Sec. 46b-215. (Formerly Sec. 17-320). Relatives obliged to furnish support. Attorney General and attorney for town as parties. Orders.
Sec. 46b-215. (Formerly Sec. 17-320). Relatives obliged to furnish support.
Attorney General and attorney for town as parties. Orders. (a)(1) The Superior
Court or a family support magistrate may make and enforce orders for payment of
support against any person who neglects or refuses to furnish necessary support to such
person's spouse or a child under the age of eighteen or as otherwise provided in this
subsection, according to such person's ability to furnish such support, notwithstanding
the provisions of section 46b-37. If such child is unmarried and a full-time high school
student, such support shall continue according to the parents' respective abilities, if such
child is in need of support, until such child completes the twelfth grade or attains the
age of nineteen, whichever occurs first.
(2) Any such support order in a IV-D support case shall include a provision for the
health care coverage of the child. Such provision may include an order for either parent
or both parents to provide such coverage under any or all of subparagraphs (A), (B) or
(C) of this subdivision.
(A) The provision for health care coverage may include an order for either parent
to name any child as a beneficiary of any medical or dental insurance or benefit plan
carried by such parent or available to such parent at a reasonable cost, as defined in
subparagraph (D) of this subdivision. If such order requires the parent to maintain insurance available through an employer, the order shall be enforced using a National Medical
Support Notice as provided in section 46b-88.
(B) The provision for health care coverage may include an order for either parent
to: (i) Apply for and maintain coverage on behalf of the child under the HUSKY Plan,
Part B; or (ii) provide cash medical support, as described in subparagraphs (E) and (F)
of this subdivision. An order under this subparagraph shall be made only if the cost to
the parent obligated to maintain coverage under the HUSKY Plan, Part B, or provide
cash medical support is reasonable, as defined in subparagraph (D) of this subdivision.
An order under clause (i) of this subparagraph shall be made only if insurance coverage
as described in subparagraph (A) of this subdivision is unavailable at reasonable cost
to either parent, or inaccessible to the child.
(C) An order for payment of the child's medical and dental expenses, other than
those described in clause (ii) of subparagraph (E) of this subdivision, that are not covered
by insurance or reimbursed in any other manner shall be entered in accordance with the
child support guidelines established pursuant to section 46b-215a.
(D) Health care coverage shall be deemed reasonable in cost if: (i) The parent obligated to maintain such coverage would qualify as a low-income obligor under the child
support guidelines established pursuant to section 46b-215a, based solely on such parent's income, and the cost does not exceed five per cent of such parent's net income;
or (ii) the parent obligated to maintain such coverage would not qualify as a low-income
obligor under such guidelines and the cost does not exceed seven and one-half per cent
of such parent's net income. In either case, net income shall be determined in accordance
with the child support guidelines established pursuant to section 46b-215a. If a parent
obligated to maintain insurance must obtain coverage for himself or herself to comply
with the order to provide coverage for the child, reasonable cost shall be determined
based on the combined cost of coverage for such parent and such child.
(E) Cash medical support means (i) an amount ordered to be paid toward the cost
of premiums for health insurance coverage provided by a public entity, including the
HUSKY Plan, Part A or Part B, except as provided in subparagraph (F) of this subdivision, or by another parent through employment or otherwise, or (ii) an amount ordered
to be paid, either directly to a medical provider or to the person obligated to pay such
provider, toward any ongoing extraordinary medical and dental expenses of the child
that are not covered by insurance or reimbursed in any other manner, provided such
expenses are documented and identified specifically on the record. Cash medical support, as described in clauses (i) and (ii) of this subparagraph, may be ordered in lieu of
an order under subparagraph (A) of this subdivision to be effective until such time as
health insurance that is accessible to the child and reasonable in cost becomes available,
or in addition to an order under subparagraph (A) of this subdivision, provided the total
cost to the obligated parent of insurance and cash medical support is reasonable, as
described in subparagraph (D) of this subdivision. An order for cash medical support
shall be payable to the state or the custodial party, as their interests may appear, provided
an order under clause (i) of this subparagraph shall be effective only as long as health
insurance coverage is maintained. Any unreimbursed medical and dental expenses not
covered by an order issued pursuant to clause (ii) of this subparagraph are subject to an
order for unreimbursed medical and dental expenses pursuant to subparagraph (C) of
this subdivision.
