Sec. 45a-717. (Formerly Sec. 45-61f). Termination of parental rights. Conduct of hearing. Investigation and report. Grounds for termination.
Sec. 45a-717. (Formerly Sec. 45-61f). Termination of parental rights. Conduct
of hearing. Investigation and report. Grounds for termination. (a) At the hearing
held on any petition for the termination of parental rights filed in the Court of Probate
under section 45a-715, or filed in the Superior Court under section 17a-112, or transferred to the Superior Court from the Court of Probate under section 45a-715, any party
to whom notice was given shall have the right to appear and be heard with respect to
the petition. If a parent who is consenting to the termination of such parent's parental
rights appears at the hearing on the petition for termination of parental rights, the court
shall explain to the parent the meaning and consequences of termination of parental
rights. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to require the appearance of a
consenting parent at the hearing regarding the termination of such parent's parental
rights except as otherwise provided by court order.
(b) If a party appears without counsel, the court shall inform such party of the party's
right to counsel and upon request, if he or she is unable to pay for counsel, shall appoint
counsel to represent such party. No party may waive counsel unless the court has first
explained the nature and meaning of a petition for the termination of parental rights.
Unless the appointment of counsel is required under section 46b-136, the court may
appoint counsel to represent or appear on behalf of any child in a hearing held under
this section to speak on behalf of the best interests of the child. If the respondent parent
is unable to pay for such respondent's own counsel or if the child or the parent or guardian
of the child is unable to pay for the child's counsel, in the case of a Superior Court
matter, the reasonable compensation of counsel appointed for the respondent parent
or the child shall be established by, and paid from funds appropriated to, the Judicial
Department and, in the case of a Probate Court matter, the reasonable compensation of
counsel appointed for the respondent parent or the child shall be established by, and
paid from funds appropriated to, the Judicial Department, however, in the case of a
Probate Court matter, if funds have not been included in the budget of the Judicial
Department for such purposes, such compensation shall be established by the Probate
Court Administrator and paid from the Probate Court Administration Fund.
(c) The court shall, if a claim for paternity has been filed in accordance with section
46b-172a, continue the hearing under the provisions of this section until the claim for
paternity is adjudicated, provided the court may combine the hearing on the claim for
paternity with the hearing on the termination of parental rights petition.
(d) Upon finding at the hearing or at any time during the pendency of the petition
that reasonable cause exists to warrant an examination, the court, on its own motion or
on motion by any party, may order the child to be examined at a suitable place by a
physician, psychiatrist or licensed clinical psychologist appointed by the court. The
court may also order examination of a parent or custodian whose competency or ability
to care for a child before the court is at issue. The expenses of any examination if ordered
by the court on its own motion shall be paid for by the petitioner or, if ordered on motion
by a party, shall be paid for by the party moving for such an examination unless such
party or petitioner is unable to pay such expenses in which case, they shall be paid for
by funds appropriated to the Judicial Department, however, in the case of a Probate
Court matter, if funds have not been included in the budget of the Judicial Department
for such purposes, such expenses shall be established by the Probate Court Administrator
and paid from the Probate Court Administration Fund. The court may consider the results
of the examinations in ruling on the merits of the petition.
(e) (1) The court may, and in any contested case shall, request the Commissioner
of Children and Families or any child-placing agency licensed by the commissioner to
make an investigation and written report to it, within ninety days from the receipt of
such request. The report shall indicate the physical, mental and emotional status of the
child and shall contain such facts as may be relevant to the court's determination of
whether the proposed termination of parental rights will be in the best interests of the
child, including the physical, mental, social and financial condition of the biological
parents, and any other factors which the commissioner or such child-placing agency
finds relevant to the court's determination of whether the proposed termination will be
in the best interests of the child. (2) If such a report has been requested, upon the expiration of such ninety-day period or upon receipt of the report, whichever is earlier, the
court shall set a day for a hearing not more than thirty days thereafter. The court shall
give reasonable notice of such adjourned hearing to all parties to the first hearing, including the child, if over fourteen years of age, and to such other persons as the court shall
deem appropriate. (3) The report shall be admissible in evidence, subject to the right of
any interested party to require that the person making it appear as a witness, if available,
and subject himself to examination.
