Sec. 52-257. Fees of parties in civil actions.
Sec. 52-257. Fees of parties in civil actions. (a) The fees of parties in civil actions
in which the matter in demand is not less than fifteen thousand dollars shall be: For each
complaint, exclusive of signing and bond, five dollars for the first page and, for each
succeeding page, two dollars; for each judgment file, two dollars for the first page and,
for each additional page, one dollar and fifty cents. The prevailing party in any such
civil action shall receive, by way of indemnity, the following sums: (1) For all proceedings before trial, fifty dollars; (2) for the trial of an issue of law or fact, seventy-five
dollars, but if more than one issue of fact is tried at one time, only one trial fee shall be
allowed; and (3) in difficult or extraordinary cases in the Superior Court, where a defense
has been interposed, a further allowance, in the discretion of the court, not to exceed
two hundred dollars.
(b) Parties shall also receive: (1) For each witness attending court, the witness' legal
fee and mileage; (2) for each deposition taken out of the state, forty dollars, and for each
deposition within the state, thirty dollars; (3) on an application for the sale of property
attached, the expenses incurred; (4) in any civil action affecting the title to real property
situated in this state, or affecting any mortgage or lien thereon, the actual expense, not
exceeding the sum of two hundred twenty-five dollars, of an examination of the land
records concerning the title to the real property in question and such amount as the court
or judge determines to be reasonable for the services of an expert on the value of the
land when such value is in dispute; (5) for maps, plans, mechanical drawings and photographs, necessary or convenient in the trial of any action, a reasonable sum; (6) for
copies of records used in evidence, bonds, recognizances and subpoenas, court and
clerk's fees; (7) for the signing and service of process, the legal fees payable therefor,
except that a fee shall not be allowed for the return of a subpoena to court; (8) the actual
expense incurred in publishing orders of notice under direction of the court; (9) for each
interpreter necessarily employed in the trial of any civil action, twenty dollars per diem;
(10) for premiums upon all bonds or undertakings provided pursuant to statute, rule of
court, order of court or stipulation of parties, including bonds in lieu of or in release or
dissolution of attachment, the actual amount paid, not exceeding a reasonable amount;
(11) documented investigative costs and expenses, not exceeding the sum of two hundred
dollars; and (12) for the recording, videotaping, transcribing and presentation of the
deposition of a practitioner of the healing arts, as defined in section 20-1, dentist, registered nurse, advanced practice registered nurse or licensed practical nurse, as defined
in section 20-87a, or real estate appraiser that is used in lieu of live testimony in the
civil action, the reasonable expenses incurred.
(c) In all civil actions in which the matter in demand is less than fifteen thousand
dollars, the prevailing party shall receive, by way of indemnity, the following sums: (1)
For all proceedings before trial, ten dollars; and (2) for the trial of an issue of fact or
law, fifteen dollars, but, if more than one issue of fact or law is tried at one time, only
one trial fee shall be allowed.
(d) The following sums may be allowed to the prevailing party in causes on appeal,
in the discretion of the court: (1) For all proceedings, one hundred dollars; (2) for expenses actually incurred in printing or photoduplicating copies of briefs, a sum not
exceeding two hundred dollars; and (3) to the plaintiff in error, plaintiff in a cause
reserved, or appellant, as the case may be, the record fee, provided judgment shall be
rendered in his favor. Such costs in the Superior Court in appealed causes and in the
Supreme Court or Appellate Court shall be in the discretion of the court on reservation
of a cause for advice, or when a new trial is granted.
(e) The provisions of this section shall not interfere with the discretion of the court
in taxing costs in actions in which equitable relief is demanded.
(1949 Rev., S. 3602; 1955, S. 1970d; 1959, P.A. 28, S. 177; 473, S. 2; 1961, P.A. 517, S. 125; 1963, P.A. 416, S. 3;
1967, P.A. 89; 1969, P.A. 430; 1971, P.A. 302; P.A. 74-183, S. 157, 291; P.A. 76-436, S. 559, 681; P.A. 77-497, S. 5, 6,
7; 77-604, S. 61, 84; P.A. 82-160, S. 129; P.A. 83-295, S. 10; 83-385, S. 2; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-29, S. 42, 82; P.A. 95-176, S. 3; P.A. 01-32, S. 2; P.A. 06-156, S. 5.)