(F) Cash medical support to offset the cost of any insurance payable under the
HUSKY Plan, Part A or Part B, shall not be ordered against a noncustodial parent who
is a low-income obligor, as defined in the child support guidelines established pursuant
to section 46b-215a, or against a custodial parent of children covered under the HUSKY
Plan, Part A or Part B.
(3) Proceedings to obtain orders of support under this section shall be commenced
by the service on the liable person or persons of a verified petition, with summons and
order, of the husband or wife, child or any relative or the conservator, guardian or support
enforcement officer, town or state, or any selectmen or the public official charged with
the administration of public assistance of the town, or in IV-D support cases, as defined
in subdivision (13) of subsection (b) of section 46b-231, the Commissioner of Social
Services. The verified petition, summons and order shall be filed in the judicial district
in which the petitioner or respondent resides or does business, or if filed in the Family
Support Magistrate Division, in the judicial district in which the petitioner or respondent
resides or does business.
(4) For purposes of this section, the term "child" shall include one born out of
wedlock whose father has acknowledged in writing paternity of such child or has been
adjudged the father by a court of competent jurisdiction, or a child who was born before
marriage whose parents afterwards intermarry.
(5) Said court or family support magistrate shall also have authority to make and
enforce orders directed to the conservator or guardian of any person, or payee of Social
Security or other benefits to which such person is entitled, to the extent of the income
or estate held by such fiduciary or payee in any such capacity.
(6) Said court or family support magistrate shall also have authority to determine,
order and enforce payment of any sums due under a written agreement to support against
the person liable for such support under such agreement.
(7) (A) The court or family support magistrate may also determine, order and enforce payment of any support due because of neglect or refusal to furnish support prior
to the action. In the case of a child born out of wedlock whose parents have not intermarried, the father's liability for such support shall be limited to the three years next preceding the filing of a petition pursuant to this section.
(B) In the determination of support due based on neglect or refusal to furnish support
prior to the action, the support due for periods of time prior to the action shall be based
upon the obligor's ability to pay during such prior periods, as determined in accordance
with the child support guidelines established pursuant to section 46b-215a. The state
shall disclose to the court any information in its possession concerning current and past
ability to pay. If no information is available to the court concerning past ability to pay,
the court may determine the support due for periods of time prior to the action as if past
ability to pay is equal to current ability to pay, if current ability is known. If current
ability to pay is not known, the court shall determine the past ability to pay based on
the obligor's work history, if known, or if not known, on the state minimum wage
that was in effect during such periods, provided only actual earnings shall be used to
determine ability to pay for past periods during which the obligor was a full-time high
school student or was incarcerated, institutionalized or incapacitated.
(C) Any finding of support due for periods of time prior to an action in which the
obligor failed to appear shall be entered subject to adjustment. Such adjustment may be
made upon motion of any party, and the state in IV-D cases shall make such motion if
it obtains information that would have substantially affected the court's determination
of past ability to pay if such information had been available to the court. Motion for
adjustment under this subparagraph may be made not later than twelve months from
the date upon which the obligor receives notification of (i) the amount of such finding
of support due for periods of time prior to the action, and (ii) the right not later than
twelve months from the date of receipt of such notification to present evidence as to
such obligor's past ability to pay support for such periods of time prior to the action. A
copy of any support order entered, subject to adjustment, shall state in plain language
the basis for the court's determination of past support, the right to request an adjustment
and to present information concerning the obligor's past ability to pay, and the consequences of a failure to request such adjustment.
(8) (A) The judge or family support magistrate shall cause a summons, signed by
such judge or magistrate, by the clerk of said court or Family Support Magistrate Division, or by a commissioner of the Superior Court to be issued requiring such liable
person or persons to appear in court or before a family support magistrate, at a time and
place as determined by the clerk but not more than ninety days after the issuance of the
summons. Service may be made by a state marshal, any proper officer or any investigator
employed by the Department of Social Services or by the Commissioner of Administrative Services. The state marshal, proper officer or investigator shall make due return of
process to the court not less than twenty-one days before the date assigned for hearing.
Upon proof of the service of the summons to appear in court or before a family support
magistrate at the time and place named for hearing upon such petition, the failure of the
defendant or defendants to appear shall not prohibit the court or family support magistrate from going forward with the hearing. If the summons and order is signed by a
commissioner of the Superior Court, upon proof of service of the summons to appear
in court or before a family support magistrate and upon the failure of the defendant to
appear at the time and place named for hearing upon the petition, request may be made
by the petitioner to the court or family support magistrate for an order that a capias
mittimus be issued.