(f) At the adjourned hearing or at the initial hearing where no investigation and
report has been requested, the court may approve a petition for termination of parental
rights based on consent filed pursuant to this section terminating the parental rights and
may appoint a guardian of the person of the child, or if the petitioner requests, the court
may appoint a statutory parent, if it finds, upon clear and convincing evidence that (1)
the termination is in the best interest of the child and (2) such parent has voluntarily and
knowingly consented to termination of the parent's parental rights with respect to such
child. If the court denies a petition for termination of parental rights based on consent,
it may refer the matter to an agency to assess the needs of the child, the care the child
is receiving and the plan of the parent for the child. Consent for the termination of the
parental right of one parent does not diminish the parental rights of the other parent of
the child nor does it relieve the other parent of the duty to support the child.
(g) At the adjourned hearing or at the initial hearing where no investigation and
report has been requested, the court may approve a petition terminating the parental
rights and may appoint a guardian of the person of the child, or, if the petitioner requests,
the court may appoint a statutory parent, if it finds, upon clear and convincing evidence,
that (1) the termination is in the best interest of the child, and (2) (A) the child has been
abandoned by the parent in the sense that the parent has failed to maintain a reasonable
degree of interest, concern or responsibility as to the welfare of the child; (B) the child
has been denied, by reason of an act or acts of parental commission or omission, including, but not limited to sexual molestation and exploitation, severe physical abuse or a
pattern of abuse, the care, guidance or control necessary for the child's physical, educational, moral or emotional well-being. Nonaccidental or inadequately explained serious
physical injury to a child shall constitute prima facie evidence of acts of parental commission or omission sufficient for the termination of parental rights; (C) there is no ongoing
parent-child relationship which is defined as the relationship that ordinarily develops as
a result of a parent having met on a continuing, day-to-day basis the physical, emotional,
moral and educational needs of the child and to allow further time for the establishment
or reestablishment of the parent-child relationship would be detrimental to the best
interests of the child; (D) the parent of a child who (i) has been found by the Superior
Court or the Probate Court to have been neglected or uncared for in a prior proceeding,
or (ii) is found to be neglected or uncared for and has been in the custody of the commissioner for at least fifteen months and such parent has been provided specific steps to
take to facilitate the return of the child to the parent pursuant to section 46b-129 and
has failed to achieve such degree of personal rehabilitation as would encourage the
belief that within a reasonable time, considering the age and needs of the child, such
parent could assume a responsible position in the life of the child; (E) the parent of a
child, under the age of seven years who is neglected or uncared for, has failed, is unable
or is unwilling to achieve such degree of personal rehabilitation as would encourage
the belief that within a reasonable amount of time, considering the age and needs of the
child, such parent could assume a responsible position in the life of the child and such
parent's parental rights of another child were previously terminated pursuant to a petition
filed by the Commissioner of Children and Families; (F) the parent has killed through
deliberate, nonaccidental act another child of the parent or has requested, commanded,
importuned, attempted, conspired or solicited such killing or has committed an assault,
through deliberate, nonaccidental act that resulted in serious bodily injury of another
child of the parent; or (G) the parent was convicted as an adult or a delinquent by a court
of competent jurisdiction of sexual assault resulting in the conception of a child except
for a violation of section 53a-71 or 53a-73a provided the court may terminate such
parent's parental rights to such child at any time after such conviction.