History: 1959 acts deleted provisions for appeals from justices of peace and civil actions in town, city and borough
courts and doubled fees of parties in civil actions; 1961 act doubled record fee; 1963 act deleted requirement, in proviso
re record fee, that judgment be finally rendered in his favor; 1967 act removed maximum limitation of $50 for services of
expert in land values, substituting such amount as court or judge determines to be reasonable; 1969 act specified that parties
receive an amount determined by judge to be reasonable for examination of land records rather than the actual expense
(not exceeding $50) of such examination and raised payment for interpreters from $10 to maximum of $20 per diem; 1971
act raised fees for first page of complaint from $3 to $5 and for subsequent pages from $1.50 to $2, raised prevailing
parties' award for all proceeding before trial from $20 to $50, for trial of issue of law or fact from $25 to $75, for further
allowance in difficult cases from $100 to $200, for all proceedings in causes pending in appellate division or supreme
court from $30 to $100 and for expenses of printing brief copies from $100 to $200, doubled allowances for depositions,
restored actual expense of examination of land records as sum allowed but specified maximum of $150 and specified
interpreters' fees as $20, removing reference to lesser amounts; P.A. 74-183 specified applicability of previously existing
provisions to actions in court of common pleas where the ad damnum exceeds $1,000 and in the superior court, replacing
"appellate division" with superior court and removing specified record fee of $50, and added Subsec. (b) re civil actions
returnable to court of common pleas where matter in demand exceeds $100 but is less than $1,000, effective December
31, 1974; P.A. 76-436 amended section to reflect transfer of all trial jurisdiction to superior court, deleting references to
court of common pleas, effective July 1, 1978; P.A. 77-497 applied previous dollar limits applicable in common pleas
cases to superior court cases, later raising dollar figure to $7,500, applied provisions to cases where defendant prevails
and deleted provision in Subsec. (b) which had allowed prevailing party $3 as indemnity in all proceedings where matter
in demand is $100 or less; P.A. 77-604 clarified effective date of P.A. 77-497 provisions, i.e. $1,000 limit applies from
October 1, 1977 to June 30, 1978, and $7,500 limit takes effect on July 1, 1978; P.A. 82-160 rephrased and reorganized
section; P.A. 83-295 amended Subsecs. (a) and (c) to increase from $7,500 to $15,000 the amount in demand which
determines the fees of parties; P.A. 83-385 added Subsec. (b)(11) re documented investigative costs and expenses not
exceeding $200; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-29 included reference to appellate court; P.A. 95-176 amended Subsec. (d) by
adding reference to "photoduplicating"; P.A. 01-32 amended Subsec. (b)(1) by making a technical change for purposes
of gender neutrality and added Subsec. (b)(12) re receipt of reasonable expenses incurred for the recording, videotaping,
transcribing and presentation of the deposition of certain experts that is used in lieu of live testimony; P.A. 06-156 amended
Subsec. (b)(4) by increasing maximum expense for land records examination from $150 to $225, effective June 6, 2006.