(B) In the case of a person supported wholly or in part by a town, the welfare authority of the town shall notify the responsible relatives of such person of the amount of
assistance given, the beginning date thereof and the amount of support expected from
each of them, if any, and if any such relative does not contribute in such expected amount,
the superior court for the judicial district in which such town is located or a family
support magistrate sitting in the judicial district in which such town is located may order
such relative or relatives to contribute to such support, from the time of the beginning
date of expense shown on the notice, such sum as said court or family support magistrate
deems reasonably within each such relative's ability to support such person.
(C) The court, or any judge thereof, or family support magistrate when said court
or family support magistrate is not sitting, may require the defendant or defendants to
become bound, with sufficient surety, to the state, town or person bringing the complaint,
to abide such judgment as may be rendered on such complaint. Failure of the defendant
or defendants to obey any order made under this section, may be punished as contempt
of court and the costs of commitment of any person imprisoned therefor shall be paid
by the state as in criminal cases. Except as otherwise provided, upon proof of the service
of the summons to appear in court or before a family support magistrate at the time and
place named for a hearing upon the failure of the defendant or defendants to obey such
court order or order of the family support magistrate, the court or family support magistrate may order a capias mittimus be issued, and directed to some proper officer to arrest
such defendant or defendants and bring such defendant or defendants before the Superior
Court for the contempt hearing. When any person is found in contempt under this section,
the court or family support magistrate may award to the petitioner a reasonable attorney's
fee and the fees of the officer serving the contempt citation, such sums to be paid by
the person found in contempt.
(9) In addition to or in lieu of such contempt proceedings, the court or family support
magistrate, upon a finding that any person has failed to obey any order made under this
section, may: (A) Order a plan for payment of any past-due support owing under such
order, or, in IV-D cases, if such obligor is not incapacitated, order such obligor to participate in work activities which may include, but shall not be limited to, job search, training,
work experience and participation in the job training and retraining program established
by the Labor Commissioner pursuant to section 31-3t; (B) suspend any professional,
occupational, recreational, commercial driver's or motor vehicle operator's license as
provided in subsections (b) to (e), inclusive, of section 46b-220, provided such failure
was without good cause; (C) issue an income withholding order against such amount
of any debt accruing by reason of personal services as provided by sections 52-362, 52-362b and 52-362c; and (D) order executions against any real, personal, or other property
of such person which cannot be categorized solely as either, for payment of accrued
and unpaid amounts due under such order.
(10) No entry fee, judgment fee or any other court fee shall be charged by the court
or the family support magistrate to either party in proceedings under this section.
(11) Any written agreement to support which is filed with the court or the Family
Support Magistrate Division shall have the effect of an order of the court or a family
support magistrate.
(b) The Attorney General of the state of Connecticut and the attorney representing
a town, shall become a party for the interest of the state of Connecticut and such town,
in any proceedings for support which concerns any person who is receiving or has
received public assistance or care from the state or any town. The Attorney General
shall represent the IV-D agency in non-TANF IV-D support cases if the IV-D agency
determines that such representation is required pursuant to guidelines issued by the
Commissioner of Social Services.
(c) The court or a family support magistrate shall direct all payments on orders of
support in IV-D cases to be made to the state acting by and through the IV-D agency. In
IV-D support cases, the IV-D agency or a support enforcement agency under cooperative
agreement with the IV-D agency may, upon notice to the obligor and obligee, redirect
payments for the support of any child receiving child support enforcement services
either to the state of Connecticut or to the present custodial party, as their interests may
appear, provided neither the obligor nor the obligee objects in writing within ten business
days from the mailing date of such notice. Any such notice shall be sent by first class
mail to the most recent address of such obligor and obligee, as recorded in the state case
registry pursuant to section 46b-218, and a copy of such notice shall be filed with the
court or family support magistrate if both the obligor and obligee fail to object to the
redirected payments within ten business days from the mailing date of such notice. All
payments made shall be distributed as required by Title IV-D of the Social Security Act.
(d) No order for support made by the court or a family support magistrate shall be
stayed by an appeal but such order shall continue in effect until a determination is made
thereon upon such appeal; if however as a result of such appeal or further hearing, the
amount of such order is reduced or vacated, such defendant shall be credited or reimbursed accordingly.
