C. 598. Promise of agent that he would assume
entire responsibility and give personal attention to shipment from principal. 112 C. 385. Agreement by original purchaser
of truck to see that payments would be made after it was transferred to another. 124 C. 383. Direct promise of mortgagee
to pay for rebuilding stores. 126 C. 579. Oral agreement of sale though not enforceable under statute may entitle broker
to commission. 144 C. 555. A promise to indemnify the promisee for becoming surety for a third person, at the request of
the promisor, is not within the statute. 147 C. 1.
Agreement for the sale of real estate. "Agreement" contemplates a transfer of some portion of the title. 61 C. 483.
Stipulations collateral to the contract of sale, but contained therein, may be enforced, if the action does not tend to enforce
the sale or purchase of the interest in land. 62 C. 46; 109 C. 525. Sufficiency of memorandum in general; admissibility of
parol evidence to explain it. 87 C. 90. Land must be described with reasonable certainty. 90 C. 281; 91 C. 29. Law applies
as well to action by vendee for damages as to one for specific performance. Id. Any modification of original agreement
must be in writing. 82 C. 293. Promisor estopped to set up statute by improvements made by promisee in reliance on oral
agreement to reconvey. 124 C. 507. Recital of valuable consideration in an absolute deed is sufficient to rebut a claim of
a resulting trust by oral agreement. 113 C. 470; 121 C. 159. Contracts or promises held within the statute: Of grantor to
pay grantee for any lack of agreed acreage; K. 24; aliter; 1 R. 74; 62 C. 45. Grantee's promise to pay more if land should
exceed estimated acreage. 1 D. 23. To build and rent store with wharf for three years. 18 C. 228. Right to perpetually divert
water upon land cannot be acquired by oral license. 23 C. 223. Agreement to dispose of equitable interest in land. 27 C.
316. Oral promise to devise real estate to plaintiff. 60 C. 50. Oral agreement to convey land in consideration of services
rendered. 62 C. 373. Oral promise to will one's property to another, in consideration of the latter's services and companionship, is within, if promisor leaves real as well as personal estate; 63 C. 536; 83 C. 34; but not if he leaves only personal
estate; 82 C. 652; but action of quantum meruit lies and agreement may be admissible in evidence. 82 C. 648; 83 C. 34.
Express trust of real estate; 66 C. 499; 75 C. 1; 84 C. 560; 124 C. 144; 130 C. 294; but see where trust arose in another
state and claim was for proceeds of land sold. 81 C. 436. Offer of mortgagee at auction sale of property to let certain sum
"remain" on land. 70 C. 92. Approval of principal, where land sold to agent subject to it. 83 C. 120. Agreement for release
of mortgage. 92 C. 416. Contracts or promises held not within the statute: The conditions attending the delivery of a deed
in escrow may, as between the parties, be proved by parol. 2 R. 81, 82. Promise to pay what land was reasonably worth
for its use and occupation. 2 R. 150. Not to use land in certain manner. 3 D. 484. Agreement for sale of fixtures capable
of separation. 3 D. 484. Statute only requires that the agreement on which the action is brought should be in writing. 2 C.
304. Collateral conditions are provable by parol. 2 C. 304. Agreement to share profits of land speculation. 4 C. 573. Implied
trust de purchase and ownership of land is provable by parol. 16 C. 401; 35 C. 169; 59 C. 199. Also an express trust if
partially performed. 16 C. 401. Oral partition of division fence. 29 C. 429. That builder should own building erected on
promisor's land. 34 C. 523. Oral agreement not to carry on a particular kind of business on premises sold. 61 C. 483. Oral
promise by grantor to repay grantee the difference in value between actual frontage and the frontage stated in deed. 62 C.
45. Agreement with real estate broker for his services. 76 C. 308; 79 C. 297; 131 C. 378; 133 C. 209, 210. Obligation of
water company to sell plant to town, arising under legislative act. 80 C. 646. Oral promise to account for money received
from sale of land. 81 C. 433; 109 C. 525. Implied obligation of owner of land to refund money paid under contract for
future sale after he has sold land to a third person. 82 C. 383; 90 C. 281. Agency to sell land and execute memorandum.
