Sec. 5-173. Hazardous duty service.
Sec. 5-173. Hazardous duty service. (a) A state policeman in the active service
of the Division of State Police within the Department of Public Safety, or any person who
is engaged in guard or instructional duties at the Connecticut Correctional Institution,
Somers, the Connecticut Correctional Institution, Enfield-Medium, the Carl Robinson
Correctional Institution, Enfield, the John R. Manson Youth Institution, Cheshire, the
Connecticut Correctional Institution, Niantic, the Connecticut Correctional Center,
Cheshire and the community correctional centers, or any person exempt from collective
bargaining who is engaged in custodial or instructional duties within the Department
of Correction, or any person who is an employee of the Whiting Forensic Division with
direct and substantial patient contact, or any person who is employed as a correctional
counselor, correctional counselor supervisor, parole officer or parole supervisor or in a
comparable job classification by the Board of Pardons and Paroles, or any member of
tier I who has been designated as a hazardous duty member pursuant to an applicable
collective bargaining agreement, who has reached his forty-seventh birthday and completed at least twenty years of hazardous duty service for the state or service as a state
policeman or as guard or instructor at said correctional institutions or correctional centers, or service in a custodial or instructional position within the Department of Correction which is exempt from collective bargaining, or as an employee of the Whiting
Forensic Division or its predecessor institutions, or as a correctional counselor, correctional counselor supervisor, parole officer or parole supervisor or in a comparable job
classification as an employee of the Board of Pardons and Paroles, shall be retired on
his own application or on the application of the Commissioner of Public Safety or the
Commissioner of Correction, as the case may be.
(b) On or after October 1, 1982, each such person shall receive a monthly retirement
income equal to one-twelfth of (1) fifty per cent of his base salary, as defined in subsection (b) of section 5-162, for such twenty years of service, plus (2) two per cent of his
base salary for each year, taken to completed months, of Connecticut state service in
excess of twenty years, except that any such person who is both a member of the Division
of State Police within the Department of Public Safety and a member of part B shall
receive a permanently reduced retirement income upon reaching the age of sixty-five
or, if earlier, upon receipt of Social Security disability benefits or, for any such state
policeman, upon receipt of benefits under subsection (d) of section 5-142. Any such
state police member shall have his monthly retirement income reduced by an amount
equal to one-twelfth of one per cent of four thousand eight hundred dollars multiplied
by the number of years of state service, taken to completed months.
(c) Any such person who, while so employed, was granted military leave to enter
the armed forces, as defined by section 27-103, and who, upon his discharge and within
ninety days, returned to such service, shall be granted retirement credit for any period
of service in time of war, as defined by said section, and for military service during a
national emergency declared by the President of the United States on and after September
1, 1939, toward the required minimum of twenty years service; and any such person
may be granted credit for any such war service prior to such employment upon payment
of contributions and interest computed in accordance with subsection (b) of section 5-180, but such service shall not be counted toward the minimum service requirement of
twenty years.
(d) Any such person who, after retiring from hazardous duty as designated pursuant
to a collective bargaining agreement or from the Division of State Police or the employ
of the Connecticut Correctional Institution, Somers, the Connecticut Correctional Institution, Enfield-Medium, the Carl Robinson Correctional Institution, Enfield, the John
R. Manson Youth Institution, Cheshire, the Connecticut Correctional Institution, Niantic, the Connecticut Correctional Center, Cheshire or a community correctional center,
the Whiting Forensic Division or the Board of Pardons and Paroles, as the case may be,
is employed by any other state agency may elect to receive the retirement income to
which he was entitled at the time of his retirement from such hazardous duty or as a state
policeman or employee of the correctional institution or correctional center, forensic
division or Board of Pardons and Paroles when his employment in such other agency
ceases, but he shall not, in that case, be entitled to any retirement income by reason of
service in such other agency except as provided in subsection (g) of this section.
(e) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, any state policeman who serves as Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner of Public Safety and whose
position as commissioner or deputy commissioner is terminated, abolished or eliminated
for any reason or who otherwise leaves such position and who has completed twenty
years of service as a state policeman but who has not reached his forty-seventh birthday,
shall be entitled to a retirement income, in accordance with subsection (b) of this section.