(e) Any court or family support magistrate, called upon to enforce a support order,
shall insure that such order is reasonable in light of the obligor's ability to pay. Any
support order entered pursuant to this section, or any support order from another jurisdiction subject to enforcement by the state of Connecticut, may be modified by motion
of the party seeking such modification upon a showing of a substantial change in the
circumstances of either party or upon a showing that such support order substantially
deviates from the child support guidelines established pursuant to section 46b-215a,
unless there was a specific finding on the record that the application of the guidelines
would be inequitable or inappropriate, provided the court or family support magistrate
finds that the obligor or the obligee and any other interested party have received actual
notice of the pendency of such motion and of the time and place of the hearing on such
motion. There shall be a rebuttable presumption that any deviation of less than fifteen
per cent from the child support guidelines is not substantial and any deviation of fifteen
per cent or more from the guidelines is substantial. Modification may be made of such
support order without regard to whether the order was issued before, on or after May
9, 1991. No such support orders may be subject to retroactive modification, except that
the court or family support magistrate may order modification with respect to any period
during which there is a pending motion for a modification of an existing support order
from the date of service of the notice of such pending motion upon the opposing party
pursuant to section 52-50. In any hearing to modify any support order from another
jurisdiction the court or the family support magistrate shall conduct the proceedings in
accordance with the procedure set forth in sections 46b-213o to 46b-213q, inclusive.
(f) In IV-D support cases, as defined in subdivision (13) of subsection (b) of section
46b-231, a copy of any support order established or modified pursuant to this section
or, in the case of a motion for modification of an existing support order, a notice of
determination that there should be no change in the amount of the support order, shall
be provided to each party and the state case registry within fourteen days after issuance
of such order or determination.
(1949 Rev., S. 2610; 1951, 1955, S. 1444d; September, 1957, P.A. 11, S. 20; 1959, P.A. 34; 1961, P.A. 307; 1967, P.A.
746, S. 4; 1972, P.A. 127, S. 29; P.A. 74-183, S. 216, 291; P.A. 75-103; P.A. 76-334, S. 10, 12; 76-436, S. 185, 681; P.A.
77-452, S. 9, 72; 77-594, S. 3, 7; 77-614, S. 70, 608, 610; P.A. 83-295, S. 14; P.A. 84-159, S. 4; P.A. 86-359, S. 33, 44;
P.A. 87-316, S. 10; 87-589, S. 31, 87; P.A. 89-195, S. 3; P.A. 90-188, S. 5; 90-213, S. 32, 56; P.A. 91-76, S. 5, 7; 91-391,
S. 6; P.A. 93-187, S. 4; 93-262, S. 72, 87; 93-396, S. 18; P.A. 95-310, S. 2, 9; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-1, S. 65, 75; June
18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2, S. 107, 165; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-7, S. 25, 38; P.A. 99-279, S. 31, 45; P.A. 00-99, S. 95, 154;
May 9 Sp. Sess. P.A. 02-7, S. 44; P.A. 03-258, S. 3; P.A. 04-100, S. 4; P.A. 06-149, S. 15-17; P.A. 07-217, S. 173; 07-247, S. 57, 58.)