(h) Except in the case where termination is based on consent, in determining whether
to terminate parental rights under this section, the court shall consider and shall make
written findings regarding: (1) The timeliness, nature and extent of services offered,
provided and made available to the parent and the child by a child-placing agency to
facilitate the reunion of the child with the parent; (2) the terms of any applicable court
order entered into and agreed upon by any individual or child-placing agency and the
parent, and the extent to which all parties have fulfilled their obligations under such
order; (3) the feelings and emotional ties of the child with respect to the child's parents,
any guardian of the child's person and any person who has exercised physical care,
custody or control of the child for at least one year and with whom the child has developed
significant emotional ties; (4) the age of the child; (5) the efforts the parent has made
to adjust such parent's circumstances, conduct or conditions to make it in the best interest
of the child to return the child to the parent's home in the foreseeable future, including,
but not limited to, (A) the extent to which the parent has maintained contact with the
child as part of an effort to reunite the child with the parent, provided the court may
give weight to incidental visitations, communications or contributions and (B) the maintenance of regular contact or communication with the guardian or other custodian of
the child; and (6) the extent to which a parent has been prevented from maintaining a
meaningful relationship with the child by the unreasonable act or conduct of the other
parent of the child, or the unreasonable act of any other person or by the economic
circumstances of the parent.
(i) If the parental rights of only one parent are terminated, the remaining parent
shall be sole parent and, unless otherwise provided by law, guardian of the person.
(j) In the case where termination of parental rights is granted, the guardian of the
person or statutory parent shall report to the court within thirty days of the date judgment
is entered on a case plan, as defined by the federal Adoption Assistance and Child
Welfare Act of 1980, as amended from time to time, for the child. At least every three
months thereafter, such guardian or statutory parent shall make a report to the court on
the implementation of the plan. The court may convene a hearing upon the filing of a
report and shall convene a hearing for the purpose of reviewing the plan no more than
twelve months from the date judgment is entered or from the date of the last permanency
hearing held pursuant to subsection (k) of section 46b-129 if the child or youth is in the
care and custody of the Commissioner of Children and Families, whichever is earlier,
and at least once a year thereafter until such time as any proposed adoption plan has
become finalized. If the Commissioner of Children and Families is the statutory parent
for the child, at such a hearing the court shall determine whether the department has
made reasonable efforts to achieve the permanency plan.
(P.A. 73-156, S. 7; P.A. 74-164, S. 6, 20; P.A. 75-420, S. 4, 6; P.A. 76-436, S. 644, 681; P.A. 77-614, S. 521, 610; P.A.
79-592, S. 3; 79-631, S. 79, 111; P.A. 80-476, S. 146; P.A. 82-202, S. 2; P.A. 83-387, S. 2; 83-478, S. 2; June Sp. Sess.
P.A. 83-11, S. 2, 4; P.A. 84-171, S. 6, 7; 84-449, S. 4, 7; P.A. 90-31, S. 5, 9; P.A. 93-91, S. 1, 2; 93-193, S. 2; P.A. 94-81,
S. 2; P.A. 95-238, S. 5; 95-316, S. 8; P.A. 96-130, S. 7; 96-170, S. 7, 23; 96-246, S. 19; P.A. 97-90, S. 5, 6; P.A. 98-241,