83 C. 120. Agreement to buy land jointly, build house and share profits. 86 C. 453. Agreement for arbitration of boundary
dispute. 87 C. 678. Sale of building to be removed. 88 C. 1; 90 C. 289. Surrender of land by vendee in possession, on
default in payments due under contract. 90 C. 555. Authority to sell land and sign contract may be created by parol. 96 C.
84. Absolute deed may be construed as mortgage. 91 C. 571; 93 C. 61; 97 C. 196; 109 C. 525. Memorandum not naming
or describing purchaser held insufficient. 99 C. 542. Agreement held insufficient as to mortgage details. Id. So where
duration of purchase money mortgage is not disclosed. 101 C. 166; 105 C. 636. Executed parol agreement for division
fence not within statute. 101 C. 290. Oral agreement to release blanket mortgage from lot as soon as house erected thereon
is unenforceable. 108 C. 30. Memorandum held insufficient for lack of statement as to time of payment and completion.
Id., 688. Where an oral agreement is executed as to that part relating to realty, balance of agreement may be proved by
parol. 109 C. 525. Power of real estate agent to enter written agreement to sell. 144 C. 541. Oral agreement of sale though
not enforceable under statute may entitle broker to commission. Id., 555. Total purchase price and amount of purchase
money mortgage indefinite; agreement held not sufficient. 145 C. 669. Agreement to sell did not specify conditions of
repayment in regard to a purchase money mortgage; held to violate the statute of frauds. 148 C. 153. Agreement calling
for total purchase price of thirty thousand dollars with stipulation as to payments totaling only twenty-five thousand dollars
held unenforceable. 149 C. 236. Cited. 150 C. 481.
Lease of real estate. Oral agreement to lease for a term of years is within the statute. 1 R. 549; 21 C. 403; 22 C. 403;
80 C. 263; 82 C. 413. The terms of such an agreement admissible in evidence as bearing on amount of rent due. 22 C. 433;
23 C. 59. Status of an oral lease which is within the statute. 23 C. 312; 80 C. 455; 82 C. 414; 86 C. 34. Agreement defining
terms of existing tenancy is in statute; 80 C. 507; so one for possession of premises until a controversy is settled; 80 C.
504; and one not to be performed in year. 86 C. 32. Letter saying lease is "all right" held sufficient memorandum; 75 C.
681; but agreement failing to state length of term is insufficient. 80 C. 267. Agreement for lease for two years is in statute.
92 C. 226. Receipt for rent may constitute sufficient memorandum. Id. Agreement for extension of lease on notice does
not require new lease or written notice. 95 C. 454. Defectively executed lease for more than one year is binding between
parties if evidenced by memorandum sufficient under statute of frauds. 102 C. 479. Statute not applicable to oral modification of lease, reducing rent, where reduced rent has actually been accepted. 120 C. 572. Entry and payment of rent under
a lease may constitute such part performance as to estop lessor from setting up statute. 128 C. 619. See section 47-19.
Option to purchase decedent's homestead excepting "the houselot of about one acre, together with the house and garage
situated thereon" too uncertain to satisfy statute. 156 C. 175.
Memorandum of agreement for sale of real property complies with this statute when buyer seeks to charge seller
with specific performance and seller's agreement was definite and enforceable, although buyer-plaintiff's agreement was
conditional on his obtaining a mortgage. 28 CS 114.
Written agreement to purchase land whose extent and price were left to future determination held on demurrer not to
satisfy statute of frauds. 5 Conn. Cir. Ct. 439.
Partial performance and its effect. An oral agreement respecting real estate, executed in part, will be specifically
enforced. K. 400; 2 R. 163, 165; 2 D. 225; 5 D. 71; 7 C. 348; 13 C. 491; 14 C. 122; 16 C. 401; 18 C. 229; 26 C. 373; 27
C. 341; 29 C. 429; 35 C. 181; 36 C. 55, 56; 80 C. 267; 85 C. 635; 88 C. 547; 91 C. 651; 92 C. 416; 98 C. 318. Acts of
performance admissible before contract is specifically proved. 16 C. 402. What acts constitute part performance. 18 C.