History: 1959 act provided support by relatives be joint and several, deleted provision for bringing complaint to court
of common pleas, substituting proceedings by petition, added order for payment may be altered or set aside and provision
for contempt; 1961 act substituted circuit for common pleas court, added last section re its jurisdictional limits, added
summons and order to petition needed for proceedings and authorized welfare authority of supporting towns to undertake
proceedings for support; 1967 act limited relatives responsible to parents of children under 21 and children of parents
under 65; 1972 act referred to persons under 18 rather than under 21, reflecting changed age of majority; P.A. 74-183
replaced circuit court with court of common pleas and references to circuits and districts with references to geographical
areas, effective December 31, 1974; P.A. 75-103 authorized selectmen or public officials charged with administration of
public assistance to make petition; P.A. 76-334 rephrased provision re court's power to make and enforce orders for support,
authorized child, guardian or family relations officer to make petition, added provisions defining "child" and expanding
court's powers re orders to conservator, guardian, payees of benefits and re enforcement of payments, authorized service
of process by officers or investigators of social services department or finance and control commissioner, authorized court
to make orders of execution against property, etc., added provisions re fees and re written agreements to support as court
order and added Subsecs. (b) to (d); P.A. 76-436 replaced court of common pleas with superior court and deleted provision
re inapplicability of limits of common pleas court, effective July 1, 1978; P.A. 77-452 made technical correction; P.A. 77-594 added provisions stating that upon proof of service of summons defendant's failure to appear does not prevent court
from going forward with hearing and that such proof allows court to order issuance of capias mittimus, arrest of defendants
and contempt hearing; P.A. 77-614 replaced commissioner of finance and control with commissioner of administrative
services and, effective January 1, 1979, replaced department of social services with department of income maintenance;
Sec. 17-320 transferred to Sec. 46b-215 in 1979 and reference to Sec. 46-10 revised to reflect its transfer; P.A. 83-295
amended Subsec. (a) by replacing "family relations officer" with "family relations caseworker or support enforcement
officer" and amended Subsec. (c) by replacing "family relations office" with "family services unit or support enforcement
services unit"; P.A. 84-159 amended Subsec. (a) by removing the authority of the court to make and enforce orders against
children for the payment of support for their parents who are under 65 years of age; P.A. 86-359 added references to
family support magistrate and family support magistrate division, changed "judges of the superior court" to "chief court
administrator" with respect to approval of form in Subsec. (a), changed "geographical area" to "judicial district" and
amended Subsec. (b) by adding provision that attorney general shall represent IV-D agency in non-AFDC cases if IV-D
agency determines representation is required under guidelines issued by commissioner of human resources and custodial
parent does not exceed income limits; P.A. 87-316 added "department of human resources or" in Subsec. (a) and revised
section, adding Subsec. (e) re enforcement and modification of support orders; P.A. 87-589 made technical changes in
Subsec. (e); P.A. 89-195 amended Subsec. (b) by deleting the limitation on income and assets of custodial parent; P.A.
90-188 amended Subsec. (e) by adding provision permitting modification of child support orders upon showing of substantial change of circumstances or substantial deviation from child support guidelines established under P.A. 89-203 unless
inequitable or inappropriate, and prohibiting retroactive modification of order of periodic payment or permanent alimony
or support, except during period of pending motion for modification; P.A. 90-213 deleted provision in Subsec. (a) relating
to the family relations worker and added provision concerning the commissioner of human resources and in Subsec. (c)
changed the name of the family division to the support enforcement division; P.A. 91-76 amended Subsec. (e) by adding
provision re rebuttable presumption that deviation of less than 15% from child support guidelines is not substantial and
any deviation of more than 15% is substantial and permitting modification of support order without regard to whether
order issued before on or after May 9, 1991; P.A. 91-391 amended Subsec. (a) by adding provision that determination of
support due shall be based upon obligor's ability to pay during such prior periods, requiring state to disclose to court
information re current and past ability to pay, and if no information is available on orders entered on or after October 1,
1991, such order shall be subject to adjustment when information becomes available to court upon motion of any party
within 4 months of notification of amount of such order and right to present evidence of past ability to pay; P.A. 93-187
made technical changes to Subsec. (a) re commencement of proceedings, summons and order, service of process and wage
withholding orders; P.A. 93-262 replaced references to commissioners and departments of human resources and income
maintenance with commissioner and department of social services, effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 93-396 made a technical
change in Subsec. (a); P.A. 95-310 amended Subsec. (a) to authorize suspension of occupational or motor vehicle operators
license for failure to obey support order without good cause, effective January 1, 1996; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-1 made
technical change to Subsec. (e) by replacing reference to Sec. 46b-197 with reference to Secs. 46b-213o to 46b-213q,
inclusive, effective January 1, 1998; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2 replaced references to "AFDC" with references to "TANF"