(f) A member who has completed twenty years of hazardous duty service under this
section, but who leaves such service on or after October 1, 1982, but prior to reaching
his forty-seventh birthday shall, upon his own application be entitled to the benefits
provided in subsection (b) of this section at any time after reaching his forty-seventh
(g) On and after October 1, 1982, an employee who has met the twenty-year minimum service requirement and is thus eligible for benefits under this section shall have
any other Connecticut state employment recognized in calculating the amount of his
(1949 Rev., S. 383; 1951, S. 151d; 1957, P.A. 510; 1958 Rev., S. 5-103, 5-104; 1961, P.A. 234, S. 22; 414; 494;
February, 1965, P.A. 505; 1967, P.A. 617, S. 1; 1969, P.A. 645, S. 1; 1972, P.A. 71, S. 5; P.A. 74-228, S. 1, 3; P.A. 77-614, S. 486, 610; P.A. 82-193, S. 2, 3; P.A. 83-533, S. 17, 54; P.A. 84-546, S. 13, 173; P.A. 85-510, S. 21, 35; P.A. 86-186, S. 3; P.A. 87-282, S. 3; P.A. 90-331, S. 2, 3; P.A. 95-257, S. 20, 58; P.A. 97-256, S. 3, 4; P.A. 04-234, S. 2.)
History: 1961 acts "restated" state employees retirement act "in a simpler, clearer and more orderly form" and added
Subsecs. (c) and (d); 1965 act amended Subsec. (c) to provide credit for military service during a national emergency;
1967 act amended section to include persons employed as guards or instructors at State Prison; 1969 act replaced "State
Prison" references with specific references to Connecticut Correctional Institutions at Osborn and Cheshire, replaced
"warden of the state prison" with "commissioner of correction" and included community correctional centers; 1972 act
replaced correctional institution at Osborn with state correctional institutions at Somers and Enfield; P.A. 74-228 included
state correctional institution at Niantic; P.A. 77-614 replaced commissioner of state police with commissioner of public
safety and made state police department a division within the department of public safety, effective January 1, 1979; P.A.
82-193 added Subsec. (e) providing the exceptions for the commissioner and deputy commissioner of public safety; P.A.
83-533 amended section to include employees of the Whiting Forensic Institute with direct and substantial patient contact
and added Subsecs. (f) and (g); P.A. 84-546 made technical grammatical change in Subsec. (e) clarifying reference to
commissioner or deputy commissioner of public safety; P.A. 85-510 amended Subsec. (a) to include any member of tier
I who has been designated as a hazardous duty member pursuant to an applicable collective bargaining agreement, who
has reached his forty-seventh birthday and has completed at least 20 years of hazardous duty for the state; amended Subsec.
(b) by adding provisions re reduced retirement income for a person who is both a member of the division of state police
and a member of part B and amended Subsecs. (d) and (f) by adding references to hazardous duty and retirement from
hazardous duty; P.A. 86-186 changed the name of the Connecticut Correctional Institution, Enfield to the Connecticut
Correctional Institution, Enfield-Medium, added the Connecticut Correctional Institution, Enfield-Minimum and the Connecticut Correctional Center, Cheshire and changed the name of the Connecticut Correctional Institution, Cheshire to the
John R. Manson Youth Institution, Cheshire; P.A. 87-282 changed the name of the Connecticut Correctional Institution,
Enfield-Minimum to the Carl Robinson Correctional Institution, Enfield; P.A. 90-331 amended Subsec. (a) to include
persons exempt from collective bargaining who are engaged in custodial or instructional duties within department of
correction; P.A. 95-257 replaced "Whiting Forensic Institute" with "Whiting Forensic Division", effective July 1, 1995;
P.A. 97-256 amended Subsec. (a) to include any person employed as a correctional counselor, correctional counselor
supervisor, parole officer or parole supervisor or in a comparable job classification by the Board of Parole and amended
Subsec. (d) to include any person employed by the Board of Parole; P.A. 04-234 replaced Board of Parole with Board of
Pardons and Paroles in Subsecs. (a) and (d), effective July 1, 2004.
Cited. 230 C. 911. Cited. 234 C. 411. Plaintiff entitled to hazardous duty retirement credit under Sec. 5-192b and this
section; judgment of appellate court in LoPresto v. State Employees Retirement Commission, 34 CA 510, reversed. Id., 424.
"Connecticut state service", as used in section, is limited to actual service for the state and does not include prior
municipal service considered state service pursuant to Sec. 5-192b(b). 34 CA 510; judgment reversed, see 234 C. 424.
Subsec. (c):
Cited. 1 CA 454.