Sec. 52-259a. Attorneys employed by the state and employees of Judicial Department not required to pay certain fees. Immigration and Naturalization Service and Office of Federal Public Defender not re
Sec. 52-259a. Attorneys employed by the state and employees of Judicial Department not required to pay certain fees. Immigration and Naturalization Service
and Office of Federal Public Defender not required to pay fee for certified copy of
criminal record. (a) Any member of the Division of Criminal Justice or the Division
of Public Defender Services, any employee of the Judicial Department, acting in the
performance of such employee's duties, the Attorney General, an assistant attorney
general, the Consumer Counsel, any attorney employed by the Office of Consumer
Counsel within the Department of Public Utility Control, the Department of Revenue
Services, the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, the Freedom of Information Commission, the Board of Labor Relations, the Office of Protection and Advocacy
for Persons with Disabilities, the Office of the Victim Advocate or the Department of
Social Services, or any attorney appointed by the court to assist any of them or to act
for any of them in a special case or cases, while acting in such attorney's official capacity
or in the capacity for which such attorney was appointed, shall not be required to pay
the fees specified in sections 52-258, 52-259, and 52-259c, subsection (a) of section 52-356a, subsection (a) of section 52-361a, section 52-367a, subsection (b) of section 52-367b and subsection (n) of section 46b-231.
(b) (1) The Immigration and Naturalization Service shall not be required to pay
any fees specified in section 52-259 for any certified copy of any criminal record.
(2) The Office of the Federal Public Defender shall not be required to pay any fees
specified in section 52-259 for any certified copy of any criminal record.
(1959, P.A. 170; 1967, P.A. 515, S. 1; 1969, P.A. 19, S. 1; P.A. 74-183, S. 159, 291; P.A. 76-180, S. 2; 76-436, S. 561,
681; P.A. 77-404; 77-614, S. 164, 610; P.A. 79-334, S. 1, 2; P.A. 80-482, S. 338, 348; 80-483, S. 134, 186; P.A. 83-8; 83-385, S. 1, 3; 83-581, S. 38, 40; P.A. 86-403, S. 115, 132; P.A. 88-22, S. 5; P.A. 89-32; 89-144, S. 16; P.A. 90-213, S. 37,
56; P.A. 92-239, S. 2, 3; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 92-6, S. 77, 117; P.A. 97-203, S. 19, 20; P.A. 01-91, S. 18; 01-211, S. 11;
P.A. 02-132, S. 77; P.A. 03-2, S. 44; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 04-2, S. 14; P.A. 08-47, S. 1.)
History: 1967 act added prosecuting and assistant prosecuting attorneys and assistant public defenders; 1969 act exempted attorney general and assistant attorney general from fee requirements; P.A. 74-183 deleted reference to fees specified in Sec. 52-257a, that section having been repealed; P.A. 76-180 exempted consumer counsel and attorneys employed
by office of consumer counsel from fee requirements; P.A. 76-436 replaced exemption for the various state's attorneys,
prosecuting attorneys and public defenders with exemption for any member of criminal justice division or public defenders
services, effective July 1, 1978; P.A. 77-404 exempted attorneys employed by commission on human rights and opportunities from fee requirements; P.A. 77-614 replaced office of consumer counsel with division of consumer counsel within
the department of business regulation, effective January 1, 1979; P.A. 79-334 exempted attorneys employed by freedom
of information commission from fee requirements; P.A. 80-482 placed division of consumer counsel within newly created
department of public utility control and abolished the department of business regulation; P.A. 80-483 made technical
grammatical correction; P.A. 83-8 included attorneys employed by the state board of labor relations within the fee exemption
provisions of this section; P.A. 83-385 exempted members of the family division of the superior court from the fee requirements and included fees specified in Sec. 52-259c among the fees certain attorneys employed by the state are not required
to pay; P.A. 83-581 included fees specified in Secs. 52-356a(a) and 52-361a(a) among fees certain attorneys are not required
to pay; P.A. 86-403 added reference to Sec. 46b-231(n); P.A. 88-22 substituted office of consumer counsel for division
of consumer counsel; P.A. 89-32 exempted attorneys employed by the office of protection and advocacy for handicapped
and developmentally disabled persons from the fee requirement; P.A. 89-144 substituted the office of protection and
advocacy for persons with disabilities for the office of protection and advocacy for handicapped and developmentally
disabled persons; P.A. 90-213 added provision concerning the support enforcement division; P.A. 92-239 added Subsec.
(b) re exemption of immigration and naturalization service from the payment of fees for copies of criminal records; May
Sp. Sess. P.A. 92-6 amended Subsec. (a) to delete reference to Sec. 52-269; (Revisor's note: In 1997 the words "Division
of" were inserted editorially by the Revisors in the phrase "Division of Public Defender Services" for consistency with
customary statutory usage); P.A. 97-203 amended Subsec. (a) to add attorneys employed by the Department of Revenue
Services, effective July 1, 1997; P.A. 01-91 changed "Support Enforcement Division" to "Support Enforcement Services"
in Subsec. (a); P.A. 01-211 amended Subsec. (a) to add attorneys employed by the Office of the Victim Advocate and
make technical changes for purposes of gender neutrality; P.A. 02-132 amended Subsec. (a) by replacing "the Family
Division or Support Enforcement Services of the Superior Court" with "any employee of the Judicial Department, acting
in the performance of such employee's duties", adding reference to Sec. 52-259d and making technical changes, effective
June 7, 2002; P.A. 03-2 amended Subsec. (a) to exempt any attorney employed by the Department of Social Services from
fee requirements and included fees specified in Secs. 52-367a and 52-367b(b) among fees certain attorneys and employees
are not required to pay, effective February 28, 2003; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 04-2 amended Subsec. (a) by deleting reference
to Sec. 52-259d that was repealed by the same act, effective July 1, 2004; P.A. 08-47 amended Subsec. (b) to designate
existing provisions as Subdiv. (1) and insert Subdiv. (2) re exemption of Federal Public Defender from payment of fees
for certified copies of criminal records, effective July 1, 2008.
Cited. 152 C. 503. Cited. 154 C. 631.