in Subsecs. (a) and (b), effective July 1, 1997; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-7 amended Subsec. (a) to require support order
in IV-D support case to include provision for health care coverage of child and to add provision re order of plan for payment
of past-due support and, in IV-D cases, reorder to obligor to participate in work activities, amended Subsec. (c) to require
court or magistrate to direct all payments on orders of support in IV-D cases to be made to the state acting by and through
the IV-D agency and added Subsec. (f) re copy of support order to parties and state case registry, effective July 1, 1997;
P.A. 99-279 amended Subsec. (a) by dividing it into eleven Subdivs. and Subparas. as necessary, making technical changes
and adding in Subdiv. (2) provisions re health care coverage under HUSKY Plan where coverage is unavailable at reasonable
cost through a parent, effective July 1, 1999; P.A. 00-99 replaced references in Subsec. (a)(8) to sheriff with state marshal,
effective December 1, 2000; May 9 Sp. Sess. P.A. 02-7 amended Subsec. (a)(2) by adding provision re enforcement of
employment-based order using a National Medical Support Notice; P.A. 03-258 amended Subsec. (a)(7)(B) by providing
that child support due for periods prior to commencement of an action shall be "determined in accordance with the child
support and arrearage guidelines established under Sec. 46b-215a", deleting provision re child support determination being
based on assistance rendered to the child, providing that where current ability to pay support is not known, court shall
determine past ability to pay support based on obligor's work history, or if not known, on state's minimum wage in effect
during periods and that only actual earnings may be used to determine support for past periods during which obligor was
a full-time high school student, incarcerated, institutionalized or incapacitated, and making technical changes, and amended
Subsec. (a)(7)(C) by providing that support findings made for periods of time prior to an action where obligor failed to appear
are subject to adjustment, providing that in IV-D cases, state shall make motion for adjustment if it obtains information that
would have substantially affected court's determination of past ability to pay, changing time parameters for making motion
for adjustment from within four to not later than 12 months from date of receipt of notification, providing that support
orders subject to adjustment shall state in plain language the court's basis for making determination of past support, the right
to request an adjustment and present information re past ability to pay, and consequences of failure to request adjustment, and
making technical changes; P.A. 04-100 amended Subsec. (a)(1) and (2) by adding provision re continuation of support for
unmarried, full-time high school student residing with custodial parent and making conforming changes; P.A. 06-149
amended Subsec. (a)(1) to make technical changes and delete "and residing with the custodial parent", amended Subsec.
(a)(2) to substitute exemption from required insurance payments for low-income obligors for prior exemption if payments
would reduce amount of support required under child support guidelines, amended Subsec. (a)(7) to make technical changes
and provide in Subpara. (A) that in the case of a child born out of wedlock whose parents have not intermarried, the father's
liability shall be limited to 3 years next preceding the filing of petition, and amended Subsec. (c) to add provisions re
redirection of payments and notice thereof and requiring payments to be distributed as required by Title IV-D of the Social
Security Act, effective June 6, 2006; P.A. 07-217 made a technical change in Subsec. (a)(7)(C), effective July 12, 2007;
P.A. 07-247 substantially revised Subsec. (a)(2) by inserting Subpara. designators (A) to (F), specifying that court or family
support magistrate may order either or both parents to provide health care coverage for child, specifying that either parent
may be ordered to name child as beneficiary of any medical or dental insurance plan carried by or available to such parent
at a reasonable cost, describing reasonable cost re maintaining health care coverage, deleting language that required applying
for coverage under HUSKY Plan, Part B only if noncustodial parent had sufficient ability to pay appropriate premium,
providing that court or family support magistrate may order either parent to provide for coverage under HUSKY Plan,
Part B, or alternatively enter order for cash medical support as long as any such order was reasonable, defining "cash
medical support" and requirements related to entry of cash medical support order and making technical changes, and
amended Subsec. (a)(3) by deleting "in a form prescribed by the Office of the Chief Court Administrator", replacing
"TANF" with "IV-D", and replacing reference to Subdiv. (14) with reference to Subdiv. (13) of Sec. 46b-231(b).
See Sec. 46b-88 re National Medical Support Notice.
See Sec. 46b-219 re child's freedom from responsibility to support a deserting parent.
See Sec. 51-348a re prosecution for nonsupport.
See Sec. 52-56(d) re execution or service of capias mittimus in any precinct by state marshal of any precinct.
See Sec. 53-304 re procedures when support not provided and penalties for failure to provide support.
Annotations to former section 17-320:
Relatives by affinity not liable. K. 155; 1 R. 250; 3 C. 553. Relatives not liable for past expenses. 3 C. 553; 7 C. 57; 32
C. 142. Action at common law does not lie against relatives. 1 R. 60; 3 C. 507. Not responsible to a town in which the
pauper has no settlement. 3 C. 553. If supplies are furnished parent at request of children, they are liable in assumpsit. 32
C. 142. Not necessary for town to exhaust the remedies provided by this statute before taking a parent or pauper into
custody under section 17-276. 35 C. 538. A wife whose husband neglects to support her may bring an action against him
for contribution towards her maintenance. 72 C. 157. Nature of remedy; costs; 73 C. 607; "neglect to provide" is condition
precedent to action. 78 C. 650; 124 C. 522. Place of support. 73 C. 607; 82 C. 611. Measure of support. 78 C. 650; 82 C.
