Sec. 5-245. Workweek. Overtime pay.
Sec. 5-245. Workweek. Overtime pay. (a) Any state employee who performs
work authorized by his appointing authority for a period in addition to the hours of the
employee's regular, established workweek shall receive compensation as follows: (1)
For that portion of such additional time worked which when added to the employee's
regular, established workweek does not exceed forty hours, the employee shall be compensated at an hourly rate based on his annual salary; (2) for that portion of such additional time worked which when added to the employee's regular, established workweek
exceeds forty hours, the employee shall be compensated at a rate equal to one and one-half times an hourly rate based on his annual salary.
(b) The provisions of this section shall not be applied with respect to any employee
employed in (1) an executive, administrative or professional capacity as such terms may
be defined and delimited from time to time by the Commissioner of Administrative
Services, or (2) a position or class which has been designated as unscheduled by the
Commissioner of Administrative Services, or (3) a position the regular work schedule
of which requires rotating shifts as approved by the Commissioner of Administrative
Services and recorded in his office, which schedule shall not average more than five
work days per week over a period of not more than eight weeks.
(c) Any person serving in a position referred to in subdivision (2) or (3) of subsection
(b) of this section who performs work authorized by his appointing authority for a period
in addition to his average workweek shall receive compensation as follows: (1) For
those hours worked in any one workweek which are additional to his regularly scheduled
hours for such week and which, when added to the employee's average workweek, do
not exceed forty hours, the employee shall be compensated at an hourly rate based on
his annual salary; (2) for those hours worked in any one workweek which are additional
to his regularly scheduled hours for such week and which, when added to the employee's
average workweek, exceed forty hours, the employee shall be compensated at a rate
equal to one and one-half times an hourly rate based on his annual salary, provided
nothing in this section in conflict with section 5-246 shall be construed to apply to any
member of the state police.
(d) Any employee whose position is subject to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act
shall receive any additional compensation for overtime which may be required by the
provisions of said act.
(e) The Commissioner of Administrative Services shall disseminate such information and establish such procedure as may be necessary for the efficient administration
of this section.
(1967, P.A. 657, S. 53; 1969, P.A. 658, S. 13; 1971, P.A. 850, S. 2; 1972, P.A. 269, S. 1; P.A. 77-614, S. 66, 67, 486,
587, 610; P.A. 78-303, S. 85, 136; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 91-3, S. 162, 168.)
History: 1969 act deleted Subsec. (a) containing provisions applicable prior to July 1, 1968, and relettered remaining
Subsecs. accordingly, deleted phrase "On and after July 1, 1968" from former Subsec. (b), now Subsec. (a), and added to
exception found in former Subsec. (c), now Subsec. (b) provisions regarding unscheduled positions or classes; 1971 act
amended Subsec. (a) with reference to standard 35-hour workweek of state employees and changed previous references
to 35 hours to 40 hours; 1972 act replaced reference to nonprofit corporations organized pursuant to chapter 600 with "to
a person, firm or corporation" and allowed regulation of income as well as rents, charges etc.; P.A. 77-614 and P.A. 78-303 replaced personnel commissioner and personnel policy board with commissioner of administrative services and,
effective January 1, 1979, made state police department a division within the department of public safety; June Sp. Sess.
P.A. 91-3 deleted provisions re 35-hour standard work week.
Forty-hour workweek overtime regulation inapplicable to state police. 162 C. 334.
Cited. 43 CS 1.