S. 9, 18; P.A. 00-75, S. 2; 00-137, S. 12; P.A. 01-159, S. 6.)
History: P.A. 74-164 specified applicability of provisions to hearings for termination of parental rights filed in probate
court, brought to juvenile court or transferred to juvenile court, specified that hearing be not more than 30 days after receipt
of report or expiration of 90-day period, added proviso re waiver of requirement that one year of abandonment has expired
in Subdiv. (1), deleted similar proviso in Subdiv. (2) where court could waive one-year requirement if it found that child
under age of 3 because of his age "has a greater vulnerability to damage from the circumstances of his present situation",
added Subdiv. (3) where there are no identifiable acts of parental commission or omission but court sees no ongoing parent-child relationship and to continue the situation to allow for establishment or reestablishment of such relationship would be
detrimental to child, deleted provision whereby court could approve termination where parent without custody unreasonably
withholds consent "contrary to the best interest of the child", and added provisions specifying that when one parent's rights
are terminated, the remaining parent is sole parent and natural guardian and specifying court's power to terminate rights
of parent or putative father if such person consents to the termination and waives notice; P.A. 75-420 replaced welfare
commissioner with commissioner of social services; P.A. 76-436 replaced juvenile court with superior court, effective
July 1, 1978; P.A. 77-614 replaced social services commissioner with commissioner of human resources, effective January
1, 1979; P.A. 79-592 added provisions re effect of claim for paternity on proceedings and, with P.A. 79-631, replaced human
resources commissioner with commissioner of children and youth services; P.A. 80-476 divided section into Subsecs. and
rephrased and reordered provisions; P.A. 82-202 amended Subsec. (d) by requiring finding upon standard of "clear and
convincing evidence"; P.A. 83-387 inserted a new Subsec. (e) to require the court to consider and make written findings
concerning certain factors in its determination of whether to terminate parental rights, and relettered the remaining subsection accordingly; P.A. 83-478 amended Subsec. (d) to rephrase the grounds for termination, to provide that "nonaccidental
or inadequately explained serious physical injury to a child shall constitute prima facie evidence of acts of parental commission or omission sufficient for the termination of parental rights", to require the court to find in connection with any of the
grounds, rather than just the abandonment ground, that the termination is in the best interests of the child and that the
condition causing termination has existed for not less than one year, and to authorize the court to waive the requirement
that one year expire prior to the termination of parental rights, but because of omission from June special session act, was
effective only from October 1, 1983, through March 31, 1984, that is, until June act's effective date of April 1, 1984; June
Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-11 inserted a new Subsec. (b) re the appointment and payment of counsel, inserted a new Subsec. (d) re
an examination of the child, parent or custodian and the payment for such examination, and relettered the intervening and
remaining subsections accordingly, effective April 1, 1984; P.A. 84-171 amended Subsec. (f) to restore amendment made
by P.A. 83-478; P.A. 84-449 substantially revised and rephrased section adding provisions re the procedure for termination
of parental rights based on consent and revising provisions for the appointment and payment of counsel and the ordering
of and payment for an examination of the child; P.A. 90-31 amended Subsec. (b) by adding provision that in the case of
a probate court matter, reasonable compensation of counsel appointed for the parent or child shall be established by the
probate court administrator and paid from the probate court administration fund and amended Subsec. (d) by adding
provision that expenses in a probate court matter shall be paid from the probate court administration fund; Sec. 45-61f
transferred to Sec. 45a-717 in 1991; P.A. 93-91 substituted commissioner and department of children and families for
commissioner and department of children and youth services, effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 93-193 amended Subsec. (g) by
adding provision re abandonment of a child under the age of 6 months as evidence that waiver necessary to promote best
interest of child and requiring department to file affidavit indicating efforts used to locate parent; P.A. 94-81 amended
Subsec. (k) by specifying that 90-day deadline for initial reports begins on date judgment is entered, by specifying that
guardian or statutory parent to make subsequent report and requiring the court to convene hearing for review of plan no
more than 15 months from date judgment is entered and at least once a year thereafter; P.A. 95-238 added Subsec. (f)(4)
re unregenerate parents and Subsec. (g)(2) re children under age 7 and made technical changes; P.A. 95-316 amended
Subsec. (k) by deleting reference to applicability in cases where termination of parental rights is "based on consent"; P.A.