In equity, costs are in discretion of court; 28 C. 466; also where legal and equitable relief sought, but latter prevails;
80 C. 233; but ordinarily they are awarded on same basis as action at law; 119 C. 367. At law, costs are the creature of
statute. 73 C. 614; 81 C. 213; 82 C. 392. "Action" in statute includes one to compel support of parent. 73 C. 608. Action
on statute for penalty. 39 C. 486. Law in force at termination of action controls. 81 C. 213. If no rule for measuring costs
given, court has discretion. 4 C. 80; 67 C. 257; 68 C. 220. Costs go to prevailing party; 39 C. 484; and Practice Act has
not changed this. 67 C. 74. Discretion of court as to costs on probate appeal. 76 C. 654. No costs allowed accused who
prevails on appeal. 82 C. 392. Matter in demand as determining. 57 C. 59. Costs properly taxable where plea in abatement
or to jurisdiction is sustained. 64 C. 74; 82 C. 378. Where plea of tender is joined with general denial. 67 C. 74. In supreme
court; where cases heard together; 70 C. 443; 74 C. 274; when new trial ordered, where costs taxed; 73 C. 475; costs on
plea in abatement or motion to erase; 82 C. 378; Id., 483; costs unnecessarily incurred need not be taxed. 88 C. 260. Where
two distinct causes of action are tried together by mutual agreement, a jury fee and trial fee should be taxed for each cause
of action. 93 C. 659. Costs not taxable in habeas corpus proceeding. 113 C. 740. No costs in mandamus unless return made
and hearing had. 115 C. 98. Where supreme court found error only in inclusion of costs, held sufficient to make appellant
prevailing party. Id., 99. Where no reason for reservation to supreme court other than speedy disposition, costs taxed for
prevailing party. Id., 530. Where party upon reasonable ground sought correction in finding, costs of printing allowed.
130 C. 247. Against policy of supreme court to amend rescript to state no costs against loser. Id. Held proper to allow
defendant costs on counterclaim when he lost on complaint. 131 C. 680. Cited. 136 C. 255. In equity, costs are at discretion
of court. Id., 645. Nonsuit entered on court's own motion. No costs against defendant except for printing evidence. 139
C. 429; 144 C. 21. Where the prevailing defendants shared a common defense, a single counsel, one pleading, one trial
and one judgment, the defendants were entitled to be indemnified only to the extent of a single bill of costs. 166 C. 325.
Statutory authorization of imposition of costs do not apply against the state without specific inclusion thereof. 176 C. 362.
Cited. 187 C. 591. Cited. 188 C. 213. Cited. 204 C. 17. Cited. 205 C. 542. Cited. 215 C. 286. Cited. 240 C. 58.
Municipality is not exempt from the taxation of costs; unlike the state a municipality has no sovereign immunity in
absence of specific statutory exception or prohibition. 4 CA 30, 32. Cited. 18 CA 618. Cited. 25 CA 67. Cited. 35 CA 239.
Sec. 31-51m allows for costs, but does not expressly provide for expert witness fees. Therefore, general cost provisions
of Secs. 52-257 and 52-260 apply, which do not mention nontestimonial costs. Accordingly, the nontestimonial work
performed by plaintiff's economics expert was not taxable as costs. 79 CA 501. Where record did not support defendant's
claim that plaintiff had waived his right to seek costs, and because judgment was rendered in favor of plaintiff, he was a
prevailing party and, thus, entitled to costs even though only nominal damages had been awarded. 88 CA 583.
When two or more cases between the same parties are tried together, only one indemnity for trial of issues of fact may
be taxed. 3 CS 85. Cited. 4 CS 167. Cited. 5 CS 330. Cited. 6 CS 208. Witness fees chargeable if witnesses are summoned
in good faith ready to testify. Id., 261. Cited. 7 CS 521. Cited. 8 CS 31; Id., 324. Allowance for searching title cannot be
allowed unless the action is one affecting title or a mortgage or a lien on real estate. 9 CS 425. Former limitation on fees
paid to experts on land did not apply to appraisal fees granted under section 13-150 (now section 13a-76). 21 CS 343.
Cited. 24 CS 391. Cited. 27 CS 288. Usual costs plus two hundred dollar allowance awarded to plaintiff-member of nonstock
corporation who successfully challenged corporation's exclusion of women as members and guests as ultra vires, in case
of first impression; no basis found for awarding attorneys' fees. 33 CS 150. Where the trial of the issues on a counterclaim
involved an action where the ad damnum was in excess of $1,000, subsec. (a) of this section was the appropriate provision
for taxation of costs. Id., 538.
Subsec. (a):
Cited. 15 CA 185.
Subsec. (b):
Subdiv. (5) cited. 215 C. 197.
Subsec. (c):
Cited. 15 CA 185. Cited. 37 CA 865.
Subsec. (e):
Cited. 225 C. 804, 814.