229; 37 C. 14; 98 C. 319; 101 C. 328; 108 C. 690; 112 C. 429; 113 C. 301. What acts are insufficient. 1 R. 59; 19 C. 74;
63 C. 539-545; 108 C. 690. The acts relied upon as part performance must afford satisfactory evidence of the original
contract. 2 R. 165. Mere payment in part execution is insufficient. 27 C. 316; 108 C. 690. Agreement will not be taken out
of statute at law, unless performance is complete. 18 C. 231; 122 C. 510. Reason for specifically enforcing an oral contract
which is partially performed. 19 C. 74. Acts must be inexplicable on any theory save that of agreement; 75 C. 1; and this
presents question of law. 69 C. 104. Payment is not a part of performance. 88 C. 548; 108 C. 690. Estoppel to claim under
statute. 92 C. 416; 124 C. 512. True basis of part performance is estoppel. 124 C. 516. Estoppel against setting up statute
need not be pleaded. Id., 510. Entry and payment of rent under a lease may constitute such part performance as to estop
lessor from setting up statute. 128 C. 619. Buyer's possession as part performance; 98 C. 315; 101 C. 323, 328; 110 C.
392; 112 C. 427. Buyer's use of uncompleted house for storage of furniture plus seller's declaration that house was sold.
101 C. 328. Part performance of agreement not to be performed within a year. 106 C. 243. Part performance to make
effective an oral agreement must be referable to it and consistent with its terms. 113 C. 475. Giving of power of attorney
to A not part performance of oral agreement to convey to him. 114 C. 539. Doctrine of part performance is purely equitable;
not available in action for damages for breach of contract within statute. 122 C. 507. Acts relied upon by plaintiff must be
acts done by himself. 124 C. 148.
Agreement upon consideration of marriage. Contract to marry is not within statute. 20 C. 508. Antenuptial promise
based on forbearance to sue is not within statute, although made in contemplation of marriage. 25 C. 159.
Agreement not to be performed within one year. Oral agreement to let mill for three years, furnish dyestuffs, etc.,
within. 1 R. 549. Oral lease for more than one year, within. 22 C. 403. If performance may take place within one year, as
an agreement to labor for one year, contract is not within; 12 C. 460, 461; 61 C. 484; 101 C. 57; aliter if services are not
to begin at once. 16 C. 250. Oral agreement to build store within six months and lease it for three years, not within. 18 C.
232. Mere expectation of nonperformance within a year does not bring the case within the statute. 20 C. 508. The terms
of an oral contract for labor, within the statute, are admissible as tending to prove what the services were reasonably worth.
25 C. 191, 401. Contract of apprenticeship to continue more than one year is within. 18 C. 341. Contract for employment
for a year to begin at subsequent day is within statute; 85 C. 421; but not a mere agreement for an increase of salary "per
year." 87 C. 79. Contract to bequeath in consideration of care until death is not within statute; depends upon continuance
of life. 101 C. 57. Part performance as taking out of statute. 106 C. 243.
Agreement for sale of personal property. Performance on one side takes case out of statute. 2 R. 191, 387. Shares of
stock of corporation, within. 15 C. 403; 50 C. 491; 99 C. 172; but not agreement by seller to repurchase if unsatisfactory.
109 C. 598. Delivery of stock certificates a sufficient symbolical delivery of shares. 50 C. 491. Buildings, crops and earth
itself, sold as separate from land, are personal property. 19 C. 165; 88 C. 3. Oral, to manufacture and deliver special article,
not within. 20 C. 53. Delivery of bill of sale is vendor's execution of contract. 26 C. 374. Facts held to show a sale and
not a contract to manufacture. 29 C. 511. If part of entire contract is within, the whole is within. 29 C. 515. Delivery at a
distance from place of sale does not take case out of statute. Id. Executed contracts de division of personalty, not within.