96-130 made technical changes to Subsecs. (a), (b), (e), (f), (h) and (k); P.A. 96-170 amended Subsecs. (b) and (d) by
changing funding of compensation of counsel and examination from Probate Court Administration Fund to funds appropriated to Judicial Department, unless funds not included in budget of Judicial Department for such purpose, effective July
1, 1998; P.A. 96-246 revised section, amending Subsec. (f) to include granting of petitions based on consent and procedure
when denial of petition based on consent, amending Subsec. (g) re grounds for granting termination petition, appointment
of guardian or statutory parent and amending Subsec. (i) by adding "and made available" after "provided." (Revisor's
note: In Subsec. (g) the word "which" was inserted editorially by the Revisors in the phrase "... and (2) over an extended
period of time, except as provided in subsection (h) of this section, which shall not be less than one year ..."); P.A. 97-90
revised effective date of P.A. 96-170 but without affecting this section; P.A. 98-241 amended Subsec. (g) by adding
"including, but not limited to sexual molestation and exploitation, severe physical abuse or a pattern of abuse", amended
Subpara. (D)(ii) re finding of neglect of child in custody for at least 15 months and parent has been provided specific steps
to facilitate return of child, added Subparas. (F) and (G) re serious bodily harm or death of sibling or conviction of parent
of sexual assault resulting in conception of child, and deleted Subsec. (h) re conditions for waiving time limit in Subsec.
(g), effective July 1, 1998; P.A. 00-75 amended Subsec. (g)(2)(D)(i) by adding "or the Probate Court"; P.A. 00-137 amended
Subsec. (g)(2) by making technical changes in Subpara. (D) and by adding "as an adult or a delinquent" and proviso that
court may terminate parent's parental rights at any time after conviction in Subpara. (G); P.A. 01-159 amended Subsec.
(j) by requiring report 30 days after judgment re case plan and at least every 3 months thereafter re progress made on
implementation of plan, adding provision that court may convene hearing on filing of report, requiring hearing for purpose
of reviewing plan to convene not more than 12 months from judgment or date of last permanency hearing, and adding
provision that at the hearing, the court shall determine whether department has made reasonable efforts to achieve permanency plan.
See Sec. 17a-112 re termination of parental rights of child committed to Commissioner of Children and Families.
Annotations to former section 45-61f:
Cited. 175 C. 527. Held not to be unconstitutionally vague and not an impermissible delegation of unfettered discretion.
179 C. 155. Cited. 182 C. 545. Cited. 187 C. 431. Cited. 198 C. 138.
Cited. 3 CA 184. Cited. Id., 194. Cited. 6 CA 360. Cited. 8 CA 92. Cited. 11 CA 507. Cited. 14 CA 805. Cited. 24 CA
135. Cited. 25 CA 586; judgment reversed, see 223 C. 492. Cited. 29 CA 112.
Cited. 36 CS 94. Cited. 40 CS 316.
Subsec. (a):
Cited. 188 C. 259.
Subsec. (c):
Cited. 192 C. 254.
Subsec. (d):
Cited. 192 C. 254. Cited. 196 C. 18.
Cited. 9 CA 490.
Subsec. (e):
Cited. 196 C. 18.
Cited. 13 CA 23.
Subsec. (f):
Cited. 217 C. 459.
Cited. 9 CA 598. Cited. 21 CA 226.
Subsec. (g):
Cited. 9 CA 813.
Subsec. (h):
Cited. 215 C. 277.
Cited. 21 CA 226.
Annotations to present section:
Cited. 223 C. 492. Cited. 234 C. 194.
Cited. 24 CA 135. Cited. 25 CA 586; judgment reversed, see 223 C. 492. Cited. 29 CA 600. Cited. 35 CA 490.
Cited. 44 CS 169.
Subsec. (d):
Cited. 39 CA 353.
Subsec. (e):
Subdiv. (1) Cited. 34 CA 176.
Incorrectly cited as "45a-117(e)(1)". 44 CS 551.
Subsec. (f):
Cited. 217 C. 459. Subdiv. (3): Cannot be read together with Sec. 46b-129 so as to permit custody determinations made
under that statute to lead directly to the termination determination made under this section; judgment of appellate court in
In re Valerie D., 25 CA 586, reversed. Id., C. 492.
Subdiv. (3) cited. 25 CA 586; judgment reversed, see 223 C. 492. Cited. 29 CA 176. Trial court determination to
terminate parental rights upheld. 49 CA 541.
Subsec. (h):
Cited. 34 CA 176. Cited. 40 CA 675.