Sec. 47-285. Conversion tenant's right to purchase converted unit.

      Sec. 47-285. Conversion tenant's right to purchase converted unit. (a) For the first ninety days after giving a conversion notice to a tenant, a declarant shall offer to convey the converted unit occupied by that tenant to that tenant. If a tenant fails to purchase the converted unit during that ninety-day period, the declarant may not offer to dispose of an interest in that converted unit during the following nine months at a price or on terms more favorable to the offeree than the price or terms offered to the tenant. This provision does not apply to any unit which will be restricted exclusively to nonresidential use or the boundaries of which do not substantially conform to the dimensions of the unit before conversion.

      (b) If a declarant, in violation of subsection (a) of this section conveys a converted unit to a purchaser for value who has no knowledge of the violation, the recordation of the deed conveying that converted unit, or, in a cooperative, the conveyance, extinguishes any right a tenant may have under subsection (a) of this section to purchase if the deed or conveyance states that the declarant has complied with said subsection (a), but does not affect the right of a tenant to recover damages under section 47-292 from the declarant for a violation of said subsection (a).

      (c) If a tenant fails to purchase the converted unit during that ninety-day period, and the declarant thereafter enters into a contract to sell that unit to a third person, the declarant shall, within one month of executing that contract, notify the tenant of the name and address of the contract purchaser. The declarant's failure to comply with this subsection shall not constitute a defect in the title which he conveys to a third person, or otherwise affect the marketability of title to that unit.

      (P.A. 83-474, S. 86, 96; P.A. 84-472, S. 21, 23; P.A. 87-358, S. 3.)

      History: P.A. 84-472 increased from 60 to 90 days the period during which a conversion tenant has an exclusive right to purchase his converted unit; P.A. 87-358 amended Subsec. (a) to increase from 180 days to 9 months the period during which the declarant is prohibited from offering a more favorable price or terms.

      Cited. 207 C. 441. Cited. 209 C. 15.