29 C. 429. Oral, that builder should own structure erected on promisor's land, not within; 34 C. 523; but a sale after erection
must be in writing. Id. Subsequent tender and acceptance have same effect as original delivery. 44 C. 139. Includes sale
of house to be severed from land; 88 C. 1; 90 C. 289; so sale of shares of stock. 90 C. 342. Agreement to enter jointly into
purchase and sale of goods held not in statute. 93 C. 580. Agreement need not fix time of delivery or payment, as reasonable
time will be implied. 96 C. 88. Interest in corporation where no stock certificates issued. 100 C. 60. Contract to supply
and install plumbing fixtures, for a single price which included labor and incidental materials, not within statute. 110 C.
241. Memorandum held inadequate. 134 C. 376. Memorandum held sufficient. Id., 469. Resulting trust may be proved by
parol evidence. 135 C. 378. Option to purchase satisfied statute. 136 C. 41. Where relationship of parties gives rise to
constructive trust. Id., 352. Letter offering property, his lease, his occupation of property and other facts provide sufficient
description. 138 C. 227. Allegations of complaint held sufficient to enable plaintiff vendor to produce evidence of acts of
part performance. Id., 605.
Delivery, acceptance and receipt. What constitutes sufficient acceptance to take contracts out of statute; 13 C. 332; is
question of fact. 90 C. 193. Goods set apart, and verbal delivery to vendee standing by, sufficient. 17 C. 173. Such delivery
not symbolical. Id. Subsequent tender and acceptance have same effect as original delivery. 44 C. 139. Delivery of stock
certificate sufficient delivery of shares. 50 C. 491. Acceptance by vendee must be an actual receiving on his part of the
whole or part of the property sold. 60 C. 366. An acceptance may be sufficient to pass title and yet insufficient to remove
case from statute. Id. Facts held insufficient to show such an acceptance as would remove case from statute. Id. Where no
actual change of possession, it must clearly appear that continued possession of vendor is that of bailee for vendee. 75 C.
377; 76 C. 232. What constitutes acceptance. 90 C. 342. Constructive delivery and acceptance; shares of stock. Id.; 99 C.
173. Receipt of part of one shipment as taking case out of statute. 93 C. 580; Id., 639; 102 C. 634. Direction of seller to
buyer to purchase shares in open market held part performance because creating agency. 99 C. 173. But seller's oral
agreement with buyer to repurchase shares of stock at any time within one year if buyer becomes dissatisfied is enforceable.
109 C. 598. Efforts of defendant to sell stock after delivery as indicative of acceptance. 113 C. 761.
Contract unenforceable as one which could not be performed within one year. Doctrine of part performance not applicable to such contracts. 137 C. 488. Full performance by one party to a contract takes it out of the statute. 138 C. 94.
Oral promise to make a bequest in consideration of marriage made after marriage held within the prohibition of this
section. 1 CS 1; Id., 26. What plaintiff may prove by extrinsic evidence. Id., 61; 13 CS 78; 14 CS 454; 15 CS 60; Id., 190.
Effect of failure to show that agreement could not be performed in one year. 3 CS 102. Effect of oral renewal of lease.
