Sec. 46a-44. (Formerly Sec. 22-346a). Access of guide and assistance dogs to modes of public transportation and in places of public accommodation.
Sec. 46a-44. (Formerly Sec. 22-346a). Access of guide and assistance dogs to
modes of public transportation and in places of public accommodation. (a) Any
blind, deaf or mobility impaired person or any person training a dog as a guide dog for
a blind person or a dog to assist a deaf or mobility impaired person may travel on a train
or on any other mode of public transportation, and may enter any other place of public
accommodation which caters or offers its services or facilities or goods to the general
public, including but not limited to, any public building, inn, restaurant, hotel, motel,
tourist cabin, place of amusement, resort or any facility of any such public accommodation, accompanied by his guide dog or assistance dog, and he may keep such dog with
him at all times in any such public accommodation or facility thereof at no extra charge,
provided such dog shall be in the direct custody of such person and shall be wearing a
harness or an orange-colored leash and collar.
(b) Any blind, deaf or mobility impaired person or any person training a dog as a
guide dog for a blind person or a dog to assist a deaf or mobility impaired person shall
be entitled to visit any place of public accommodation, resort or amusement or a dwelling
as a guest of a lawful occupant thereof, accompanied by his guide dog or assistance
dog, and he may keep such dog with him at all times in such public accommodation,
resort, amusement or dwelling at no extra charge, provided such dog shall be in the
direct custody of such person and shall be wearing a harness or an orange-colored leash
and collar. No such blind, deaf or mobility impaired person or person training a dog as
a guide dog for a blind person or a dog to assist a deaf or mobility impaired person shall
be charged any fee not applicable alike to all guests, provided the owner of such dog
shall be liable for any damage done to the premises or facilities by such dog. For the
purposes of this subsection, (1) a "place of public accommodation, resort or amusement"
means any establishment which caters or offers its services or facilities or goods to the
general public, including, but not limited to, any commercial building lot, on which it
is intended that a commercial property or building will be constructed or offered for
sale or rent, and (2) "dwelling" means any building, structure, mobile manufactured
home park or portion thereof which is occupied as, or designed or intended for occupancy
as, a residence by one or more families, and any vacant land which is offered for sale
or lease for the construction or location thereon of any such building, structure, mobile
manufactured home park or portion thereof, provided the provisions of this subsection
shall not apply to (A) the rental of a room or rooms in a single-family dwelling unit if
the owner actually maintains and occupies part of such living quarters as his residence
or (B) a unit in a dwelling containing living quarters occupied or intended to be occupied
by no more than two families living independently of each other, if the owner actually
maintains and occupies the other such living quarters as his residence.
(c) Any person who denies the rights afforded to blind, deaf or mobility impaired
persons or persons training a dog as a guide dog for a blind person or a dog to assist a
deaf or mobility impaired person under subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall be
guilty of a class C misdemeanor, provided such blind, deaf or mobility impaired person
or person training a dog as a guide dog for a blind person or a dog to assist a deaf or
mobility impaired person complies with the applicable provisions of subsection (a) or
(b) of this section.
(d) For purposes of this section, "guide dog" or "assistance dog" includes a dog
being trained as a guide dog or assistance dog and "person training a dog as a guide dog
for a blind person or a dog to assist a deaf or mobility impaired person" means a person
who is employed by and authorized to engage in designated training activities by a
guide dog organization or assistance dog organization that complies with the criteria
for membership in a professional association of guide dog or assistance dog schools
and who carries photographic identification indicating such employment and authorization, or a person who volunteers for a guide dog organization or assistance dog organization that authorizes such volunteers to raise dogs to become guide dogs or assistance
dogs and causes the identification of such dog with (1) identification tags, (2) ear tattoos,
(3) identifying bandanas on puppies, (4) identifying coats on adult dogs, or (5) leashes
and collars.
(1963, P.A. 641, S. 1; P.A. 73-279, S. 3; P.A. 76-49, S. 2; P.A. 85-289, S. 6; P.A. 89-21, S. 1; P.A. 92-257, S. 5; P.A.
97-141, S. 1; P.A. 04-71, S. 1.)
History: P.A. 73-279 deleted provisions requiring that guide dog be muzzled in Subsec. (a) and that blind person have
credential issued by dog training school, deleted former Subsec. (b) requiring that blind person present credential if requested
to do so, inserted new Subsec. (b) clarifying access rights of blind person and guide dog to housing, etc. and replaced
provisions of Subsec. (c) re penalty for violation of blind person's rights to be accompanied by guide dog which had
imposed fine of not more than $100 and/or 60 days' imprisonment with provision for consideration of guilt as Class C
misdemeanor; P.A. 76-49 made provisions applicable to deaf persons; P.A. 85-289 made provisions of section applicable
to mobility impaired persons; P.A. 89-21 added option that dog wear orange-colored leash and collar; Sec. 22-346a transferred to Sec. 46a-44 in 1991; P.A. 92-257 added "or a dwelling" after "amusement", redefined "place of public accommodation, resort or amusement" and added definition of "dwelling"; P.A. 97-141 made provisions of section applicable with
respect to any person training a dog as a guide dog for a blind person or a dog to assist a deaf or mobility impaired person,
added references to assistance dogs, amended Subsec. (b) to make the owner of the dog, rather than the blind, deaf or
mobility impaired person, liable for any damage caused by the dog and added Subsec. (d) defining "guide dog", "assistance
dog" and "person training a dog as a guide dog for a blind person or a dog to assist a deaf or mobility impaired person";
P.A. 04-71 amended Subsec. (d) by redefining "person training a dog as a guide dog for a blind person or a dog to assist
a deaf or mobility impaired person" to include persons who volunteer for a guide dog organization or assistance dog
organization that authorizes such volunteers to raise such dogs and causes the identification of such dogs, effective October
1, 2005.
See Sec. 1-1f for definition of blindness.
See Sec. 53-330a for like provisions re search and rescue dogs.