Sec. 52-185. Bond or recognizance for prosecution.
Sec. 52-185. Bond or recognizance for prosecution. (a) If the plaintiff in any
civil action is not an inhabitant of this state, or if it does not appear to the authority
signing the process that the plaintiff is able to pay the costs of the action should judgment
be rendered against him, the plaintiff shall enter into a recognizance to the adverse
party with a financially responsible inhabitant of this state as surety, or a financially
responsible inhabitant of this state shall enter into a recognizance to the adverse party,
that the plaintiff shall prosecute his action to effect and answer all costs for which
judgment is rendered against him. The recognizance shall not be discharged by any
amendment or alteration of the process between the time of signing and of serving it.
(b) The recognizance may be taken in the following form:
You, C.S., as principal, and E.C., as surety, acknowledge yourselves jointly and severally bound to J.L., in a recognizance (or, as the case may be, You, E.C., acknowledge
yourself bound to J.L., in a recognizance) of .... dollars, that C.S. shall prosecute the
action which he has now commenced against J.L. at the Superior court to be held at H.
in and for the judicial district of H., on the .... Tuesday of ...., 20.. to full effect, and that
he shall pay any costs for which judgment may be rendered against him thereon.
Taken and acknowledged at H. on the .... day of ...., 20.., before me, J.W., Commissioner of the Superior Court.
(c) If a bond or recognizance is required on any writ of summons or attachment, it
may be noted in the writ in the following manner:
E.C. of .... is recognized in $.... to prosecute, etc. (or words to that effect).
(d) If there has been a failure to comply with the provisions of this section, or if the
authority signing a writ has failed to certify in accordance with any statute or rule that
he has personal knowledge as to the financial responsibility of the plaintiff and deems
it sufficient, the validity of the writ and service shall not be affected unless the failure
is made a ground of a plea in abatement. If such plea in abatement is filed and sustained
or if the plaintiff voluntarily elects to cure the defect by filing a bond, the court shall
direct the plaintiff to file a bond to prosecute in the usual amount. Upon the filing of
the bond, the case shall proceed in the same manner and to the same effect as to rights
of attachment and in all other respects as though the failure had not occurred. The court
may, in its discretion, order, as a condition to the acceptance of the bond, that the plaintiff
pay to the defendant costs not to exceed the costs in full to the date of the order.
(1949 Rev., S. 7931; 1961, P.A. 517, S. 43; P.A. 78-280, S. 2, 127; P.A. 82-160, S. 86; P.A. 05-152, S. 6.)
History: 1961 act deleted obsolete provision for actions before justices of the peace; P.A. 78-280 substituted "judicial
district" for "county" where appearing; P.A. 82-160 rephrased the section and inserted Subsec. indicators; (Revisor's note:
In 2001 the references in Subsec. (b) of this section to the date "19.." were changed editorially by the Revisors to "20.."
to reflect the new millennium); P.A. 05-152 amended Subsec. (a) by deleting provision requiring plaintiff to enter into
recognizance before the process is signed.
The person serving the writ may give bond. 1 R. 356. Liability of bondsman continues until final termination of the
litigation. 7 C. 435. Death of plaintiff discharges bond. 9 C. 238. Liability of surety on bond. 14 C. 329; 30 C. 143, 144.
The want of a bond is only matter of abatement. 16 C. 574. Bond may be written out in full after suit is brought upon it.
48 C. 381. Is in itself a complete record, imports verity and is conclusive evidence of its own truth. Id., 380; 28 C. 534. If
nonresident plaintiff fails to give bond, the defect cannot be made good by bond afterward given in court. 51 C. 327.
Ordinary bond for costs not required where replevin bond is given. 54 C. 48. Bond for costs not essential on application
for an alternative writ of mandamus. 67 C. 365, 366. Failure to give bond waived by appearance. Id. Bond of surety company
may be accepted. 70 C. 558. The bondsman's undertaking is that of surety, although the plaintiff is not formally joined as
principal. Id., 559, 560. Bond of $140 to answer all damages, etc., held sufficient. 73 C. 541. Memorandum de bond at
foot of injunction writ, held a compliance with the statute. Id. Mistake in memo. 74 C. 170. Of practice in general; applies
to writ of error. 75 C. 652. Effect of noting bond under this section. Id. Taking is ministerial act. 77 C. 184. Discretion of
court as to amount. 82 C. 1. Statute applies to mandamus, when. 90 C. 639; 91 C. 114. Temporary residence in another
state does not make one a nonresident. 92 C. 345. Statute applies only to process in actions in which costs are taxable; not
to habeas corpus. 113 C. 739. Cited. Id., 772. Cited. 166 C. 174. Cited. 173 C. 408. Cited. 191 C. 201.
History and review of section. 3 CS 434. Recognizance or certificate of financial responsibility is a condition precedent
to the validity of the writ. 4 CS 279. Cited. 6 CS 156. Applicability in divorce actions. 7 CS 88. Cited. 8 CS 398. Meaning
of "substantial" discussed. 13 CS 13. Cited. Id., 441. Court cannot waive bond even in the case of an indigent plaintiff. 36
CS 37.
Where addresses of two of three plaintiffs were lacking, but subscribing authority certified as to plaintiff's financial
responsibility, plea in abatement by defendant upon grounds the two plaintiffs might be nonresidents was overruled. 5
Conn. Cir. Ct. 235.