Renewal and continuance distinguished. Id., 146. Oral promise to reimburse town for relief furnished to one of its inhabitants
not within the statute of frauds. 11 CS 295. What is a sufficiently definite description. 13 CS 78. Not essential that promisee
sign memorandum. Id., 456; 15 CS 57. The written memorandum must state all the essential terms of the agreement with
such certainty that there is no need to recourse to parol evidence. 13 CS 420; 14 CS 356; Id., 367. The provision "the buyer
to have first refusal ...." is too indefinite as to terms to satisfy the statute of frauds. 13 CS 459. Cited. 14 CS 273. Equitable
estoppel may be invoked against one claiming the benefit of the statute. Id., 351. The essential terms of a sales contract
are that the sale has been made and the name of the purchaser. Id., 356. Demurrer will lie if it appears impossible to produce
any competent evidence of a memorandum. Id., 426. Plaintiff is entitled to prove by extrinsic evidence that the defendant
owned a single piece of land in Lakeville where memorandum read for "my Lakeville property." Id., 454. Cited. 15 CS
447; 16 CS 51; 17 CS 273; 18 CS 177. Oral representation by developer that lots would be same size and shape as delineated
on map not enforceable. 19 CS 6. Where subcontractor induced to complete work on owner's promise, "I'll see that you
get your money," it was not enforceable under this section. Id., 98. Cited. 19 CS 355. What constitutes part performance
of a contract for the sale of land so as to remove it from the statute of frauds. 21 CS 88. Where plaintiff gave defendant
one thousand dollars down payment for land on promise of defendant to return it if plaintiff couldn't get mortgage and
where the agreement to buy the land was oral, held the defense of the statute of frauds was unavailable to defendant and
plaintiff was entitled to have the deposit back. 23 CS 442. Agreement with real estate broker is for personal services and
not within statute of frauds. 26 CS 193. Administrative regulation prescribing form for such agreement held not to alter
statute of frauds. Id., 194. Cited. 32 CS 511. Where goods were sold to corporation on personal credit of sole stockholder
and principal officer, without personal or direct benefit to him, conclusion that oral agreement to pay was unenforceable
held error. 33 CS 528.
Where written agreement for sale of land provides that portion of purchase price shall be secured by mortgage, agreement
must fix time mortgage is to run. 3 Conn. Cir. Ct. 85. Statute is not defense to action for recovery of value of improvements
to property made by lessee in reliance upon oral agreement to sell property so improved. 4 Conn. Cir. Ct. 437, 439, 440.
Subsec. (a):
Subdiv. (5): Contract of indefinite duration is not subject to the "one year" provision. 202 C. 190. Subdiv. (5): Oral
contract that does not say in express terms that performance is to have a specific duration beyond one year is the functional
equivalent of a contract of indefinite duration for purposes of the statute of frauds and thus is unenforceable as outside of
the statute's prescription. 220 C. 569. Subdiv. (2) cited. 221 C. 236. Contract did not violate statute of frauds re Subdiv.
(4) interest in real property or Subdiv. (5) agreement not to be performed within one year. 245 C. 640.
Subdiv. (2) cited. 5 CA 240. Cited. 13 CA 527. Subdiv. (2) cited. 23 CA 579. Statute of frauds cited. Id. Cited. 33 CA
662. Subdiv. (2) cited. 38 CA 329. Statute of frauds cited. Id., 333. Cited. Id., 420. Subdiv. (2) cited. Id., 772. Subdiv. (6)
cited. 42 CA 413. Subdiv. (4) cited. 45 CA 466. Statute of frauds cited. Id. In the absence of case law construing Subdiv.
(6), it is deemed appropriate to apply its provisions in accordance with limitations and caveats that have been engrafted
on the other subdivisions of this subsection. 63 CA 832. Agreement between parties not barred by statute of frauds. 69 CA
366. Due to lack of proof re existence and essential terms of an oral agreement, the alleged oral agreement violated the
statute of frauds. 70 CA 692. Subdiv. (4): Contract for sale of real estate that does not contain any designation of seller
fails to satisfy statute. 85 CA 503. Statute did not apply to circumstances of case because contract governing son's debt
had been fully performed and it is well-established under state law that full performance by both parties to an oral contract
will operate to remove a contract from the provisions of statute, and cause of action concerned property owners' default
on their mortgage loan rather than an action to enforce property owners' promise to pay part of son's debt. 89 CA 200. Subdiv.
(4): Although part performance may be sufficient to take a contract out of the statute of frauds, plaintiffs' maintenance of
city landscaping on the land was evidence of an agreement between plaintiffs and the city, not evidence of an agreement
between plaintiffs and defendant to sell the land. 99 CA 294.
Subdiv. (2) cited. 39 CS 188.