611; 103 C. 6; 124 C. 524; 127 C. 506. When state should be a party plaintiff. 103 C. 6. A minor may properly be made a
defendant and judgment rendered against him. Id., 3. A proceeding under this statute is entirely different from a criminal
prosecution for nonsupport. 91 C. 10. Application to question of dependency of mother on minor son under workmen's
compensation act. 105 C. 420. Although this statute may have no extraterritorial effect when neither party is resident of
state, equitable relief allowed where property of defendant was subject to the jurisdiction. 111 C. 124. Held not necessary
to meet precise terms of statute in equitable action for support, nor was husband's duty limited by his income or to the
amount public authorities required by statute to provide. 114 C. 575; 127 C. 503. Cited in connection with medical payment
under workmen's compensation act. 117 C. 282. Statute applies only to those whom it would be duty of town to support
if not furnished by relatives. 123 C. 338. "Neglect to provide" imports more than a mere omission; it imports an omission
accompanied by some kind of culpability. 124 C. 518; 128 C. 192. Mere ownership of property by relatives does not
necessarily mean they are "able to provide" support. Id., 193. If working at gainful occupation might shorten life span,
one is not precluded from seeking support. 134 C. 58. Mere failure on husband's part to provide wife with support is not
controlling on question of his liability; the test being the legal justification of his refusal. 144 C. 21. Action against father
of supervising relative for needs of such relative. 145 C. 458. Imposition of obligation to support adult does not empower
person so obligated to determine place where support shall be furnished. 152 C. 55. State policy has long been when a
person is unable to support himself, support be provided for him by members of his family and is now expressed in this
statute and section 17-324. 156 C. 199. Once a child reaches eighteen, parents no longer have a legal duty to support the
child. 168 C. 144. Cited. 175 C. 527.
Demurrer in support action on ground that cause not brought where plaintiff resides, overruled where no indication
that plaintiff wife relied on statute. 6 CS 87. The purpose of the statute is to protect the public purse; and therefore, since
no township is concerned with the support of a nonresident, the right of a nonresident to sue his relatives disappears. 7 CS
60. Married woman, living apart from her husband, may voluntarily for sufficient consideration relinquish her right to
maintain an action for support. 14 CS 64; Id., 123. Essentially an equitable proceeding; plaintiff not entitled to jury trial.
Id., 482. One who has a pecuniary interest which may be injuriously affected by the decree is an aggrieved person within
the statute. 15 CS 177. Existence of other remedies not ground for denying relief in an equitable action for support. 16 CS
68. In an action for support, obligation of defendant husband is limited to what he can afford to pay. Id., 465. Restrictions
in will against widow of testator providing for support of their son void as against public policy. 19 CS 93. Cited. 31 CS
271. Wife may sue for husband's medical expenses for which she is liable. 32 CS 156. Cited. 33 CS 44. Cited. 34 CS 284.
Cited. 6 Conn. Cir. Ct. 688.
Annotations to present section:
Cited. 196 C. 403. Cited. 216 C. 85. Cited. 219 C. 28. Cited. 222 C. 699. Cited. 231 C. 1. Cited as P.A. 95-310, S. 2.
234 C. 194. Cited. 236 C. 582.
Cited. 2 CA 251; Id., 270. Cited. 9 CA 327. Cited. 26 CA 174. Cited. 31 CA 214.
A condition precedent to granting an order for payment of support under statute is the neglect or refusal to furnish
necessary support to the minor child by the parents. 39 CS 35. Cited. 40 CS 6. Cited. Id., 349.
Subsec. (a):
Cited. 235 C. 82, 88.
Cited. 31 CA 761.
Cited. 39 CS 35. Cited. 40 CS 349. Court has continuing power to enforce premajority support orders when child has
reached age of majority. 45 CS 169.
Subsec. (d):
Cited. 191 C. 468.
Subsec. (e):
Cited. 25 CA 563. P.A. 90-188, cited. Id. Cited. 26 CA 737.